expr Prints the value of an expression to standard output false Returns an exit code of FALSE (1) fbset Shows and modifies frame buffer settings fdflush Forces floppy disk drive to detect disk change fdformat Low-level-formats a floppy disk fdisk Changes partition table find Searches for files in a directory hierarchy fold Wraps input lines in each file free Displays the amount of free and used system memory freeramdisk Frees all memory used by the specified ramdisk fsckminix Performs a consistency check for MINIX file systems ftpget Retrieves a remote file via FTP ftpput Stores a local file on a remote machine via FTP getopt Parses command options getty Opens a tty, prompts for a login name, and then invokes /bin/login grep Searches for PATTERN in each file or standard input gunzip Uncompresses file (or standard input) gzip Compresses file(s) with maximum compression halt Halts the system hdparm Gets/sets hard disk parameters head Prints first 10 lines of each file to standard output hexdump Dumps files in user-specified binary, octal, hex, character, or decimal format hostid Prints a unique 32-bit identifier for the machine hostname Gets or sets the hostname httpd
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