rx | Receives a file using the xmodem protocol |
sed | Busybox Stream Editor implementation |
seq | Prints a range of numbers to standard output |
setkeycodes | Sets entries into the kernel's scancode-to-keycode map |
sha1sum | Prints or checks SHA1 checksums |
sleep | Delay for specified amount of time |
sort | Sorts lines of text in the specified files |
start-stop-daemon | Program to start and stop services |
strings | Displays printable strings in a binary file |
stty | Displays and modifies terminal settings |
su | Changes user ID or become root |
sulogin | Single user login |
swapoff | Disables virtual memory page swapping |
swapon | Enables virtual memory page swapping |
sync | Writes all buffered file system blocks to disk |
sysctl | Configures kernel parameters at runtime |
syslogd | Linux system and kernel-logging utility |
tail | Prints last 10 lines of each file to standard output |
tar | Creates, extracts, or lists files from a tar file |
tee | Copies standard input to each file and also to standard output |
telnet | BusyBox Telnet client implementation |
telnetd | BusyBox Telnet server implementation |
test | Checks file types and compares values, returning an exit |
tftp | Transfers a file using TFTP protocol |
time |