death-bed confession to HRH, 292
Eisenhower, Gen. Dwight D., 218, 227, 232
Eliot, T. S.,
conversations with HRH, 209;
suppresses dedication of Four Quartets to HRH, 213
Ellis, Havelock, 342
Everest, Mt., 521
Fairbanks, Douglas, 281
Faulkner, William, 375
Fermi, Enrico,
reveals first controlled fission reaction to HRH, 299;
terminal cancer diagnosed by HRH, 388;
funeral eulogy read by HRH, 401
Gandhi, Mahatma,
visited in prison by HRH, 251;
discusses Bhagavadgita with HRH, 253;
has dhoti washed by HRH, 254;
denounces HRH, 256
Garbo, Greta, 381
George V,
secret visits to Chatsworth, 3, 4-6;
rumoured liaison with Mrs Alexander Hamilton, 7;
suppresses court circular, 9;
denies existence of collateral Battenburg line to Lloyd George, 45
Goldwyn, Samuel, 397
Grenadier Guards, 215-18
Gstaad, 359
Hadrian IV, Pope, 28, 57, 84, 119, 345-76, 411, 598
Hamilton, Alexander, British Consul, Marseilles, 1, 3, 7;
interest in topiary, 2;
unexpected marriage, 3;
depression after birth of HRH, 6;
surprise recall to London, 12;
first nervous breakdown, 16;
transfer to Tsingtao, 43
Hamilton, Alice Rosalind (later Lady Underwood),
private education, 2;
natural gaiety, 3;
first marriage annulled, 4;
enters London society, 5;
beats George V at billiards, 5, 7, 9, 23;
second marriage to Alexander Hamilton, 3;
dislike of Marseilles, 7;
premature birth of HRH, 8;
divorce, 47;
third marriage to Sir Richard Underwood, 48
Hamilton, Henry Rhodes,
accident-proneness, 118;
age, sensitiveness about, 476;
belief in telepathy, 399;
childhood memories, 501;
common man, identification with, 211;
courage, moral, 308, physical, 201;
generosity, 99;
Goethe, alleged resemblance to, 322;
hobbies, dislike of, 87;
illnesses, concussion, 196;
hypertension, 346;
prostate inflammation, 522;
venereal disease, 77;
integrity, 89;
languages, mastery of, 176;
Orient, love of, 188;
patriotism, renunciation of, 276;
public speaking, aptitude for, 345;
self-analysis, 234-67;
underdog, compassion for, 176;
willpower, 87
Hamilton, Indira,
meets HRH in Calcutta, 239;
translates at Gandhi interviews, 253;
imprisoned with HRH by British, 276;
marries HRH, 287; on abortive Everest expedition, 299;
divorces HRH, 301
Hamilton, Marcelline (formerly Marcelline Renault),
abandons industrialist husband, 177;
accompanies HRH to Ankor, 189;
marries HRH, 191;
amuses Ho Chi-minh, 195;
divorces HRH, 201
Hamilton, Ursula (later Mrs Mickey Rooney), 302-7,
divorces HRH, 308
Hamilton, Zelda, rescued from orphanage by HRH, 325;
visit to Cape Kennedy with HRH, 327; declines astronaut training, 328;
leads International Virgin HRH designs tomb, 478
Jesus Christ, HRH compared to by Mairaux, 476
HRH troubled by, 157, 198, 345, 439
Inchon, Korea, HRH observes landings with Gen. MacArthur, 348
Interlaken, Bruno Walter lends vill to HRH, 401
International Congress of Psychoanalysis, HRH stages anti psychiatry demonstration, 357
Ives, Burl, 328
HRH establishes collegium of Perfect Light Movement, 453;