‘a conqueror’s paradise’, interview with General der Infanterie Blumentritt, February 1946, Shulman, p. 60
‘The enemy will certainly…’, Truppeningenieur, Stab/Pz.Pi.Btl.86, 9.Pz.Div., BfZ-SS
p. 41 ‘They had done nothing…’, Generalleutnant Fritz Bayerlein, Panzer Lehr Division, ETHINT 66
‘King’s Own German Grenadiers’, Shulman interview with Generalfeldmarschall Gerd von Rundstedt, October 1945, Shulman, p. 110
‘the Canada Division’, Speidel, p. 98
Bayeux Wehrmacht facilities, Franz Gockel, MdC TE 500 p. 42 ‘I have here…’, undated letter from Hauptfeldwebel Helmut Lichtenfels, Folder Newbold, Stefan, DDEL
‘I will behave…’, Andre Heintz diary, MdC TE 32 (1-4)
‘Don’t be too concerned…’, Unteroffizier Leopold L., 5.Kp./Pz.Rgt.3, 2.Pz.Div., BfZ-SS
weather conditions, Admiral Friedrich Ruge, Admiral bei der Heeresgruppe B, FMS A-982; and Oberstleutnant Keil, FMS C-018
p. 43 ‘Well, another false…’, Hubert Meyer,
‘Couriers and individual soldiers…’, Generalleutnant Mahlmann, 353rd Infantry-Division, FMS A-983; and Oberst Cordes, Alfred Wei?kopf, AdM 2 J 695
‘made statements…’, Oberstleutnant Fritz Ziegelmann, 352nd Infantry Division, FMS B-021
Alert Stage II, Generalleutnant Bodo Zimmermann, OB West, FMS B-308; and Admiral Friedrich Ruge, FMS B-282
p. 45 SOE estimates of the Resistance, William Mackenzie,
p. 46 ‘Plan Vert’ etc., SHD-DAT 13 P 33
p. 47 Resistance in the Orne,ADdC9W4/2
Resistance information gathering, Andre Heintz diary, MdC TE 32 (1-4)
‘nothing more than…’, First US Army headquarters, 10 March, NA II 407/427/ 24368/595
p. 48 SAS and Jedburghs, M. R. D. Foot,
‘We will undergo…’, Generalleutnant Fritz Bayerlein, Panzer Lehr Division, ETHINT 66
‘minimum diversions’, letter of 24 March from Air Marshal Arthur Harris to Air Chief Marshal Sir Charles Portal, Chief of the Air Staff, HP, Folder H83
p. 49 Harris and Spaatz, Tami Davis Biddle, ‘Bombing by the Square Yard: Sir Arthur Harris at War, 1942- 1945’,
‘should be the main target’, TNA PREM 3/4727
‘However regrettable…’, TNA PREM 3/4727
‘The RAF was a house divided’, Colonel C. H. Bonesteel III, G-3 Plans, 12th Army Group, OCMH-FPP
15,000 French killed and 19,000 injured, AN AJ 41/56
‘You must get control…’, Wing Commander Scarman, Tedder’s aide, OCMH-FPP
Churchill’s inability to see, Marshal of the RAF Viscount Portal, OCMH-FPP
p. 50 ‘God, no!’, Air Chief Marshal Sir James Robb, Chief of Staff (Air) to Eisenhower, OCMH-FPP
‘insolent little sphinx…’, anonymous, MdC TE 83
signals to the Resistance in Normandy, SHD-DAT 13 P 33
p. 51 ‘This is it’, David Howarth,
p. 53 ‘Well, so far…’, Garry Johnson and Christopher Dunphie,
‘Ham’ and ‘Jam’, Private Tappenden, NWWIIM-EC
p. 54 Generalleutnant Joseph Reichert, 711th Infanterie-Division, FMS B-403
p. 55 execution of paratroopers, Peter Lieb,
‘Gentlemen, in spite of…’, Terry Copp,
p. 57 Saint-Pair, Neville Smith, 9th Battalion Parachute Regiment, MdC TE 134 192 of Otway’s men, Howarth, p. 61 ‘Shall we take…’, ibid., p. 56
p. 58 Brigadier Hill’s account,
‘the means of mortal sin’, Mark Zuehlke,
p. 59 ‘The landing went…’, NA II 407/ 427/24170
p. 60 ‘grossly overloaded…’, Legrand Johnson, 101st Airborne Division, NWWIIM-EC
‘by this time…’, Lieutenant John R. Blackburn, Sky Control, USS
p. 61 ‘cocky, unruly characters…’, Roger L. Airgood, C-47 pilot, NWWIIM-EC
‘two islands named…’, Richard H. Denison, 437th Troop Carrier Group, NWWIIM-EC
p. 62 evasive action against orders, NA II 407/427/24137
‘Often, a yellow…’, Lieutenant John R. Blackburn, Sky Control, USS
p. 63 ‘Our plane never did slow…’, Major Leland A. Baker, 502nd Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division, NWWIIM-EC
‘US parachute troops landed…’, Obergefreiter Hans S., 9.Kp./Gren.Rgt.1058, 91.(LL.)Inf.Div., BfZ-SS
‘watermelons falling off…’, Sherman Oyler, 502nd Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division, NWWIIM-EC
p. 64 ‘damn cricket’, Parker A. Alford, attached to 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne, NWWIIM-EC
p. 66 ‘I had put it there…’, John Fitzgerald, 502nd Parachute Infantry Regiment, NWWIIM-EC
Map of the Cotentin, Captain R. H. Brown, 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne, NA II 407/427/24242
‘The Germans thought we were…’, Fred C. Patheiger, 502nd Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division, NWWIIM-EC
‘Ou es Alamon?’, Chris Courneotes Kanaras, 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division, NWWIIM-EC
death of General Falley, Frank McKee, 82nd Airborne Division, NWWIIM-EC
p. 67 ‘Get to the drop zone…’, Chris Courneotes Kanaras, 507th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division, NWWIIM-EC
‘They didn’t come down to give us candies…’, Rainer Hartmetz, NWWIIM-EC p. 68 ‘nobody said a thing’, Ken Cordry, 502nd Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne, NWWIIM-EC
‘you didn’t dare trust him…’, Don Malarkey, E Company, 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division, NWWIIM-EC
‘with their privates cut off…’, William Oatman, 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, NWWIIM-EC
‘their bodies for bayonet practice’, Briand North Beaudin, Medical Officer, 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division, NWWIIM-EC
‘I asked him wherehe got…’, William M. Sawyer, 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment, NWWIIM-EC