writing his autobiography, of which this index is the only surviving fragment.

A substantial mystery still remains. Is it conceivable that all traces of his activities could be erased from our records of the period? Is the suppressed autobiography itself a disguised roman a clef, in which the fictional hero exposes the secret identities of his historical contemporaries? And what is the true role of the indexer himself, clearly a close friend of the writer, who first suggested that he embark on his autobiography? This ambiguous and shadowy figure has taken the unusual step of indexing himself into his own index. Perhaps the entire compilation is nothing more than a figment of the over-wrought imagination of some deranged lexicographer.

Alternatively, the index may be wholly genuine, and the only glimpse we have into a world hidden from us by a gigantic conspiracy, of which Henry Rhodes Hamilton is the greatest victim.


Acapulco, 143

Acton, Harold, 142-7, 213

Alcazar, Siege of, 221-5

Alimony, HRH pays, 172, 247,

367, 453

Anaxagoras, 35, 67, 69-78, 481

Apollinaire, 98

Arden, Elizabeth, 189, 194, 376-84

Autobiography of Alice B. Tokias, The (Stein), 112


birthplace of HRH, 9-13;

childhood holidays, 27;

research at Pasteur Institute of Ophthalmology, 101;

attempts to restore anti-Papacy, 420-35


Bal Musette, Paris, 98

Balliol College, Oxford, 69-75, 231

Beach, Sylvia, 94-7

Berenson, Bernard,

conversations with HRH, 134;

offer of adoption, 145;

loan of DOrer etching, 146;

law-suits against HRH, 173-85

Bergman, Ingrid, 197, 234, 267

Biarritz, 123

Blixen, Karen von (Isak Dinesen),

letters to HRH, declines marriage proposal, 197

Byron, Lord, 28, 76, 98, 543



HRH plans journey to, 188;

crashes aircraft, 196;

writes book about, 235;

meetings with Malraux, 239;

capture by insurgents, 253;

escape, 261;

writes second book about, 283

Cap d’Antibes, 218

Charing Cross Hospital Medical School, 78-93


HRH enters, 31;

academic distinction, 38;

sexual crisis, 43;

school captain, 44

Chiang Kai-shek,

interviewed by HRH, 153;

HRH and American arms embargo, 162;

HRH pilots to Chungking, 176;

implements land-reform proposals by HRH, 178;

employs HRH as intermediary with Chou En-Lai, 192

Churchill, Winston, conversations with HRH, 221;

at Chequers with HRH, 235;

spinal tap performed by HRH, 247;

at Yalta with HRH, 298;

‘iron curtain’ speech, Fulton, Missouri, suggested by HRH, 312;

attacks HRH in Commons debate, 367

Cocteau, Jean, 187

Fleming, Sir Alexander, credits HRH, 211

Ford, Henry, 198

Fortune (magazine), 349

Freud, Sigmund, receives HRH in London, 198;

conducts analysis of HRH, 205;

begins Civilization and its Discontents, 230;

admits despair to HRH, 279

Cunard, Nancy, 204



HRH ashore on Juno Beach, 223;

decorated, 242

Dalai Lama,

grants audience to HRH, 321;

supports HRH’s initiatives with Mao Tse-tung, 325;

refuses to receive HRH, 381

Darwin, Charles,

influence on HRH, 103;

repudiated by HRH, 478

de Beauvoir, Simone, 176

de Gaulle, Charles,

conversations with HRH, 319-47, 356-79, 401

Dealey Plaza (Dallas, Texas),

rumoured presence of HRH, 435

Dietrich, Marlene, 234, 371, 435


Ecclesiastes, Book of, 87

Eckhart, Meister, 265

Einstein, Albert,

first Princeton visit by HRH, 203;

joint signatory with HRH and R. Niebuhr of Roosevelt petition, 276;

second and third Princeton visits, 284;

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