Oh, do, do! There's a dear!'

Luckily for him, just then, the upstairs bell rang, and he was able to effect a hasty retreat up the area steps.

Taking a cab, he called on his cousins to arrange for the evening, after which he returned to his own rooms, and rested the remainder of the day.

About 10 p.m. found our three chums, arm in arm, elbowing their way down Regent Street, where the crowd became denser every moment, and at places was quite impassable, where the illuminations were more splendid than ordinary.

The groping for c-ks and c — ts seemed the proper thing to do; everyone in the crowd seemed to understand that, and the three friends had immense fun with a modest old lady and her daughter, who, although awfully indignant, were perfectly helpless, and were so teased and handled that they sighed and spent with desire, in spite of the shame that they felt.

Next a large closed furniture removal van which they were jammed against attracted their attention. It had portholes, like a ship, along the sides, and was lighted up inside.

Charlie mounted on one of the wheels, till he could peep inside, and found two old swells and several girls, nearly as naked as they could be, sporting their q — ms to amuse the old fellows, who had each got one of the nymphs of the pavement to frig him.

'Hullo!' shouted Charlie, forcing in the round glass, which acted on a pivot. 'Don't you want some real f-k-g in there? We've got three good stiff p — ks out here, if you'll let us in.'

'Eh! Egad! It wouldn't be amiss,' said one of the old gents. 'Let's have them in for a lark.'

It was a matter of the greatest difficulty to effect an entrance by getting round to the rear of the van, and squeezing through the partially opened door.

'You look proper sparks,' said one of their entertainers, opening a bottle of fizz. 'Just a wet, by way of introduction, then the girls will soon take the stand out of you. Have you had some good gropes among the crowd?'

'Just what we wanted! They're three beauties,' exclaimed the girls, as they brought out the stiff p — ks of Charlie, Harry, and Frank.

There were six girls in all, and the three chums had all their work to do to give a f- k to each girl in turn. This, however, they did, much to the delight of the two jolly old cockolorums, who handled their fine firm pegos with unbounded delight, postillioning their bottoms, and licking their fingers with the greatest of gusto, after they had thrust them into the reeking q — ms of the girls, to see how the f-k — g was going on.

One of their hosts, in particular was ravenous to gamahuche and lick up all the spending from the swimming c — ts after each go in.

Little notice was taken of the illuminations as the lumbering van slowly forged its way through the surging crowd, which little suspected the lascivious orgie being enacted inside the sober looking van.

For three hours the game was kept up with spirit, till the three friends were so tired out, and overcome by the lots of champagne they had taken, that, when at length the van was driven into the grounds of a private house and stopped before the hall door, they were too stupid even to put on their clothes, and along with the girls were carried into the house by two or three flunkeys, who deposited the dissipated crew on some ottomans and sofas in a large and brilliantly lighted saloon.

Charlie was not quite so drunk but he had a dim recollection of curious liberties which the old gents took with his naked person, and for a day or two afterwards Frank and Harry as well as himself confessed to feeling rather stretched and sore, as if their rear virginity had been ravished when they were helpless to prevent what they afterwards felt quite disgusted at.

But it is anticipating the course of events. About five in the morning our hero quite recovered himself, and, waking from the short deep drunken sleep, found the sun streaming in through a window, so drawing aside the light lace curtains he found it looked onto a beautiful croquet ground surrounded by parterres of splendid flowers, and screened on every side by dense foliage of shrubs and trees.

Turning to the apartment, the two old gentlemen were fast asleep in armchairs, each with his trousers down, and a naked girl resting her head on his thigh, side by side with the languid p — k, which she had been in the act of gamahuching when they were all overcome by sleep.

Frank and Harry were lying mixed up with the other four girls on a very large and splendid catskin rug, all naked, forming a charming tableau, as the golden rays of the sun glanced on the warm flesh tints.

