political Life (London, 1955), Vol. III, p. 309; Carrelli Barnett, The Collapse of British Power (1997), p. 573; R. Cockett, Twilight of Truth (London, 1989), p. 83, 82, 189, 188.


960. Ivonne Kirkpatrick, Inner Circle (London, 1957), p. 195; Margaret George, Warped Vision. British foreign policy 1933–1939 (Pittsburgh, USA, 1965), p. 199; William Rock, British Appeasement in the 1930's (London, 1977), p. 28, 67, 89f.


960a. Erich Kordt, Nicht aus den Akten. Die Wilhelmstrasse in Frieden und Krieg. Erlebnisse, Begegnungen und Eindrucke 1928–1945 (Stuttgart, 1950), S. 248; internationale Militargerichtshof, IV, S. 466: Jodl; Meehan, Unnecessary War, p. 135.


960b. Winston Churchill, The Second World War, I: The Gathering Storm (London, 1950), pp. 281f, 286, 301f; Robert Caputi, Neville Chamberlain and Appeasement (London, 2000), p. 50; Andrew Rothstein, The Munich Conspiracy (London, 1958), p. 194f; Jan Colvin, The Chamberlain Cabinet. How the meetings … led to the Second World War (London, 1971), p. 269; L. S. Amery, My political Life (London, 1955), Vol. III, p. 288f; cf G. Jukes, 'The Red Army and the Munich Crisis': Journal of Contemporary History, Vol. XXVI, pp.202, 203.


960c. Hitler, Zweites Buch (wie Anm. 3), S. 147.


960d. Albert Sneer, Erinnerungen (Frankfurt, 1969), S. 125.


960e. Nuerenberg Trial of the Major War Criminals, XI, S. 2: Rothstein, p. 198; Patricia Meehan, p. 134.


960f. Heinz Drummel, Vom Anschluss zum Krieg (Wien, 1989), S. 263.


960g. Siegfried Westphal, Heer in Fesseln. Aus Papieren des Stabschefs von Rommel, Kesselring und Runstedt (Bonn, 1950), S. 73f; Rothstein, S. 201; Kimche, The Unfought Battle (London, 1968), S. 29; Robert Caputi, Neville Chamberlain and Appeasement (London, 2000), p. 210.


960h. Nuerenberg Trial (…), XV, p. 320, 368f in: Rothstein, S. 195.


960i. W, Jaksch, Der Weg nach Potsdam (Stuttgart, 1958), S. 317.


961. John A. Lucacs, The Great Powers and Eastern Europe (New York, 1953), p. 172–189; William Rock, British Appeasement in the 1930's (London, 1977), p. 19; Andrew Rothstein, The Munich Conspiracy (London, 1958), p. 201, 249; Richard Overy, Russia's War (New York, 1977), p. 61, citing G. Jukes, 'The Red Army and the Munich Criss': Journal of Contemporary History, Vol XXVI, pp. 196–198; Patricia Meehan, The Unnecessary War, pp. I74f.


962. H. R. W. Seton-Watson, Munich and the Dictators (London, 1939), p. 139, 88f, 91–94; M. J. Carley, 1939: The Alliance that never was, p. 209.


963. Akten zur deutschen auswartigen Politik. Serie D, Bd. VIII, Erster Teil (Frankfurt, 1961), S. 715. Vgl. ibid., Bd. II (Baden-Baden, 1950), S. 292: Dokument 227 vom 31. Mai 1938; H. R. W. Seton-Watson, Munich and the Dictators, p. 69.

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