file folder. Between her contact with Victor, and the earlier conversation she’d had with her Realtor with regard to a solid offer on the beach house-a discussion Josh had heard word for word, including the fact that she’d accepted the bid without hesitation-Paige’s concentration was shot. “If leaves a large margin for error Marchiano. What if the entire weekend is a complete bust and nothing happens? Then what?”

“Then, come Monday morning, we’ll be sending you back home to Connecticut.” His gaze searched her face as if committing every feature to memory. “No matter what happens this weekend, by Monday evening you’ll be back home with your family, where you want to be.’

The folder in her hand slipped to the desk, and a huge lump formed in her throat. “What?” she breathed unable to believe what she’d just heard.

“I’m not willing to risk your life any more than we already have, and I’ve told Reynolds as much.” He opened a black case and began putting the recording equipment away. “I don’t even want to put you through this weekend, but we all know if we backed out now it would look suspicious and we’d lose whatever ground we’ve gained. And we may never get another chance to get as close to Carranza as this weekend will allow.” He glanced up at her, a powerful combination of gentleness and determination darkening his eyes. “You understand that, don’t you?”

“Yes.” She understood that he regretted the situation she’d been forced into because of Anthony. And, as a result, he’d been thrust into the danger, too. Together, they’d do whatever was necessary to put an end to Carranza’s exploits. They had no choice.

“And with luck, Carranza will attempt to seize the necklace while we’re there. If not, I’ve already talked to Reynolds about your leaving after this weekend, and he’s making all the necessary arrangements to make sure you get home safely and have the protection you need until Carranza is arrested.”

More than words could express, she appreciated the efforts he’d made to grant her wish to return home. They hadn’t spoken of their relationship since returning from his parents’, but his eyes reflected his emotions, and so did his actions.

He truly loved her, more than Anthony ever had. He was letting her go, giving her what she said she wanted… So why did she feel she was making the biggest mistake of her life?

Shaking off the question that had begun to haunt her, she left her desk and approached Josh, rerouting her thoughts back to the case. “If Carranza isn’t apprehended this weekend, what will happen with him and the necklace?”

“We have a fence who is currently working with the police, and we’ll have to filter the necklace through him and have Carranza believe that you’ve sold it.” Closing the lid on the black case, he secured the locks, then faced her. “It’ll be more difficult to apprehend Carranza, and will take longer than we’d anticipated, but I’m not willing to risk your safety beyond this weekend.” His jaw clenched fiercely.

They stood so close, she ached to reach out and touch him, but didn’t dare for fear of doing something incredibly stupid…like kissing him as she’d been longing to since their return trip from his parents’.

“I want him caught, Josh.” This horrible nightmare wouldn’t end for her just because she was safe in Connecticut, not when Josh’s life was still at stake. She’d worry endlessly about him as long as Carranza remained a free man. “I’d like to see him, and Bridget, behind bars this weekend.”

“That’s what we’re hoping for, too.” The first smile she’d seen in days kicked up the corner of his mouth, softening his expression. “We’ll be on Carranza’s turf, and our guess is that’s where he’ll most likely make his move to obtain the necklace, though we can’t predict how or when he’ll approach you, which is the difficult part.”

She drew a deep breath, resigned to what she had to do, despite her aversion to the situation. Both of their lives depended on her cooperation, and her ability to anticipate the grimmest of circumstances. “Then prepare me for the worst.”

Bracing his hands on his hips, he stared at her for a long moment, a spark of admiration entering his gaze. “All right. I want you to make arrangements to have Pam run the store so your days will be freed up.”

“She’s agreed to manage the boutique until it sells,” she said, having already discussed her plans to leave Miami with Pam. It had been a tearful, emotion-filled conversation, but ultimately Pam had understood her decision, and had already begun to take charge of the day-to-day business dealings. “I’m hoping the new owner, whoever it is, will keep her on.”

