Spit put down the guns he was holding and went to each of the men facing the wall and searched for concealed weapons. He found nothing and stepped back.

'Okay, turn around, ' Warren ordered.

The men did as they were told. Except for Steve, who was clearly terrified, all the others had assumed brazenly bored expressions.

'I don't know where you white trash are from, and I don't give a shit, ' Warren said. 'The point is, you don't belong in this here neighborhood.

Now I'm going to keep all this firepower you brought here, but that's it. Nobody's icing nobody.'

'Excuse me, Warren, ' Jack said. 'I think we should call the police.'

'Shut up! ' Warren snapped with venom equal to that he'd directed a few moments earlier toward Steve.

Jack shrugged and took a step back. He knew Warren enough to know when he was pissed, and he was pissed now.

'Now I want you people to take your white asses down to your wheels and split, ' Warren said. 'And believe me, if any one of you show up in this neighborhood again, that's the ball game. You'll be gone, no questions asked. And we'll be watching. You hear what I'm saying? '

'Warren, ' Jack said. 'I.. .' Warren spun around. He jammed a finger toward Jack's face. 'I said for you to shut up, ' he snarled.

Jack took another step back. He'd never seen Warren show such rage.

'Flash, ' Warren said in a more normal voice. 'You and Spit take these white honkies down and see that they leave the neighborhood. I've got to rap with the doc here for a few minutes.' As the group silently fled out, Warren turned to Jack and glared at him. Jack squirmed. He didn't know what Warren wanted him to say.

With the Tec pistol held in his left hand, Warren used his right to give Jack's shoulder a series of repeated angry shoves. Jack was forced progressively backwards until a final shove made him collapse onto his couch. Warren hovered over him.

'What's wrong with you, Doc? ' Warren demanded. 'You haven't caused this kind of trouble around here for two years. I thought you'd reformed. But now tonight this happens. I'm telling you, you're a drag on this neighborhood. You know what I'm saying? '

'I'm sorry, ' Jack said.

'A lot of good that will do if some kid gets shot because of you, ' Warren said. 'What was this white trash after you for? I mean, these boys were serious bringing in Kalashnikov assault rifles. Shit! If they'd started spraying those around, a lot of people could have been hurt.'

'Those were Kalashnikovs? ' Jack asked.

'What do you think, I'm making this up? '

'Where were the Kalashnikovs made? '

'What kind of question is that, man? What difference does it make?'

'It might make a difference if they're Bulgarian, ' Jack said.

Warren glared at Jack for a beat before walking over to where Spit had put the Kalashnikov he'd taken from Carl. Warren picked the weapon up and carried it back to Jack. 'Well, you're right, ' he said grudgingly.

'They are Bulgarian. What does that mean? '

'I can't be positive, ' Jack said. 'But I think it might have something to do with Laurie's new boyfriend.'

'That doesn't sound good, ' Warren said. 'Did you and Laurie split up?'

'Not exactly, ' Jack said. 'And I think the new boyfriend is on his way out, but let me explain.' Jack told Warren about Paul Sutherland, and how Jack had probably humiliated the man that afternoon. He mentioned that Paul had threatened him indirectly. He also said that Laurie was concerned the man was dealing with the Bulgarian Kalashnikovs.

Warren's anger mellowed to a degree as he listened to the story. 'I suppose there's no way you could have anticipated that these guys would have come over here.

'Of course not, ' Jack said. 'I don't even know how they knew where I lived.'

'That kind of white trash scares me, ' Warren admitted.

'They scare me, too, ' Jack agreed. 'The blond guy in the fireman's uniform talked briefly about a militia called the People's Aryan Army.

I'd heard that name on Monday from an FBI agent who's trying to learn about them. Have you ever heard the name? '

'Never, ' Warren said.

'Which leads me to ask why you let them go? I would have turned them over to the police in a heartbeat. The police and maybe even the FBI would have loved to get their hands on them.'

'You're shocked because you really live in a different world, despite occupying this apartment, '

Warren said. 'You don't understand about gangs. When I let them go, I was thinking of the neighborhood, not the police department's or the FBI's agenda. It's the same way I didn't want any of them to get hurt.

It's not because I care about them! Shit, no!

It's because it would start something. They'd be back. It's been my experience that this way they won't.

Sorta live and let live.'

'I'll have to kowtow to your experience on this one, ' Jack said.

'I'm afraid you didn't have any choice, ' Warren said. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly.

'Now how about some hoops? You still want to run? '

'I think I need it more now than I did before, ' Jack said. He got up on wobbly legs. 'I can't promise how effective I'll be. I feel shell-shocked even though no shells have gone off.' Warren preceded Jack out into the hall carrying the guns. Jack locked his door and caught up to him.

'Thanks for being there when I needed you, ' Jack said. 'Since you've done it before, I think it's my turn next.' Warren laughed in spite of himself. 'That'll be the day! ' Jack rang Laurie's bell and then turned to wave hello to Debra Engler.

The nosy neighbor responded by slamming her door, which was a feat since it had only been open by slightly more than an inch. Jack turned back to Laurie's and heard the little click that sounded when Laurie opened her peephole. Jack waved. Then he heard all the locks being opened.

Laurie was in a buoyant mood despite the scene she'd had with Paul.

She gave Jack an enthusiastic hug before disappearing into her bedroom for her watch and jewelry.

Tom-2 rubbed affectionately against Jack's leg.

Jack bent down to pet the cat.

'I trust you came in a cab like you promised, ' Laurie called out from the other room.

'No, I didn't, ' Jack answered.

Laurie's head appeared around the corner. She eyed Jack accusatively.

'But you promised, ' she said.

'Warren brought me, ' Jack said. 'And I hope you don't mind, I invited him to eat with us.'

'Of course not, ' Laurie said. 'Is Natalie coming, too? '

'No, just Warren, ' Jack said. 'In fact, to be honest, he kinda invited himself.

You see, I ran into a rather serious inconvenience this afternoon right after I spoke with you on the phone.'

'What happened? ' Laurie questioned. She came out from her bedroom.

Her voice reflected her sudden concern. Knowing Jack as well as she did, she sensed that whatever happened was a lot more than an inconvenience.

'In Warren's vernacular, I was almost iced by the People's Aryan Army, ' Jack said.

Laurie's lower jaw dropped. 'What on earth are you talking about? ' Jack gave Laurie a quick rundown of the events that took place in his apartment. When he described the guns, and Warren's timely arrival, she clamped a hand over her mouth.

'My God, ' she said. 'What in heaven's name could have prompted such an ambush. I mean, I was the one who posted Brad Cassidy, if that was somehow involved. He's the only connection I know of with this People's Aryan Army.'

'I don't think it had anything to do with Brad Cassidy, ' Jack said.

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