Her head lolled against the wall as he slowly caressed her with a knee-weakening circular motion. “I’m afraid you have, ahhhhh, only yourself to blame.”

“I accept full responsibility.”

“Good. Oh, God… really good. Now what do you intend to do about it?”

For an answer he slipped two fingers inside her and slowly pumped. Her eyes closed and a long, guttural moan rattled in her throat. She gripped his shoulders and undulated against his hand.

“Don’t hold back,” he urged, adding a third finger.

“I won’t be able to if you keep doing that.” She could barely manage the words.

“Good. Let’s see how fast you can come.”

She came fast. And hard. Clutching his shoulders, she arched her back and gave herself over completely to the hot pleasure thundering through her. When her spasms subsided, she leaned against the wall and fought for breath.

“Beautiful,” he murmured, trailing kisses over her neck. “I call that a do-over.”

“Fine. Good. Whatever you say.” She gasped out his earlier words and felt him smile against her neck. “Just don’t let go of me yet unless you want to peel my boneless body off the floor. My knees seem to have caught a flight to Tahiti.”

He gave a low laugh, then before she’d rallied her wits, he scooped her up and walked with her toward the bed. Wow. He didn’t even grunt when he picked her up. “Hey, don’t hurt yourself,” she murmured, wrapping a limp arm around his neck. “I’m not exactly a featherweight and I have plans for you that don’t include a trip to an orthopedic surgeon.”

“Glad to hear it.” He stopped at the edge of the bed. “How are your knees?”

She gave her leg an experimental wiggle. “Still missing in action, but I think I can stand up. Although you probably shouldn’t wander too far away. Just in case.”

He slowly lowered her to her feet, dragging her body against his. “I have no intention of being any farther away than this.”

“Well, okay. If you insist.”

He leaned forward and his warm lips nuzzled her neck while he slowly pulled down the long zipper at the back of her dress. “As nice as this dress is, I can’t wait to see what’s underneath it.”

“I could say the same about your shirt,” she said, applying herself once again to his buttons. “And your pants.”

“You first.”

“I’ve already been first, in case you didn’t notice.” She looked into his eyes and caught her breath at the fire burning there. “Thank you very much, by the way.”

“You’re welcome. And I did notice. And I want to see it again.” He slipped his fingers beneath the straps of her unzipped dress and slowly pushed the material over her shoulders.

“As much as I appreciate that, not before I take care of this,” she said, tracing the outline of his erection with her fingers. “As an accountant, you should want your debits to equal your credits.”

He skimmed her dress down her body, his avid gaze taking in every bit of her as it was revealed. “Right now, I’m much more interested in your assets.” He helped her step out of the dress, leaving her wearing only her black lace thong, matching bra, and strappy heels.

His gaze roamed over her, and a thrill of feminine satisfaction filled her at his obvious appreciation. “Wow,” he said, running a single fingertip along the lacy edge of her bra cup. “You do a hell of a job hiding all this beneath those prim suits you wear.”

“That’s the point. I’m not looking to get noticed for anything other than my job performance.”

“I know a lot of women who go out of their way to use their looks, rather than downplay them.”

She shrugged. “Not my style. In the workplace, I’m strictly conservative.”

He reached around her and unhooked her bra with a quick flick of his clever fingers. “And in the bedroom?”

“In the bedroom… not so much.” She slid her bra straps down her arms and tossed the garment aside.

“Best news I’ve heard in a long time.”

He reached for her, but she slapped a hand against his chest and pushed him back a step. “Oh, no. Not until we get some of those clothes off you. I’m interested in your assets, too. Let’s get rid of the footwear first.”

“You always this bossy?” he asked while he toed off his shoes then pulled off his socks.

“Only when I’m impatient. And I’m very impatient at the moment.”

“Well, far be it from me to argue with an impatient, nearly naked woman.”

“Smart man.” She made fast work of the rest of his shirt buttons then helped him shrug the garment from his shoulders. “Very nice,” she murmured, trailing her fingers over his broad shoulders then molding her hands over his well-defined chest and rippled abs.

He retaliated by cupping her breasts and gently tugging on her taut nipples. “I could say the same about you.”

“I’m supposed to be undressing you, Jack.”

“I’m not stopping you.”

No, but he sure as heck was distracting her. The man had magic fingers, and his hands were everywhere, leaving trails of fire on her skin. It required all her concentration to undo his belt, unfasten his pants, then push them, along with his boxer briefs, down his hips. They fell to the floor, and without missing a beat or a caress, he kicked them aside.

She ran her fingers along the hard length of his erection and he sucked in a quick breath. Jack Walker was definitely proof positive of that “men with big feet” theory. She wrapped her fingers around him and gently squeezed.

“I’m not going to be able to take much more of that.”

For a reply she dipped her other hand between his legs and stroked while she gently squeezed him again. His eyes slid shut and he moaned. “I’m hanging on here by a thread,” he warned in a rough voice.

“Let’s see how much more you can take.”

She pressed her lips to the center of his chest then dragged her open mouth across his firm, warm skin to his nipple. While her hands continued to stroke and caress, she circled her tongue around his nipple then drew the tight bud into her mouth. His hands sifted through her hair and his breathing grew harsh and rapid.

“That feels incredible,” he said, the last word ending on a groan as her fingers circled the sensitive head of his erection where a pearly drop of fluid glistened. She dipped her finger into the warm wetness and slowly spread it around the tip while her other hand caressed between his thighs.

“That’s it,” he said, the words rough and his breathing ragged. Without another word he scooped her up in his arms. She kicked off her shoes and he set her on the bed with a gentle bounce then quickly peeled off her excuse for panties and tossed them aside. She’d left the box of condoms on the night table and she reached for one. The sight of him, so large and hard and aroused, filled her with a desperation she hadn’t felt in a very long time.

She was about to tear open the condom package, but again he distracted her, this time by kneeling between her splayed thighs. “You’re beautiful, Maddie,” he said, his intense gaze hot on hers as he pushed her legs wider apart. “Really beautiful.”

God knows the way he was looking at her, the way he was touching her, made her feel that way. “You’re not so bad yourself-”

Her words ended on a gasp of pleasure when those magical fingers caressed her sex, gliding, delving, circling, teasing. When she was no more than a stroke or two away from coming again, he grabbed the condom and tore open the package. He rolled on the protection, leaned over her, and entered her in a single heart-stopping thrust.

Their groans mingled. “You feel so damn good,” he muttered. Bracing his weight on his forearms, he withdrew nearly all the way then sank slowly into her, filling her completely. “Tight. Hot. Wet.” He groaned against her throat. “Perfect.”

Yes. Perfect was the ideal word to describe the feel of him inside her, on top of her. Maddie spread her legs wider and lifted her hips, craving more of the delicious friction of his body gliding in and out of hers. His thrusts grew harder, faster, each one seeming to touch her deeper, fill her more completely. She cried out as her orgasm exploded through her, and wrapped her arms and legs tightly around him, lost in the hot pulses

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