948. Cowling, p. 122, 135; cf. B. Semmel, Imperialism and Social Reform, p. 256.
949. H. Frankel & R. Manvell, Hermann Goering (Hannover, 1964), S. 171.
950. Cowling, p. 166, 162.
951. Cowling, p. 284–285; cf. Josef Henke, England in Hitlers politischem Kalkul (1973), p. 14; Martin Thomas, Britain, France and Appeasement (Oxford, 1956), pp. 91f; Robert Rhodes James (Editor), Chips: The Diaries of Sir Henry Channon (London, 1967), p. 198: 11. May 1939.
952. English Review of September 1936, p. 204 in Griffiths, p. 233.
952a. Enrique Moradiellos, La perfidia de Albion. El gobierno britanico у la guerra civil espafiola (Madrid, 1996), p. 201.
953. Cowling, p. 275, 273.
954. Cowling, p. 263, 281.
955. Cowling, p. 160–162, 274–275.
955a. On Wilson-Knight cf. James Anthony Froude, cited by Hans Galinsky, 'Sendungsbewusstsein der politischen Fuhrungsschicht im heutigen Britentum': Anglia, Zeitschrift fur englische Philologie, Vol. LXIV (Halle, 1940), S. 319; F. Brie, Imperialistische Stromungen in der englischen Literatur (Halle, 1928), S. 128.
956. Cowling, p. 266, 125, 376.
956a. Keith Middlemas, The Strategy of Appeasement. The British Government and Germany 1937–1939 (Chicago, 1972), p. 100: Parliamentary Debates, Fifth Series, Vol. 332 in House of Commons, February, 1938, Hansard (London, 1938), Col. 227.
957. Cowling, p. 126, 269–270; J. A. Cromb, Reflections on Destiny of Imperia Britain (London, 1900), p. 209.
958. Cowling, p. 162, 169; T. Kushner & K. Lunn, Traditions of Intolerance… Fascist and racist discourse in Britain (Manchester, 1989), p. 183; Domville Diaries of 12. November, 1939; cf. Gaines Post, Dilemmas of Appessement (Ithaca, USA, 1993), p. 60 and Douglas Little, Malevolent Neutrality (Ithaca, USA, 1985), p. 43.
959. Transatlantisches Ferngesprach mit Professor Dr. Hans-Adolf Jacobson vom 8. Mai 1996; Jan Colvin, The Chamberlain Cabinet. How the meetings … led to the Second World War (London, 1971), p. 266, 260; L. Amery, My