Sheykh Ab el-Ghrennem looked at her and smiled. '
'He says,' interpreted Atewy, 'that thou hast nothing to fear—that there shall no evil befall thee.'
'You tell him,' replied Rhonda, 'that it will be just too bad for him if any evil does befall us and that if he wants to save his skin he had better return us to our people
'What does he want?' demanded Rhonda.
'He wishes you to help us find the valley of diamonds,' replied Atewy.
'What valley of diamonds?'
'It is on this map which we cannot read because we cannot read the language of
Rhonda glanced at the paper and broke into laughter. 'You don't mean to tell me that you dumb bunnies kidnapped us because you believe that there is a valley of diamonds! Why, that's just a prop map.'
'Dumb bunnies! Prop! I do not understand.'
'I am trying to tell you that that map doesn't mean a thing. It was just for use in the picture we are making. You might as well return us to our people, for there isn't any valley of diamonds.'
Atewy and the sheykh jabbered excitedly to one another for a few moments, and then the former turned again to the girl. 'You cannot make fools of the
Naomi shuddered; but Rhonda was not impressed—she knew that while they had ransom or sale value the Arabs would not destroy them except as a last resort for self-protection.
'You are not going to kill us, Atewy,' she said, 'even if I do not read the map to you; but there is no reason why I should not read it. I am perfectly willing to; only don't blame us if there is no valley of diamonds.'
'Come here and sit beside Ab el-Ghrennem and read the map to us,' ordered Atewy.
Rhonda kneeled beside the sheykh and looked over his shoulder at the yellowed, timeworn map. With a slender finger she pointed at the top of the map. 'This is north,' she said, 'and up here—this is the valley of diamonds. You see this little irregular thing directly west of the valley and close to it? It has an arrow pointing to it and a caption that says, '
'Now here, at the south end of the valley, is the word '
'Ask her what this is,' the sheykh instructed Atewy, pointing to characters at the eastern edge of the map southeast of the falls.
'That says '
Sheykh Ab el-Ghrennem ran his fingers through his beard as he sat in thoughtful contemplation of the map. At last he placed a finger on the falls.
'What did the sheik say?' asked Rhonda.
Atewy told her, adding, 'We shall all be very rich; then I shall buy you from the sheykh and take you back to my
'You and who else?' scoffed Rhonda.
'I do not understand,
'You will if you ever buy
Atewy grinned. He translated what she had said to the sheykh, and they both laughed. 'The
Atewy was not pleased. He wanted Rhonda for himself; and he was determined to have her, sheykh or no sheykh. It was then that plans commenced to formulate in the mind of Atewy that would have caused Sheykh Ab el-Ghrennem's blood pressure to rise had he known of them.
The Arabs spread blankets on the ground near the fire for the two girls; and the sentry who watched the camp was posted near, that they might have no opportunity to escape.
'We've got to get away from these highbinders, Naomi,' said Rhonda as the girls lay close together beneath their blankets. 'When they find out that the valley of diamonds isn't just around the corner, they're going to be sore. The poor saps really believe that that map is genuine—they expect to find that barren, volcanic hill tomorrow. When they don't find it tomorrow, nor next week nor next, they'll just naturally sell us 'down river'; and by that time we'll be so far from the outfit that we won't have a Chinaman's chance ever to find it.'
'You mean to go out alone into this forest at night!' whispered Naomi, aghast. 'Think of the lions!'
'I am thinking of them; but I'm thinking of some fat, greasy, black sultan too. I'd rather take a chance with the lion—he'd be sporting at least.'
'It's all so horrible! Oh, why did I ever leave Hollywood!'
'D'you know it's a funny thing, Naomi, that a woman has to fear her own kind more than she does the beasts of the jungle. It sort o' makes one wonder if there isn't something wrong somewhere—it's hard to believe that a divine intelligence would create something in His own image that was more brutal and cruel and corrupt than anything else that He created. It kind of explains why some of the ancients worshipped snakes 'and bulls and birds.
At the edge of the camp Atewy squatted beside Eyad. 'You would like one of the white
Eyad eyed the other through narrowed lids. 'Who would not?' he demanded. 'Am I not a man?'
'But you will not get one, for the sheykh is going to keep them both. You will not get one—unless.'
'Unless what?' inquired Eyad.
'Unless an accident should befall Ab el-Ghrennem. Nor will you get so many diamonds, for the sheykh's share of the booty is one fourth. If there were no sheykh we should divide more between us.'
'Thou art
'Perhaps I
'What dost
Atewy breathed an inaudible sigh of relief. Eyad was coming around! 'The same as thou,' he replied, 'my full share of the diamonds and one of the
'Accidents befall sheykhs even as they befall other men,' philosophized Eyad as he rolled himself in his blanket and prepared to sleep.