‘Antony Beevor has produced a compelling and extraordinary story, richly detailed and engrossingly written. Western scholars owe him a very great debt. We now have the real history of Stalingrad without myth or embellishment’.

Richard Overy, author of Why the Allies Won and Russias War

‘One is convinced by his scholarship, and increasingly moved by the drama… he succeeds brilliantly’.

Nigel Nicolson, Spectator

‘This brilliant tapestry’.

Alan Clark, New Statesman

List of Illustrations


1. Autumn 1941. Soviet prisoners of war being herded to the rear

2. July 1942. German infantry marching towards Stalingrad

3. A village destroyed in the advance

4. German tanks on the Don steppe

5. August 1942. German artillery outside Stalingrad

6. Dr Beck, chaplain of the 297th Infantry Division

7. Paulus, Hitler, Keitel, Haider and Brauchitsch at the Wolf sschanze

8. September 1942. Tanks of the 24th Panzer Division advancing

9. September 1942. Red Army tank troops listening to a speech from Khrushchev

10. The view which greeted Russian reinforcements about to cross the Volga

11. German officer and soldiers attacking factory buildings

12. Russian infantry defending

13. October 1942. Round-up of Stalingrad civilians

14. 62nd Army HQ. Krylov, Chuikov, Gurov and Rodimtsev

15. Red Army assault squad in the ‘Stalingrad Academy of street-fighting’


16. One of Chuikov’s divisional commanders with a young woman signaller

17. October 1942. German infantry occupying a destroyed workshop

18. ‘Noble Sniper’ Zaitsev from the Siberian 284th Rifle Division

19 and 20. November 1942. Operation Uranus: the encirclement of the Sixth Army

21. Junkers 52 transport taking off

22. December 1942. German artillery from Hoth’s Fourth Panzer Army

23. Trapped Sixth Army soldiers retrieve parachute canisters

24. January 1943. General Rokossovsky

25. January 1943. German infantry retreating through a blizzard

26. January 1943. General Edler von Daniels marches into captivity

27. January 1943. Goering on the tenth anniversary of Hitler’s assumption of power

28. January 1943. Field Marshal Paulus and General Schmidt after surrendering

29. A German soldier booted and prodded out of a bunker

30. Remnants of the Sixth Army marched off to captivity

31. German and Romanian prisoners


I am particularly grateful to the Arkhiv Muzeya Panorami Stalin-gradskoy Bitvi (the Archive of the Panoramic Museum of the Battle of Stalingrad) in Volgograd for providing illustrations 10, 14, 18, 19 and 20.

Helmut Abt Verlag, Bis Stalingrad, Alois Beck: 6

AKG London: 24, 30

Archive Photos, London: 12, 15

Bundesarchiv, Koblenz: 2, 21

Getty Images, London: 1, 3, 17, 22, 23, 25

Imperial War Museum, London: 4, 5, 8, 9, 11, 26, 28, 29, 31

Methuen & Co Ltd, Paulus and Stalingrad: A Life of Field Marshal Paulus, Walter Goerlitz: 13

Private collection: 27

Topham Picturepoint, Edenbridge, Kent: 16

Westdeutsches Verlag, Das Oberkommando der Wehrmacht Gibt Bekannt, Martin H. Sommerfeldt: 7

List of Maps

1 Operation Barbarossa, June–December 1941

2 Operation Blue, Summer 1942

3 The German Assault on Stalingrad, September 1942

4 Operation Uranus, November 1942

5 Operation Winter Storm and Operation Little Saturn, December 1942

6 Operation Ring, January 1943



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