“I think we should fix that, Maddie,” he said, his warm breath teasing the sensitive skin of her inner wrist.

The way he said her name, in that soft, deep, intimate tone, struck a chord deep inside her. One that hadn’t been played in a very long time. “What do you suggest?”

He lowered her hand to his chest. The heat of him seeped into her fingers and his heartbeat thumped hard and fast against her palm. His heart was beating nearly as fast as hers. He leaned in and nuzzled her neck with his warm lips. She actually felt her eyes glaze over.

“You’re looking for a one-night stand, and I’ve been out of commission even longer than you have,” he whispered against her ear. He straightened and looked into her eyes. The fire burning in the depths of his scorched her. “I suggest we be each other’s one-nighter.”


Jack watched the myriad of emotions that flitted across Maddie’s face. Surprise. Doubt. Confusion. Interest.


He nearly groaned with relief when he saw that unmistakable spark in her eyes. Thank God it wasn’t just him. He certainly couldn’t blame her for being surprised. He sure as hell was. If anyone had told him even a few hours ago that the mere sight of Mad Dog Price would render him hard as a rock and that he’d be all but panting to get naked with her, he would have laughed himself into a seizure.

But here she was-with her hair all loose and sexy, her chocolate brown eyes lined with something smoky, her curves encased in body-hugging fire-engine red, killer heels making her legs appear three miles long, her full lips looking incredibly kissable, and smelling so much like cookies he just wanted to take a big bite. And here he was- rock hard and all but panting.

No doubt the fact that he hadn’t had a woman in eight months, five days, twelve hours, and he didn’t know how the hell many minutes contributed to his current overwhelming desire for her. And his suggestion that they share a one-night stand.

There were reasons, lots of reasons, why it wasn’t a good idea, but damned if could remember any of them. Whatever they were, he just didn’t care. Right now all he cared about was her and him and putting out this damn fire she and her lingerie and her dress had lit inside him. She wanted a one-night stand? He was more than happy to oblige. The thought of that blond guy-or any other guy in the room for that matter-spending the night with her put his teeth on edge. And if she didn’t give him an answer in the next three seconds he was going to explode. He leaned forward, until only a paper-thin space separated their faces.

“Jack, I think-”

“Don’t think,” he whispered against her lips. Then he brushed his mouth over hers, once, twice. Her breath caught and she parted her lips. He settled his mouth on hers and in a heartbeat he was lost. She tasted so damn good. Like good wine and warm, soft woman. Their tongues tangled and he slid one hand into her silky hair, dragging her head closer. A growl of pure want vibrated in his throat and he deepened the kiss, sinking farther into the velvety heat of her mouth. He moved closer to her, pressing his erection against her thigh. She shifted her leg, and his rapidly diminishing control slipped another notch.

With an effort that cost him, he lifted his head. She looked as dazed as he felt. He prayed to God she felt as desperate as he did.

He ran the pad of his thumb over her full, moist bottom lip. “Yes or no?” he demanded in a low growl he barely recognized.

She licked her lips, a gesture that had him clenching his jaw.

“Yes,” she whispered.

Jack didn’t hesitate for an instant. Keeping his gaze on hers, he reached for his wallet. After tossing down more than enough to cover their drinks, he grabbed her hand and strode from the bar, heading directly for the elevators. He needed to get them back to the privacy of his room. Now. If he touched her before he did, he wasn’t sure he’d be able to stop.

He pressed the button and the door immediately slid open. Thank God. He led her into the elevator then pressed the button for the third floor. Damn, he could still taste her. He wanted, needed, to taste her again. But he could wait until they were in his room.

The instant the door closed behind them he quit lying to himself and pressed her against the wall. His mouth captured hers in a demanding kiss, one she answered without hesitation. Her arms went around his neck and she rose up on her toes, straining against him. Raw need raced through him and he plunged one hand into her mass of gorgeous curls. Fisting his fingers, he urged her head back to run his lips along the fragrant curve of her neck while his other hand slid down to cup her breast. She gasped and arched against him, then lifted one leg and wrapped it around his hips, urging him closer.

With a groan he couldn’t contain he flexed his hips in a long, slow thrust. Christ. He was going to lose his mind. The elevator pinged, indicating their arrival on the third floor. She moaned and slid her leg down, and with their arms wrapped around each other, still exchanging frantic kisses, they circled out of the elevator and started a halting progress down the long corridor.

“We need to lay some ground rules,” she whispered against his mouth in between stumbling steps and nipping kisses.

“Fine. Good.” He brought one hand forward to cup her breast. “Whatever you say.”

“Ooooh,” she breathed, arching against his hand. “This is only sex, Jack.” She ran her tongue over his bottom lip. “Just one night, to be enjoyed here, then never mentioned again.”

He skimmed one hand down her back and cupped the luscious curve of her bottom. Damn. She had more curves than a roller-coaster. Had he ever been this desperate for a woman? This hard and hot and aching? If so, he sure as hell couldn’t recall the circumstances. “Fine. Good. Whatever you say.”

“What happens at Casa di Lago stays at Casa di Lago.”

“Come Monday morning, this never happened and it’s back to work as usual,” he agreed. “Can we stop talking now?”


“Your room or mine?”

“I thought you wanted to stop talking,” she whispered, insinuating her hand between them to press her palm against his erection.

He sucked in a harsh breath and thrust into her hand. “Fine. Good. Whatever you say.”

Her throaty laugh raised his temperature another few degrees. “Since I have a box of thirty-six condoms handy, I vote for my room.”

“Right.” He ran his tongue down the side of her neck. “Plus there’s all that lingerie in your room.” They bumped into the wall, then kept circling down the hall. He took a quick look up. They’d almost arrived. Thank God. “Please tell me you have your key ready.”

“I do. No thanks to you. You’re very distracting. How many hands do you have?”

“You’re about to find out.” He snatched the key card from her, jabbed it into the slot, turned the metal handle, then backed her into the room.

The instant the door clicked shut behind them, Maddie found herself pinned against the wall from chest to knee by Jack’s very hard, very male body. His mouth came down on hers in a hard, hot, demanding kiss that left her positively woozy. Good God, the man knew how to kiss. She opened her mouth wider, wanting, needing, desperate for more.

Her impatient fingers worked on the buttons of his shirt, but before she got very far, he derailed her every thought by skimming a hand under her dress. His warm palm slid up her thigh, then lifted her leg, hooking it high over his hip.

“Black lace?” he murmured tracing his fingers over the wisp of material that comprised her thong.

“Yessss…” The word trailed off into a vaporous sigh of pleasure as his fingers slipped beneath the bit of lace and lightly traced her folds.

“You’re wet,” he murmured against her lips.

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