Requires the aid of those who in debate As mercenaries lost in early youth The fine distinction between lie and truth— Who cheat in argument and set a snare To take the feet of Justice unaware— Who serve with livelier zeal when rogues assist With perjury, embracery (the list Is long to quote) than when an honest soul, Scorning to plot, conspire, intrigue, cajole, Reminds them (their astonishment how great!) He'd rather suffer wrong than perpetrate. I grant, in short, 'tis better all around That ambidextrous consciences abound In courts of law to do the dirty work That self-respecting scavengers would shirk. What then? Who serves however clean a plan By doing dirty work, he is a dirty man!


Charles Shortridge once to St. Peter came. 'Down!' cried the saint with his face aflame; ''Tis writ that every hardy liar Shall dwell forever and ever in fire!' 'That's what I said the night that I died,' The sinner, turning away, replied. 'What! you said that?' cried the saint—'what! what! You said 'twas so writ? Then, faith, 'tis not! I'm a devil at quoting, but I begin To fail in my memory. Pray walk in.'


I turned my eyes upon the Future's scroll And saw its pictured prophecies unroll. I saw that magical life-laden train Flash its long glories o'er Nebraska's plain. I saw it smoothly up the mountain glide. 'O happy, happy passengers!' I cried. For Pleasure, singing, drowned the engine's roar, And Hope on joyous pinions flew before. Then dived the train adown the sunset slope— Pleasure was silent and unseen was Hope. Crashes and shrieks attested the decay That greed had wrought upon that iron way. The rusted rails broke down the rotting ties, And clouds of flying spikes obscured the skies. My coward eyes I drew away, distressed, And fixed them on the terminus to-West, Where soon, its melancholy tale to tell, One bloody car-wheel wabbled in and fell!


Big Smith is an Oakland School Board man, And he looks as good as ever he can; And he's such a cold and a chaste Big Smith That snowflakes all are his kin and kith. Wherever his eye he chances to throw The crystals of ice begin to grow; And the fruits and flowers he sees are lost By the singeing touch of a sudden frost. The women all shiver whenever he's near, And look upon us with a look austere— Effect of the Smithian atmosphere. Such, in a word, is the moral plan Of the Big, Big Smith, the School Board man. When told that Madame Ferrier had taught Hernani in school, his fist he brought Like a trip-hammer down on his bulbous knee, And he roared: 'Her Nanny? By gum, we'll see If the public's time she dares devote To the educatin' of any dam goat!' 'You do not entirely comprehend— Hernani's a play,' said his learned friend, 'By Victor Hugo—immoral and bad. What's worse, it's French!' 'Well, well, my lad,' Said Smith, 'if he cuts a swath so wide I'll have him took re'glar up and tried!' And he smiled so sweetly the other chap Thought that himself was a Finn or Lapp
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