Faulk sighed and rubbed his face with his hands, the way people do when they're too exhausted to think.

'I wanted to see what he was making. He's been copying his stuff from me, and Meg and – oh, I don't know how many other blacksmiths. The man doesn't have a creative bone in his body. I wanted to see what he was ripping off.'

'What, are you suing him or something?'

'Well, maybe,' he said, glancing at me. 'Meg and I have been talking about it. But mainly I wanted to see who was going to try to dismember the little weasel. I've had to pull other blacksmiths off him the last four or five shows we've been at together, to keep them from beating him to a pulp. I wanted to see who was going to try to k – hurt him this time. That's why I didn't tell you,' he said, turning to me. 'I know you'd only get ticked off.'

'I think I had a right to know,' I said.

'Yeah,' he said. 'You did. And I was going to tell you after the fair. I figured you'd be upset at first, but if he wasn't around, it would be okay. I mean, you hated making the flamingos so much; I figured once you got past your first reaction, it would be okay. You wouldn't mind as much.'

'No,' I said. 'I hated making them, but they were my flamingos. I'd have minded.'

Faulk nodded.

'Minded enough to go after him?' Monty interrupted.

'Me?' I spluttered.

'No,' Faulk said, smiling faintly. 'I can't imagine Meg going in for physical violence when she can do a lot more painful damage with that tongue of hers.'

'Gee, thanks,' I muttered.

'And, of course, you've never gone after him yourself, have you?' Monty said.

'No,' Faulk said, keeping his voice even.

'Yeah, I figured you'd say that,' Monty went on. 'Everyone around here says you don't fly off the handle easily, but when you do lose your temper – watch out. So who knows? My information says you were about to go bankrupt, supporting your little friend's lawsuit against Benson. Then again, maybe you mistook this Benson fellow for Tony here, who was ripping you off. He's about the same size and build, and like that reporter keeps saying, everyone looks alike in these damned blue uniforms. I don't really care which one you had it in for. You had reasons to hate 'em both; I'll let the DA sort it out which one you thought you were killing. Fred, read him his rights and slap a pair of cuffs on him.'

A craft fair's like a small town whoncvcr something interesting happens, everyone seems to find out all at once, as if by telepathy or jungle drums. So I suppose I shouldn't have been surprised to find quite a few people lurking in the vicinity of the operations tent when we came out to watch Faulk being led off to the squad car. And since Faulk was generally well liked, I could hear shocked and resentful murmurs running through the crowd.

'Meg – break it to Tad, will you?' Faulk said, over his shoulder. 'And see if you can convince him that now is not the time to be stiff-necked, and he should call my parents about finding a lawyer. They might even offer to pay; God knows I'm going to have a hard time doing it.'

I nodded.

'Uh… can I help?' Rob said, stepping out of his place in the watching crowd. 'I mean, you at least need an attorney with you for the arraignment. Or I could go get one of the uncles if you'd rather.'

'No, you'll do fine, Rob,' Faulk said. 'And maybe you can figure out how to arrange bail, so I don't have to spend the rest of the weekend in durance vile.'

'I don't think our durances are all that vile,' I said. 'It's a pretty new jail.'

'Yeah, right,' Faulk said, as the police went through the ritual of holding his head so he didn't strike it on the doorframe while getting into the car. 'See you, sword lady.'

'I can't believe you're stupid enough to think Faulk is the killer,' I blurted out to Monty as he was getting into the front seat of the car.

'Yeah, well, I was thinking it was your friend with the braids until his alibi came forward,' Monty said.

'Alibi,' Faulk echoed, from inside the car. 'Tad was off by himself, playing Doom on his laptop when the murder happened.'

'Yeah, well, I guess he would say something like that,' Monty said, with a sly smirk. 'But the guy he was with came in a couple of hours ago and alibied him. Hey, there's another possible motive,' he said, turning to me. 'Mr. Cates here found out his boyfriend was two-timing him and killed the next person he met in a jealous rage.'

With that, he ducked into the car and slammed the door, just in time to save me from a charge of assaulting a police officer when I impulsively hurled my haversack at his head. It bounced harmlessly off the car instead.

'Well, that was stupid,' I muttered, as I bent to pick it up and check the contents for breakage.

'I'm sorry, Meg,' Michael said. 'I know Faulk's your friend.'

'And he's not a killer, no matter what that idiot Monty thinks,' I replied. 'And I don't believe Tad did that to him, although now Faulk has gone off to jail .thinking he has, and – oh, damn!'

'I believe you,' Michael said. 'Look, tomorrow we can – '

'Michael, I have a copy of our battle orders,' said another French soldier, coming up and handing him a paper.

'Sorry,' Michael said. 'This'll just take a minute.'

He joined a group of white-clad Gatinois chasseurs. Apparently something about the battle orders upset some and made others laugh, but you could tell that overall they were getting excited about the coming skirmish.

Mrs. Waterston hove into sight, flanked by a man in an officer's uniform who was carrying a quill pen, a bottle of ink, and a flat board that seemed to be a colonial-style version of a clipboard.

'Does anyone else want to fight in the skirmish?' Mrs. Waterston called. 'Last chance; come forward if you want to fight in the skirmish!'

I watched as she signed up a number of men, including Cousin Horace, and told them to report to Mrs. Tranh to be outfitted with their uniforms.

What the hell, I thought. Make an effort to share Michael's interests.

I strolled over to where Mrs. Waterston stood.

'If you need bodies, I'd be happy to pitch in,' I said.

'Oh – Meg,' Mrs. Waterston said, as if she wasn't quite sure she recognized me. 'I'm terribly sorry, but you know, women didn't go into combat in those days. I'm afraid we can't allow it.'

She smiled and looked past me, searching the crowd for more male volunteers.

I was about to point out that there were a few other women already fighting, regular members of various units. But then it occurred to me that perhaps Mrs. Waterston hadn't detected this, and would go and insist that they be kicked out. I didn't want to cause anyone any trouble.

'You can watch from the sidelines, you know,' Mrs. Waterston said, noticing that I was still there. 'With all the other camp followers.'

Camp followers?

She's Michael's mother, I told myself, as I forced my hands to unclench, bit back several stinging replies, and walked away.

You don't want to get in an argument with Michael's mother.

And however seductive it might seem right now, killing her would be a bad idea. The police were still swarming all around, and Michael would be upset. I glanced over to where Michael was standing with his unit. He hadn't heard what she said. Maybe she hadn't meant it as an insult. Michael saw me looking at him, said something to his comrades, and headed my way.

'Meg, are you okay?' he asked, as he rejoined me.

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