they receive articles for all newsgroups except the
We'll use the nntpsend command to transport the news via NNTP to the
# /etc/news/newsfeeds file for the Virtual Brewery
# Send all newsgroups except the control and junk ones by default
# Generate overview data for any newsreaders to use.
# Feed the Groucho Marx University everything except our private newsgroup
# and any articles posted to the rec.crafts.brewing.poison newsgroup.
The nntpsend.ctl file
The nntpsend program manages the transmission of news articles using the NNTP protocol by calling the innxmit command. We saw a simple use of the nntpsend command earlier, but it too has a configuration file that provides us with some flexibility in how we configure our news feeds.
The nntpsend command expects to find batch files for the sites it will feed. It expects those batch files to be named
The nntpsend command has a configuration file called
The following list describes the elements of this format:
The sitename as supplied in the
The fully qualified domain name of the news server to which we will be feeding the news articles
The maximum volume of news to feed in any single transfer
Additional arguments to pass to the innxmit command
Our sample configuration requires a very simple
# /etc/news/nntpsend.ctl
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Controlling Newsreader Access
Not so many years ago, it was common for organizations to provide public access to their news servers. Today it is difficult to locate public news servers; most organizations carefully control who has access to their servers, typically restricting access to users supported on their network. INN provides configuration files to control this access.
The incoming.conf file
We mentioned in our introduction to INN that it achieves some of its efficiency and size by separating the news feed mechanism from the newsreading mechanism. The
Curly brace characters ({}) are used to delimit the start and end of the group and peer specifications. The # character marks the rest of the line it appears on as a comment. Key/value pairs are separated by the colon character and appear one to a line.
A number of different keys may be specified. The more common and useful are:
This key specifies a comma-separated list of fully qualifed names or IP addresses of the peers that we'll allow to send us articles. If this key is not supplied, the hostname defaults to the label of the peer.
This key determines whether streaming commands are allowed from this host. It is a Boolean value that defaults to true.
This key specifies the maximum number of connections allowed from this group or peer. A value of zero