‘My dear Winston…’, CAC CHAR 20/ 136/004

‘peevish’, Butcher quoting Commander Thompson, Harry C. Butcher, Three Years with Eisenhower, London, 1946, p. 480

‘Winston meanwhile…’, Alanbrooke, p. 553

p. 16 ‘As I understand it…’, Prime Minister to President, 23 February, in answer to telegram No. 457, TNA PREM 3/472

‘an insurrectional government’, quoted in Jean Lacouture, De Gaulle, New York, 1990, p. 511

De Gaulle and Waterloo, Robert and Isabelle Tombs, That Sweet Enemy, London, 2006, p. 569

‘You might do him a great deal…’, Prime Minister to President, 20 April, TNA PREM 3/472

p. 17 ‘I am unable at this time,’ 13 May, TNA PREM 3/472

Eisenhower and CFNL, PDDE, p. 1592

‘acute embarrassment’, SCAF 24, 11 May, TNA PREM 3/345/1

‘a working arrangement’, Prime Minister to President, 12 May, TNA PREM 3/472

Joan of Arc mass, 14 May, SHD-DAT 11 P 218

p. 18 ‘Thanks to jokes…’, quoted in Max Hastings, Overlord, London, 1984, p. 69

‘all the faults…’, Prime Minister to President, 26 May, TNA PREM 3/472

‘the interest of security…’, 13 May, TNA PREM 3/472

‘This did not endear…’, M. R. D. Foot, SOE in France, London, 1966, p. 241

‘C’ to Prime Minister, TNA PREM 3/ 345/1

p. 19 ‘Above all…’, Duff Cooper diary, 2 June, John Julius Norwich (ed.), The Duff Cooper Diaries, London, 2005, p. 306

‘My dear General de Gaulle…’, TNA PREM 3/345/11

‘absolutely unrecognized…’, Charles de Gaulle, Memoires de Guerre, Vol. II, Paris, 1959, pp. 223-4

p. 20 ‘We are going to liberate…’ and ‘To de Gaulle, who never accepted defeat’, quoted in Lacouture, pp. 522

‘wished to suggest…’, Bedell Smith to Churchill, 5 June, TNA PREM 3/339/6 p. 21 ‘Gentlemen, since I presented…’, J. M. Stagg, Forecast for Overlord, London, 1971, p. 113

p. 22 ‘He always gets a lift…’, Butcher, p. 482

cut-throat razors, Pfc Carl Cartledge, 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne, WWII VS

‘to crawl through…’, William True, NWWIIM-EC

p. 23 the paratrooper winning $2,500, Arthur B. ‘Dutch’ Schultz, C Company, 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division, NWWIIM-EC

p. 24 ‘There was a great feeling…’, Parker A. Alford, 26th Field Artillery, 9th Infantry Division, 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment, NWWIIM-EC

‘he also said…’, Don Malarkey, E Company of the 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division, NWWIIM-EC

‘Men, what you’re going…’, Edward C. Boccafogli, 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division, NWWIIM-EC

‘Look to the right of you…’, Major General S. H. Matheson, Regimental Adjutant of the 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division, NWWIIM-EC

p. 25 ‘ubelste Untermenschentum amerikanischer Slums’, BA-MA RW 2/v.44, quoted in Peter Lieb, Konventioneller Krieg oder Weltanschauungskrieg? , Munich, 2007, p. 132

‘one for pain…’, Pfc Carl Cartledge, 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne, WWII VS

p. 26 ‘He was standing there…’, Edward C. Boccafogli, 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division, NWWIIM-EC

‘informality and friendliness with troopers’, Butcher, p. 485

‘What’s your name, soldier?…’, Sherman Oyler, 502nd Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division, NWWIIM-EC p. 27 ‘We were surprised as dickens…’, Edward J. Jeziorski, 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment, NWWIIM-EC

p. 28 ‘One trooper asked…’, Tomaso William Porcella, 3rd Battalion, 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division, NWWIIM-EC

‘We ask you…’, Prime Minister to Stalin, 14 April, TNA PREM 3/472

p. 29 ‘One should not forget…’, Stalin to Prime Minister, TNA PREM 3/333/5

‘We have heard from other sources…’, Gusev diary, AVPRF 59a/7/p13/6, pp. 357-8

p. 30 Vishinsky, AVPRF 06/6/p2/d22, p. 147

‘I have just returned…’, Prime Minister to Stalin, 5 June, TNA PREM 3/346


p. 31 ‘They are supposed…’, Generalleutnant Fritz Bayerlein, Panzer Lehr Division, ETHINT 66

p. 32 Christmas boxes for the Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler, Traudl Junge, Until the Final Hour, London, 2002, p. 79

‘just a bit of cheap bluff’, General der Infanterie Blumentritt, debriefing 6 August 1945, NA II 407/427/24231

Rommel also wanting to abandon Italy, Generalleutnant Speidel, Chief of Staff Army Group B, FMS B-718- 720

p. 33 ‘not favourably received’, Shulman interview with Generalfeldmarschall Gerd von Rundstedt, October 1945, Milton Shulman, Defeat in the West, London, 1986, p. 107

‘We considered the repulse…’, Generalleutnant Fritz Bayerlein, Panzer Lehr Division, ETHINT 66

‘The face of the war…’, Leutnant Kurt Flume diary, 1 June 1944, BfZ-SS

p. 35 ‘When the Government…’, Hans Speidel, We Defended Normandy, London, 1951, p. 88

p. 36 ‘If he does not do…’, IfZ, NOKW- 546, quoted in Peter Lieb, Konventioneller Krieg oder Weltanschauungskrieg?, Munich, 2007, p. 121

panzer army near Paris, Generaloberst Heinz Guderian, ETHINT 38

Rommel and Allied air supremacy, General der Infanterie Blumentritt, debriefing 6 August 1945, NA II 407/427/24231

identification of likely landing sites, General der Infanterie Blumentritt, debriefing 6 August 1945, NA II 407/427/ 24231

p. 37 dummy minefields, Lieutenant Cyril Rand, 2nd Battalion Royal Ulster Rifles, MdC TE 499

‘ear and stomach battalions’, Lieb, p. 106

‘it is really sad…’, Heinrich Boll, Briefe aus dem Krieg 1939-1945, Vol. II, Cologne, 2001, p. 918

‘No good replacements…’, Generalleutnant Fritz Bayerlein, Panzer Lehr Division, ETHINT 66

p. 38 ‘apprehensive impression…’, BA-MA RH 19 iv/129, 28.12.1943, quoted in Lieb, p. 123

‘Plutokratenstaaten Amerika und England’, IfZ, MA-1024, quoted in Lieb, p. 120

‘very different…’, Fernand Louvoy, MdC TE 38

p. 39 ‘You will be liberated…’, Madame Richer, Bayeux, MdC TE 223

‘With this division…’, General-leutnant Fritz Bayerlein, Panzer Lehr Division, ETHINT 66

‘could hardly understand…’, Generalleutnant Edgar Feuchtinger, FMS B-441

p. 40 ‘He was of Spartan-like…’, Oberstleutnant Keil, FMS C-018

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