specific needs are communicated to the Linux kernel. The global variable ppc_md, of type struct machdep_calls, provides the hooks to easily customize the Linux kernel for a PowerPC platform. This variable is declared in .../arch/ppc/kernel/setup.c. Many places in the PowerPC-specific kernel branch call functions indirectly through this structure. For example, Listing 16-10 reproduces a portion of .../arch/ppc/kernel/setup.c, which contains support for the restart, power-off, and halt functions:
Listing 16-10. Generic PowerPC Machine Functions
void machine_restart(char *cmd) {
void machine_power_off(void) {
void machine_halt(void) {
These functions are called via the ppc_md structure and contain the machine- or platform-specific variants of these functions. You can see that some of these functions are machine specific and come from mpc52xx_* variants of the functions. Examples of these include mpc52xx_restart and mpc52xx_map_io. Others are specific to the hardware platform. Examples of platform-specific routines include lite5200_map_irq and lite5200_setup_arch.
16.4. Putting It All Together
Now that we have a reference from which to proceed, we can create the necessary files and functions for our own custom board. We copy the Lite5200 platform files for our baseline and modify them for our custom PowerPC platform. We'll call our new platform
1. Add a new configuration option to ...arch/ppc/Kconfig.
2. Copy lite5200.* to powerdna.* as a baseline.
3. Edit new powerdna.* files as appropriate for our platform.
4. Edit .../arch/ppc/Makefile to conditionally include powerdna.o.
5. Compile, load, and debug!
You learned how to add a configuration option to Kconfig in Chapter 4. The configuration option for our new PowerDNA port is detailed in Listing 16-11.
Listing 16-11. Configuration Option for PowerDNA
bool 'United Electronics Industries PowerDNA'
select PPC_MPC52xx
Support for the UEI PowerDNA board
This Kconfig entry is added just below the entry for LITE5200 because they are related.[114] Figure 16-4 illustrates the results when the configuration utility is invoked.
Figure 16-4. Machine type option for PowerDNA

Notice that when the user selects POWERDNA, two important actions are performed:
1. The CONFIG_PPC_MPC52xx configuration option is automatically selected. This is accomplished by the select keyword in Listing 16-11.
2. A new configuration option, CONFIG_POWERDNA, is defined that will drive the configuration for our build.
The next step is to copy the files closest to our platform as the basis of our new platform-initialization files. We have already decided that the Lite5200 platform fits the bill. Copy lite5200.c to powerdna.c, and lite5200.h to powerdna.h. The difficult part comes next. Using the hardware specifications, schematics, and any other data you have on the hardware platform, edit the new powerdna.* files as appropriate for your hardware. Get the code to compile, and then proceed to boot and debug your new kernel. There is no shortcut here, nor any substitute for experience. It is the hard work of porting, but now at least you know where to start. Many tips and techniques for kernel debugging are presented in Chapter 14, 'Kernel Debugging Techniques.'
To summarize our porting effort, Listing 16-12 details the files that have been added or modified to get Linux running on the PowerDNA board.
Listing 16-12. PowerDNA New or Modified Kernel Files
The first file is the default configuration, which enables a quick kernel configuration based on defaults. It is enabled by invoking make as follows:
$ make ARCH=ppc CROSS_COMPILE=<cross-prefix> powerdna_defconfig
We've already discussed the changes to the Kconfig file. Modification to the makefile is trivialthe purpose is to add support for the new kernel configuration based on CONFIG_POWERDNA. The change consists of adding a single line:
obj-$(CONFIG_POWERDNA) += powerdna.o
The heart of the changes come in the powerdna.[c|h] files and changes to the FEC (Fast Ethernet Controller) layer. There were minor differences between powerdna.c and lite5200.c, the file from which it was derived. Two primary issues required changes. First, PCI was disabled because it is not used in the PowerDNA design. This required some minor tweaking. Second, the PowerDNA design incorporates an unmanaged Ethernet