Colin Dexter
The Way Through The Woods
The tenth book in the Inspector Morse series, 1997
The author and publishers wish to thank the following who have kindly given permission for use of copyright materials:
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Faber & Faber Ltd for the extract from 'La Figlia Che Piange' in
Oxford University Press for the extract from 'austin, Alfred (1835-1913)' from the
Don Manley for the extract from the
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Kate Champkin for the extract from
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Faber & Faber Ltd for the extract from 'I Have Started to Say',
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The University of Oxford for the extract from the Wytham Woods deed.
Even effort has been made to trace all the copyright holders but if any has been inadvertently overlooked, the author and publishers will be pleased to make the necessary arrangement at the first opportunity.
Maps of Wytham Woods and Blenheim Park drawn by Graeme James.
Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be whiter, yea whiter, than snow
Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent
'I must speak to you.'
'Speak on, my child.'
'I've not often come to your church.'
'It is not my church – it is God's church. We are all children of God.'
'I've come to confess a big sin.'
'It is proper that all sins should be confessed.'
'Can all sins be forgiven?'
'When we, sinful mortals as we are, can find it in our hearts to forgive each other, think only of our infinitely merciful Father, who understands our every weakness – who knows us all far better than we know ourselves.'
'I don't believe in God.'
'And you consider that as of any great importance?'
'I don't understand you.'
'Would it not be of far greater importance if God did not believe in
'You're speaking like a Jesuit.'
‘Forgive me.'
'It's not you – it's
'Do you recall Pilgrim, when at last he confessed his sins to God? How the weight of the great burden was