“Daniel, we have a problem-”

“Not from where I’m standing.”

“I’m so embarrassed-”

“Believe me, you have absolutely nothing to be embarrassed about.” And if he didn’t get her in the house pronto, the neighbors were going to get one hell of a show. Stepping away from her, he opened the door. “C’mon in.”

“Thanks.” She stepped across the threshold and he breathed in the sexy, feminine fragrance she left in her wake. He closed and locked the door, then turned. And was treated to a back view of her in that short, short towel.

Before he could recover, she grabbed his hand and tugged. “Hurry,” she said, pulling him toward the back of the house.

“Anything you say.” He’d planned a slow, leisurely seduction, but hey, he was flexible. The lady wanted quick? Fine by him. He was more than willing and, after spending an entire night and day fantasizing about her, definitely more than ready.

“Hurry,” she repeated, in a breathless, urgent voice, leading him into the kitchen.

Whoa, baby. A little on-the-counter action? This just got better and better. Damn it, he should have stashed a condom in here-

“They’re outside. I hope we’re not too late.” She released his hand then jerked open his back door.

Huh? “They? Who’s they?”

But she’d already disappeared outside. His question was answered when he heard her calling, “Peanut Butter, Jelly, where are you?” followed immediately by, “Hey, Daniel, can you hit the lights, please?”

Uh oh. This didn’t sound good. Neither for that kitchen-counter quickie he’d envisioned nor for his backyard. He quickly flicked on the light switch, then headed outside.

“There you are, you devils,” Carlie said, dashing toward the far left corner of his yard where two balls of fur, one pure black, the other brown and white, were digging furiously.

“Stop that this instant!” Carlie yelled, still running.

Jogging after her, Daniel watched P.B. and J. pause and raise their heads. The instant they saw Carlie, they abandoned their digging. After a series of joyful yips, they raced toward her, tongues lolling, tails wagging. He glanced at the hole they’d made and ruefully shook his head. Good thing he had some sod left over.

Probably he should be annoyed or aggravated, at least something other than amused. But one look at Carlie trying to hold her towel in place and not get knocked on her ass by her exuberant, jumping pups-well, he couldn’t help but smile. When he joined them seconds later, Carlie was kneeling on the grass, the recipient of a frenzied overabundance of canine happiness as the dogs yipped and licked and wagged.

“I’m so sorry,” she said, looking up at him, stretching her neck to avoid P.B. and J.’s attempt to bestow frantic kisses on her lips.

Hmmm. Smart dogs.

“They escaped into my backyard through the doggie door while I was in the shower. Before I could catch them, they’d dug under the fence.”

He crouched beside her and was immediately besieged by a frenzy of pure puppy joy. “Not that I’m complaining about your outfit, but you could have called me,” he said, trying to evade receiving his own puppy kisses on the lips. “I would have held down the fort until you were dressed.”

She picked up Peanut Butter and cuddled the squirming bundle of black fur while he did the same with Jelly. “That was my intention-until I discovered I’d locked myself out.”

Their gazes met over doggie heads and he couldn’t help but chuckle at her exasperated expression. Her eyes instantly narrowed. “Are you laughing?

He immediately sobered. “Who-me?”

“Yeah, you.”

“Heck no.”

“Good. Because this is not funny.”

“Right.” Still clasping Jelly to his chest, he reached out and brushed his fingers over her bare shoulder. “Clump of dirt,” he said, fighting the urge to laugh.

She looked skyward, then shook her head. “Clump of dirt. Perfect.”

“Do you have a spare house key hidden somewhere?”

“If I did, do you think I would have shown up at your house wearing a towel?”

“I don’t know, but hope springs eternal.”

“Ha, ha. No hidden key. But you better believe I’m going to remedy that situation tomorrow. Of course, that doesn’t do me much good now. And naturally all my windows are locked.” She stretched out her arms and held Peanut Butter in front of her. “What on earth am I going to do with you?”

Peanut Butter wiggled and yipped, trying to lick anything his tongue could come in contact with. “You are so lucky you’re cute,” she muttered to the squirming dog. Heaving a sigh, she pulled the puppy against her then looked at Daniel with big brown eyes filled with dismay. “This is not exactly how I envisioned this evening going.”

“Oh? What had you envisioned?”

“Brutal truth?”


“You. Me. Chocolate. Naked.”

Okay, who lit the blow torch in his jeans? “That sounds good to me.” Good? When the hell had he become such a master of the understatement?

“Definitely no puppies,” she continued. “And definitely me wearing something other than a towel. At least to start with.”

His gaze roamed over her. “I like your outfit just fine.”

A huff of laughter puffed past her lips. “Thanks.”

He stood, then held out his hand. “C’mon. Let’s go inside before you catch a chill. We’ll get the dogs settled, then call the locksmith. While we wait for him, we can enjoy some truffles.”

She looked up at him and he felt the impact of those huge, questioning eyes right down to the soles of his feet. “So we’re still on? In spite of the dogs and the new hole in your yard and my towel?”

“Yes, in spite of the dogs and the new hole in my yard, but actually because of your towel.”

With a laugh and still holding Peanut Butter, who, like Jelly, had quieted down, she took his hand and he gently pulled her to her feet. When she was upright, less than a foot separated them. Well, a foot and two suddenly drowsy puppies. He looked into her eyes, and his heart started thumping as if he’d run a race. Maybe he was allergic to dogs.

Or maybe he was just painfully attracted to this woman. Like he’d never been attracted to anyone before.

“Calling the locksmith, helping me with the dogs…seems as if you’ve solved the immediate crisis.”

“I did tell you I’m an expert problem solver.”

“In addition to being an expert problem solver, you’re also an expert kisser.”

“You’re not so bad yourself.” Another whopper of an understatement.

“Believe it or not, I’m usually not such a Calamity Jane.”

“Maybe you call showing up at my house in a towel a calamity, but I sure don’t.” He smiled, then, with a gentle tug on her hand, started walking toward the house. Her bare shoulder brushed against him as they made their way across the grass, shooting arrows of heat through him. Her palm felt warm and soft and smooth nestled against his, and heated tingles sizzled up his arm from the contact.

Since when did a simple gesture like holding hands feel so…sexually charged? So…intimate? His fingers flexed and she gently squeezed in return, firing pure lust to every nerve ending. How did she get him so worked up just by holding his hand? Cripes, if he got any hotter, he’d start glowing in the dark.

After crossing his small brick patio, he released her hand and held open the door for her. “Follow me,” he said, leading the way toward the den. He snagged a quilt from the coat closet on the way. Once in the den, he spread the quilt in the corner, then gently set down his drowsy furry bundle. Jelly let out a huge yawn, then promptly entered doggy dreamland. Carlie laid down P.B., who plopped his head on Jelly’s rump and also slept.

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