Vincent Bugliosi
Prosecutor of the Tate-Labianca Trials
with Curt Gentry
To Gail and Blanche

Map of Death Valley and vicinity

Entrance to Tate residence
Scale diagram of Tate residence
Steven Earl Parent
Driveway leading to Tate residence
Abigail Folger and Voytek Frykowski
Walkway in front of Tate residence
Lettering on front door of Tate residence
Living room of Tate residence
Jay Sebring

Loft over living room of Tate residence
Knife found in chair of Tate living room
Folger-Frykowski bedroom at Tate residence
Sharon Tate’s bedroom
Door leading to swimming pool at Tate residence
Guest house behind Tate residence
Aerial view of LaBianca residence
Lettering on walls of LaBianca residence
Living room of LaBianca residence
Bedroom of LaBianca residence
Leno LaBianca
Rosemary LaBianca
Lettering on wall of Hinman residence
Gary Hinman
Donald “Shorty” Shea
John Philip Haught, aka Zero
Ronald Hughes

Manson at time of Spahn raid, August 1969
Manson at time of Barker raid, October 1969

Charles “Tex” Watson

Leslie Van Houten
Patricia Krenwinkel, aka Katie
Robert “Bobby” Beausoleil
Mary Theresa Brunner
Steven Grogan, aka Clem
Bruce McGregor Davis
Lynette Fromme, aka Squeaky
Sandra Good, aka Sandy
Nancy Pitman, aka Brenda McCann
Catherine Gillies
Ruth Ann Moorehouse, aka Ouisch
Catherine Share, aka Gypsy

George Spahn with Gypsy
Danny DeCarlo, Charles Manson, Robert Reinhard, and Juan Flynn at time of Spahn raid
Raid on Spahn Ranch
Submachine gun seized during Spahn raid
Straight Satans’ sword in special scabbard on Manson’s dune buggy
Terrain leading to Barker Ranch
Barker Ranch
Manson girls arrested during Barker raid
Cabinet under bathroom sink at Barker Ranch
Manuscript of song lyric by Manson seized during Barker raid
Fingerprints found at Tate residence
Clothing discarded by Tate killers
Gun used by Watson in Tate killings
Gun flyer sent out by LAPD
“Helter Skelter” door found at Spahn Ranch

Ronnie Howard
Linda Kasabian
Juan Flynn during interview with Bugliosi
Paul Crockett, Paul Watkins, and Brooks Poston
Kitty Lutesinger
Al Springer