“Maybe it’s not. You’re a smart girl, Carlie. You’ll know the right thing to do.”
Her throat tightened at her mom’s assessment. She didn’t feel smart. In fact, she felt as if she’d foolishly ventured beyond a
“But I can’t give up something that was never mine in the first place, Mom. The only thing definite about my time with Daniel was that it was temporary.” She heaved a sigh, then glanced at her watch. “I need to go. Daniel and I are having the dinner we won together tonight and I have to get ready.”
“At least you won the Valentine’s Day contest,” Mom said in an overly cheerful voice.
“Sure did.” Which was exactly what she’d wanted.
Unfortunately, she feared she’d gotten much more than she’d bargained for.
WITH A BOUQUET of tissue-wrapped flowers clutched in one hand, Daniel stood on Carlie’s porch and drew a deep breath. For reasons he refused to examine too closely, he felt unnerved. Tense.
Saying goodbye to Carlie.
And that, unfortunately, had somehow turned into an insurmountable task.
Which was ridiculous. He’d known from minute one that their time together would be brief. Hell, part of the beauty of the whole situation was that he’d be able to walk away with no regrets. Fun and games with no strings, no commitments, no problems.
Except he hadn’t counted on enjoying her company so thoroughly. He hadn’t doubted they’d be good in bed-and he’d definitely been right on that score-but he hadn’t expected to enjoy her so much out of bed. Hadn’t known she was so compassionate, so deeply committed and loyal to the things that were important to her, so witty. Hadn’t anticipated her thoughtful intelligence, her goofy sense of humor, her ability to laugh at herself. Hadn’t foreseen liking her so damn much. Hell, he even liked her dogs. And the thought of leaving tomorrow…it made him tense with an unpleasant sensation that felt like an all-over body cramp.
He dragged his free hand through his hair. What the hell was wrong with him? He should be on top of the world. The Realtor reported that someone was very interested in his house. A great job in a great city awaited him.
He was just…nervous. Yeah, that’s all it was. Once he was settled in Boston, he’d be fine. Just fine. Perfectly fine.
Feeling better, like the coach had just pumped him up with a pre-game pep talk, he rang Carlie’s doorbell. P.B. and J. set up a frantic chorus and he smiled at the commotion. Seconds later the door opened, and Carlie appeared, flustered and laughing, trying unsuccessfully to hold back the puppies. His heart executed the now familiar roll it performed every time he saw her.
She wore a fire-engine red dress that hugged her curves in a five-alarm way. With its high neck and long sleeves, the dress showed no skin at all, yet the way it showcased her form earned it the title of Sexiest Damn Outfit He’d Ever Seen. Strappy silver heels made her toned legs appear endless. A memory of those legs wrapped around his hips, urging him deeper into her body flashed through his mind, leaving a trail of steamy heat in its wake.
Her glossy curls looked soft and had “mess with me” written all over them. A shimmer of gloss that matched her dress made her lips look like a delicious candy apple, filling him with an almost painful anticipation of tasting that luscious mouth.
“P.B. and J. are happy to see you,” she said loudly, to be heard above the noise.
“Every guy likes an enthusiastic greeting.”
“Oh? Then you’re gonna love this.” She wrapped her arms around his neck, pressed herself against him and kissed him.
Those candy-apple lips tasted as good as they looked, and with a groan, his arms went around her, pulling her closer, pressing the flowers into her back, deepening the delicious kiss she’d initiated. Her delicate, musky, floral scent filled his head and it flashed through his mind that he’d never again be able to smell flowers and not think of her. When he finally lifted his head, his glasses were-no surprise-fogged over. After pulling them off, he looked into her gorgeous eyes, which she’d outlined with some sort of smoky color that made them appear larger and more luminous than usual.
“You were right,” he said, slowly rubbing himself against her. “That was very much enthusiastic. And I loved it.”
She waggled her brows. “Wait till you see what I have planned for later.”
She accepted the flowers, then buried her face in the blooms. “They’re beautiful. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. And speaking of beautiful…” He ran his fingers down her sleeve. “You look incredible.”
Her gaze tracked over his charcoal-gray suit, white dress shirt, and red paisley silk tie. “I was about to say the same thing to you. C’mon in. I’ll put my flowers in water and then we can leave.” She turned and headed across the threshold.
“That sounds…” His voice trailed off. Her dress, which completely covered up the front of her, left her entire back-from her neck to her hips-completely bare.
“Sounds what?” she asked over her shoulder as she headed toward the kitchen.
“Er, great.” With his gaze fastened on her gorgeous bare skin, he entered the house, closed the door, then followed her into the kitchen. P.B. and J. scampered ahead of him, racing toward their food bowls, sliding across the hardwood floor. He came up behind her as she reached up to pull a glass vase from an upper cabinet, wrapped his arms around her waist and buried his face in her fragrant hair.
“That’s some dress. But I think it’s on backwards,” he said, gently nibbling on her earlobe.
She laughed, reaching back to encircle his neck, then tilting her head to afford him better access. “Now
“Sweetheart, you’re causing such a stir right here, we might not make it to the restaurant.” To prove his words, he pressed his erection more firmly against her buttocks, then groaned when she wriggled against him. “Are you wearing anything under this?” he asked, skimming his hands over the silky material.
“Mmmm…you mean besides skin?”
She turned around and, with her eyes dancing with mischief, slipped her hands beneath his suit jacket to skim her palms up his back. “If I told you, it would ruin your Valentine’s Day surprise.”
“The only thing that’ll surprise me is if you make it out of this kitchen without my finding out.”
“I see.” She reached behind her, then drew forth a package wrapped in shiny red paper. “Then I guess this won’t come as any big shocker.”
His brows shot up. “What’s that?”
“A present. For you. Happy Valentine’s Day.”
Surprised pleasure washed through him as he accepted the rectangular-shaped gift. “Are you a magician? Where’d it come from?”
“It was right there on the counter the whole time.”
“Ah. That explains it. I was mightily distracted.” He moved to stand next to her, leaning his hips against the counter. “Should I open it?”
She looked toward the ceiling and blew out an exaggerated breath. “Clearly you don’t know what the heck a ‘present’ is.”
A sheepish grin tugged his lips. “Okay, silly question. I’m officially a dork.”
“True. But you’re adorable.”
“I guess that makes me…adorkable?”
She laughed. “Exactly. Now open your present so we’re not late for our dinner reservation.”
His gaze tracked down her luscious form. “If you didn’t want to be late, you seriously wore the wrong