Josh nodded. “Over the next three days, we’ll practice self-defense maneuvers, and we’ll spend a few hours each day at the shooting range so you’ll feel comfortable with Liz’s derringer.”

The apprehension Paige thought she’d experience never materialized. It was as though her acceptance had bolstered her courage, made her stronger internally, and pushed aside all uncertainties. She could do this, she realized, as long as she kept her focus. “Okay.”

“I’m taking the tape that recorded your call with Carranza to Reynolds, and he can use it to brief our officers who’ll be working undercover this weekend. We’ve already discovered who is catering the party and assigned men to stand in as part of the crew. Same with the valet service. We’ve been able to post at least two dozen officers at Carranza’s estate for Saturday night.”

Paige’s mind spun with all the information he offered, and she struggled to absorb it all.

He went on. “You’ll also be sitting in on any briefings so you’ll know exactly what our strategy will be, how our men will be set up, and what will happen when Carranza makes his move for the necklace.” His eyes narrowed shrewdly. “The next three days will be intense. Are you up for that?”

“Yes,” she said, meaning it.

A satisfied light came into his gaze. “Then let’s get started.”

SATURDAY AFTERNOON, Paige and Josh headed across the Rickenbacker Causeway to Carranza’s private estate in Key Biscayne. Despite the unpredictability of what lay ahead, Paige felt surprisingly calm, and knew Josh was the reason for her stable frame of mind. For the past three days, he’d committed himself to preparing her both mentally and physically for any confrontation she might possibly face, at times pushing her to the edge of exhaustion and frustration. Still, she’d endured his vigorous demands, knowing the skills he taught her would keep them alive. She’d learned to decipher subtle cues from Josh, knew how to fire a derringer blindfolded, and mastered half a dozen ways to incapacitate a person.

She would wear the Ivanov necklace and knew exactly how to handle any encounter with Carranza or his supposed appraiser. The wireless microphone that had been sewn into the bodice of the gown she’d wear tonight- along with the one Josh would use-was a bit of security Reynolds had insisted upon, just in case she and Josh were separated. The undercover officers would be outfitted with receivers, enabling them to hear their conversations throughout the evening.

Between those lessons and the briefings with Reynolds and the officers assigned to the case, Josh had helped her pack up personal items from the beach house. She’d hired professional movers to secure the rest of her possessions and furniture, and ship them on to Connecticut. By Monday, the house would be empty and she would be gone.

For the past week, she and Josh had been living in a two-bedroom furnished apartment that rented by the week. By the time they arrived home in the evenings after a full day of training and review of strategies, she was so exhausted she fell into bed and slept soundly until dawn. Their hectic schedule left little time for idle conversation, and as a result they didn’t talk about her move back to Connecticut. Not that there was anything left to say. She was leaving and Josh was letting her go, giving her what she said she ultimately wanted.

With every day that passed, she ached at the thought of losing Josh, a man who’d given her friendship, had been her lover in the darkest hours of need, and still remained steadfast and true. Yet she feared what her heart was telling her-feared trusting her feelings, believing she and Josh could have a solid, secure future together. Past experience had taught her otherwise.

At the entrance to Carranza’s estate, Josh announced their arrival. After a brief moment, the elaborate wrought-iron gates slowly opened, allowing them access, and he guided the Volvo up the winding, private road. The scenery, left Paige breathless in awe. The estate, a paradisical hideaway, was surrounded by rolling green lawn and lush, vibrant landscaping. Beyond, she could see the tropical blue water of the Atlantic Ocean.

“Are you ready for this?” Josh asked, slowing the ve- hicle as the driveway circled around an elaborate mar ble fountain, then ended in front of a graceful, elegant mansion that seemed to go on forever.

Watching as a uniformed valet approached their idling car, Paige drew a deep breath and flashed Josh a smile. “As ready as I’ll ever be.”

“Good.” His voice was a low, husky murmur in the close confines of the car, his gaze just as sexy and intimate.

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