He straightened and found himself staring at her, unable to look away. He knew he was supposed to do something involving a locksmith, but looking at her, flushed and disheveled and practically naked, he was damned if he could recall so much as his own name.

Touch her. He simply had to touch her. Reaching out, he brushed his fingertips across her flushed cheek. A small spray of golden freckles decorated her soft skin, filling him with the urge to study each tiny mark, then play connect the dots. With his lips.

Her eyes drooped half closed. The small, breathy sound that came from between her parted lips tensed every muscle in his body.

“You know that you, me, chocolate, naked thing you mentioned?” he asked softly, dragging his fingers slowly down the curve of her neck to run along the skin just above the top of her towel.

Her eyes seemed to darken. “Absolutely.”

“You overly fussy about what order that all happens in?”

For an answer, she flicked her fingers at the top of her towel and the terry cloth slithered to the floor.

“Absolutely not.”


STANDING IN FRONT of Daniel wearing nothing except her best seductive smile, Carlie watched his eyes darken with a smoldering heat and hunger that infused her with a powerful surge of feminine satisfaction. There was no doubt that he liked what he saw.

Now she couldn’t wait to see what he intended to do about it. And since it had been six months since she’d had sex, the sooner the better as far as she was concerned.

But instead of simply grabbing her and putting out this damn inferno he’d lit inside her, he made no move to touch her. Instead his gaze tracked slowly down to her feet, then back up, igniting tiny fires on her skin and tightening her nipples. She felt that leisurely perusal as if he’d caressed her, and her skin grew increasingly warm and prickly with want.

When their gazes met again, he said in a husky voice, “You’re like an unwrapped present.” He reached out and traced his fingertips along her collarbone, halting her breath. “And it’s not even my birthday.”

Any reply she might have made evaporated into nothingness when his hands wandered lower to palm her breasts. His thumbs brushed over her aroused nipples, a light feathery caress that dragged a moan from her throat and pulsed pure want straight to her womb.

“You’re beautiful,” he said, his voice a raspy whisper.

She opened her mouth to say something that resembled thank you, but he again stole the words when he lowered his head and drew her nipple into the satiny heat of his mouth. With a gasp, her head fell limply back and she grabbed his shoulders for support.

While his lips and tongue laved her sensitive flesh, his hands skimmed lower, one roaming over her abdomen while the other curved around to cup her bottom. His fingers glided between her thighs, and she spread her legs wider.

Her long ooooohhhh of pleasure filled the air as he teased her with a light, circular motion that weakened her knees. Her fingers slid into his thick, silky hair, then slipped beneath the collar of his shirt to stroke his back. His skin was hot and smooth beneath her palms and she desperately wanted, needed, to feel more of him. All of him.

But instead of speeding things up, he continued to torment her with his unhurried pace. His lips moved upward to explore her neck and the sensitive skin behind her ear. He tortured her with slow, deep, drugging kisses, his tongue caressing hers as his fingers glided over her slick feminine folds until she felt ready to implode. Skimming his hand down her thigh, he lifted her leg, and with a groan she hooked her calf around his hip. His talented fingers continued their maddening arousal, slipping deeply inside, slowly stroking. She tried to sustain the pleasure, to not fall over the edge, but his gentle assault on her body was relentless. Her orgasm throbbed through her, dragging a cry from her throat that tapered off into a deep sigh of sated satisfaction.

No sooner had her shudders subsided than he scooped her up in his strong arms. He walked swiftly down the hall, and she buried her face in the warm spot where his neck and shoulder met and grazed his skin with her teeth. He smelled fresh and clean and warm and delicious and he’d made her feel so damn good.

His low groan vibrated against her lips. “If you keep that up, we won’t make it to the bedroom.”

“I already didn’t, in case you hadn’t noticed.”

“Believe me, I noticed. If I’d thought to have a condom in my pocket, you wouldn’t have made it out of the den.”

“If you weren’t carrying me, I wouldn’t have made it out anyway. My knees feel like limp, deflated balloons-a condition for which I heartily thank you, by the way.”

“The pleasure was all mine.”

“Actually it wasn’t, but I’m looking forward to returning the favor.”

“That makes me all kinds of lucky.”

“Oh, honey, trust me, you are definitely going to get all kinds of lucky.”

Seconds later he deposited her on his bed with a gentle bounce. Standing next to the edge, looking at her with an expression that all but breathed fire, he was about to pull his shirt over his head when she rose to her knees and stilled his hands. “Not so fast,” she said, skating her hands under the soft material. “You undressed me; now it’s my turn.”

Daniel released the ends of his shirt and settled his hands on her hips and pulled her closer. The soft curve of her belly bumped against his erection and he sucked in a breath. His palms drifted slowly up and down, exploring her exquisite curves.

“Not to put too fine a point on it, but I think you actually removed your towel, for which I’d like to heartily thank you, by the way,” he said, echoing her earlier words.

“You’re welcome.” Reaching out, she touched his glasses. “Can you see okay without these? I wouldn’t want you to miss anything.”

He slid them off then tossed them onto the nightstand. “I’m really nearsighted. I’ll have to stay pretty close.”

“Consider it done. Now-off with the footwear.”

After he toed off his sneakers and kicked aside his discarded socks, she said, “Hands in the air.”

He raised his arms. “Am I under arrest?”

“Yes. You have the right to remain…” She lifted his shirt over his head then tossed it aside. He lowered his arms and her gaze and fingers strolled down his chest, igniting bonfires and tensing his abs. “Really, really hot.”

“I thought I had the right to remain silent.”

“You do, but it’s not necessary. Make all the noise you like.” She slowly rubbed her breasts against his chest and a wicked grin curved her lips. “You already know I’m a moaner and groaner.”

“Yeah. That’s a shame. Really.”

She smoothed her hands slowly down his torso, then trailed her fingertips around the sensitive skin just above the waist of his jeans, while she leaned forward and gently bit his earlobe. When a growl rumbled in his throat, she whispered in his ear, “That’s a promising sound. For starters.”

Moving off the bed, she stood in front of him. When he reached for her, she shook her head, her eyes dancing with mischief. “Oh, no. It’s my turn. No touching from you.”

His gaze roved over her full breasts, their erect nipples a whisper away from his chest. “Okay. But that’s asking a lot.”

For an answer, she leaned down and slowly brushed her tongue over his nipple. Another growl of pleasure rumbled in his throat and his eyes slid closed. She kissed her way across his chest while her hands lightly kneaded his back. He could only guess that she was an excellent masseuse because her hands were nothing short of magical.

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