Having decided to cab to Laurie's, Jack hoisted his beloved bike to his shoulder and entered his building. In his haste he took the stairs two at a time. After keying open his apartment door, he rolled his bike inside and leaned it up against the wall. Without even taking the time to close the door to the hall, he rushed into his bedroom, removing his work clothes en route.

To his frustration, it took Jack a few minutes to locate his basketball gear. When he finally did, he dressed quickly. The finishing touches were a dark blue Nike headband and an old hooded sweatshirt.

He then ran into the kitchen to grab a quick drink of water. Then the wall phone rang.

Jack debated whether to answer. His first thought was to let the answering machine get it, but then he remembered that he got few calls at home other than from Laurie. Thinking it might be her, he picked it up.

'Hello, ' he said briskly, but there was no response. He said hello several times. What he heard was just what he'd heard through the receiver at the office, down to the sound of rushing water and even a distant automobile horn. Disgusted, Jack hung up.

He got only a few steps out of the kitchen when the phone rang again.

On the off chance there had been a mechanical problem, he went back and picked it up again. He was glad he did. It was Laurie.

'Did you just try to call me two seconds ago? ' Jack asked.

'No, ' Laurie said. 'Did your phone ring? '

'It's not important, ' Jack said. 'What's up? I'm just on my way out to play B-ball.'

'I know better than trying to keep you from that, ' Laurie teased. 'I just wanted to let you know that it's going to be just you and me tonight. Lou can't make it.'

'His loss, my gain, ' Jack said.

'You flatterer you! ' Laurie joked. 'Anyway, he did offer to call the restaurant where I wanted us to go.

So I know we'll get good service.

They love him there.'

'Sounds good, ' Jack said. 'Tell me, has Paul been pestering you? '

'Haven't heard from him since he left the office, ' Laurie said.


'See you at eight, ' Laurie said.

'I might be a shade late, ' Jack said. 'As I said, I'm only now just heading out. But I'll play only one game, and I'll call you before I leave.'

'See you then, ' Laurie said. 'Remember! No bike! '

'Aye, aye, sir!'

' Jack said. He hung up the phone.

Jack ran out to his closet and searched around the cluttered space for his 'kicks, ' as Warren called sneakers. Impatient to get them on, Jack didn't even bother to lace them before rushing out his door. He was about to close and lock it when he heard his name called out loudly from down below. Not recognizing the voice, he leaned over the banister to take a look. Three men were looking up from the ground-floor hallway, and when they saw Jack, they immediately started up the stairs. They came at a run, their boots making a fierce clatter against the bare treads. The one in the lead was a blond fireman in a blue uniform.

Jack put his head back and sniffed for smoke. He sniffed again after turning his head in the direction of his apartment, but still couldn't smell any smoke. When he looked back down the stairs the lead man was already on the last flight leading up to Jack's level. But instead of carrying a fire axe or some other appropriate piece of firefighting equipment, he was clutching a gun.

Jack backed up into his doorway, totally confused. The other two men were in black leather jackets, not firemen's uniforms, and had shaved heads. Then Jack saw that the one bringing up the rear was carrying an assault rifle!

Curt stopped six feet away from Jack and knitted his brows. 'You are Jack Stapleton, aren't you? ' he asked, looking Jack up and down.

'No, he lives on the next level up, ' Jack stammered. He backed into his apartment and started to close the door.

Curt quickly stepped forward to get his foot inside. He pushed open the door and stepped in. Jack backed up. The two skinheads crowded in behind. The one with the rifle had a swastika tattooed on his forehead.

Curt's eyes quickly swept the spartan room. He glared back at Jack and studied him. Curt was clearly confused. 'I think you're Jack Stapleton, ' he said.

'No, I'm Billy Rubin, ' Jack said, pulling the name out of nowhere.

'Jack's directly above me.' Jack lamely pointed at the ceiling.

'Captain, there's a bike leaning against the wall, ' Mike said.

'Yeah, I saw it, ' Curt said without taking his eyes off Jack. 'But this doesn't look like a doctor's apartment, and I can't be a hundred percent sure with his guy's get-up. Take a quick look around for an envelope or something with this joker's name on it.'

'I'll be happy to give Jack a message, ' Jack said. He eyed the gun in Curt's hand as well as the rifle in Carl's.

'Thanks, wise guy, ' Curt snapped. 'Just stand there and be patient for a sec.' Jack thought briefly about taking his chances by running into the bedroom and diving out the window, but he dismissed the idea as impractical, since he was on the fourth floor. He'd only get hung up on the fire escape.

'Why are you looking for him? ' Jack asked.

'He has business with the People's Aryan Army, ' Curt said. 'Serious business.'

'I'm sure Jack isn't involved with any army, ' Jack said.

'He's very much against war and violence.'

'Shut up! ' Curt said.

'I found something, ' Mike said near the bedroom door. He had picked up Jack's trousers and was struggling to get Jack's billfold out of the back pocket. He pulled it free and flipped it open. He whistled when he saw the medical examiner badge and held it up for Curt to see.

'Just check the name, for crissake, ' Curt snapped.

'Maybe we should discuss this business you were referring to, ' Jack said.

'There's nothing to discuss, ' Curt said.

'Ah, here's a driver's license, ' Mike announced. 'And the name is Jack Stapleton all right.'

'Jack frequently uses my apartment to change in, ' Jack offered.

Suddenly there was more clatter of heavy boots on the stairs out in the hallway. Steve's voice shouted up, 'Hold up, Curt. There's been a misunderstanding! ' Curt's brow furrowed. He momentarily glanced in the direction of the open door but then immediately returned his gaze to Jack. Seconds later Steve, Kevin, and Clark stumbled into the room.

Behind them were three other figures who leaped into the room, spread out, and shouted for everyone to freeze.

Curt spun around to find himself staring into the barrels of three Tec machine pistols.

'Don't even think about it, ' Warren warned as he zeroed in on Curt.

For a tense moment no one moved or breathe.

'Okay, Spit, ' Warren said, breaking the silence. 'Get the pistol and the rifle.' Spit eased forward, holding his machine pistol in his right hand. He collected first the handgun, which he pocketed, and then the rifle. He stepped back.

'Now I want all you dudes to line up facing the wall, ' Warren commanded. He motioned with his gun.

There was a delay as a sneer spread cross Curt's face.

'Hey, man, you either do as I'm telling you or the story's over, ' Warren said. 'You know what I'm saying? '

'Sorry, Captain, ' Steve said. 'They came out of nowhere.'

'Shut up, ' Warren yelled. 'This ain't no rap session here.' With defiant arrogance, Curt stepped over to the wall, leaving his hands on his hips.

'Spit, pat em down, ' Warren commanded.

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