Just then a lovely young lady, wrapped in a dressing gown peeped into the room and Charlie, all naked as he was, bounded across from the window to meet her, but she putting her finger to her lips, signalled him to follow her as she withdrew from the room. He crossed the vestibule close behind her into a magnificent boudoir, the door was locked, and she threw herself into his arms, exclaiming 'at least, I am sure you are not one of the filthy unnatural fellows my uncles usually bring here, I have not the least doubt you three have been tricked, made tipsy and outraged by them! Oh pity me, for I am a prisoner in this house — they have cheated me out of my father's immense fortune- and made me their lady housekeeper, where, just because I can't help myself, and the hope of some day succeeding to what they have cheated me out of, I have to shut my eyes and pretend not to see their horrible goings on, and even sometimes myself submit to their unnatural whims in my own person, without ever getting from them the satisfaction which a warm female nature requires. My case is like that of the lady you read of in the Arabian Nights, who although the jealous Genie kept her locked in a glass box, yet managed now and then to get a fresh lover, but very few suitable youths come to this house, they are mostly those debased men-women who prostitute themselves for money. Only four times in three years, have I had the delight to welcome to my boudoir such a one as I could surrender myself to. Do you know why you awoke first? It is because, when I looked over the lustful group asleep after their beastly orgie, you charmed my eye, so scattering some drops of a very somniferous essence over all the others, I applied reviving salts, amp;c, to your nostrils, and here you are my prize. We're safe for several hours! she concluded, opening her dressing gown and throwing her lovely naked form upon his equally nude figure.

Receiving her in his arms, his p — k as rampant as ever (how could it be otherwise when thus challenged by such a lovely creature), taking her in his embrace, he carried her a few steps till she fell back upon a soft, wide couch.

Her delicate hand had already taken possession of his throbbing staff, and now at once applied its head to her burning notch, which was literally brimming over from a luscious anticipatory emission.

Drawing him upon her, her legs enlaced over his buttocks, she heaved up her bottom in enraptured delight, as the shaft slowly entered the well lubricated, yet tight sheath.

Then they paused for a moment or two, billing and kissing, tongue to tongue, as both evidently thoroughly enjoyed the sense of possession that they imparted to each other by mutual throbs and contractions, till, giving a long-drawn deep sigh of desire, she challenged him by her motions to ride on and complete her happiness.

Charlie literally trembled from excess of emotion, and the rapidity with which this bewildering and luscious adventure had fallen upon him. Her first few moves made him spend before he wished to, and in spite of his unsatisfied desires, his pego at once lost its stiffness, to the great chagrin of the lovers.

'Ah, I understand,' she exclaimed; 'it is over-excitement, after the enervating debauch of last night. Wait a moment, my dear, and we will soon be happy enough!'

Saying which, she ran to a cabinet for some Eau de Cologne, sprinkling a few drops over his excited face, then, pouring the rest of the bottle into a small china bowl with water, she sponged his limp p — k with it, then dried it on a soft handkerchief, and then kissed, sucked, and caressed the manly jewel with such marvellous endearment that she soon had him standing again in all his glory of ruby head and ivory shaft, the sight of which seemed quite to ravish her senses, for she threw herself on the sofa, and begged he would at once let her have the only thing that could possibly assuage her raging lasciviousness.

'Ah, I'm afraid you'll think me awfully lewd!' she sighed, blushing more crimson than ever.

This charming appeal was irresistible; he now charged her foaming fanny with such effect that she raved in ecstasies of delight, biting and kissing him by turns in her voluptuous frenzy, twisting, squirming her body, and throwing first over his loins, and then stiffening out straight in the dying ecstasies of spending, his p — k all the while revelling in the warmth and extraordinary lubricity of the tight grasping sheath, which held it so passionately that it stiffened more and more from excessive lust, that when he came it was quite a painful acme of delight. The tip of his pego was so tender that he positively could not bear the loving, sucking contractions of her womb, as it

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