Clears screen cmp Compares files cp Copies files cpio Extracts or lists files from a cpio archive crond BusyBox's version of cron daemon crontab Manages crontab control file cut Prints selected fields from each input file to standard output date Displays or sets the system time dc Tiny RPN calculator dd Copies a file, converting and formatting according to options deallocvt Deallocates unused virtual terminal /dev/ttyN delgroup Deletes a group from the system deluser Deletes a user from the system devfsd Obsolete daemon for managing devfs permissions and old device name symlinks df Prints the file system space used and space available dirname Strips a nondirectory suffix from a filename dmesg Prints or controls the kernel ring buffer dos2unix Converts a file from DOS format to UNIX format dpkg Utility to install, remove, and manage Debian packages dpkg-deb Performs actions on Debian packages (debs) du Summarizes disk space used for each file and/or directory dumpkmap Prints a binary keyboard-translation table to standard output dumpleases Displays the DHCP leases granted by udhcpd echo Prints the specified ARGs to stdout env Prints the current environment or runs a program after setting
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