‘Yes, everything.’

‘Do you remember what I said to you that night?’

‘You said you’d been plotting for ages how to kiss me.’

“‘And I’m such a coward that I waited until now, when you can’t escape,”’ he quoted. ‘I’m no braver now. I had to do it again. Kiss me, Ellie. Kiss me for ever.’

She couldn’t resist any longer. She threw her arms about him, kissing him fiercely as she had done that first time, while the wheel spun and the stars rained down on them.


EVERYONE agreed that it had been the best night out ever. At home they toasted the occasion in hot chocolate before Daisy and Elinor chivvied the children upstairs.

‘Then I’m going straight to bed myself,’ Daisy said.

‘Me too,’ Elinor agreed. ‘Goodnight, Andrew.’

The jollity continued as they climbed the stairs and put their giggling charges to bed. They didn’t want the day to end, but at last they dropped off to sleep. Elinor kissed Daisy goodnight and went to her own room.

She undressed mechanically, trying to sort out her turbulent thoughts, but knowing it was impossible. Something had happened tonight that had brought about a change in Andrew. It had been happening gradually, she realised, but tonight was different. On top of the wheel he’d spoken of having no courage, but he’d acted like a man who’d finally decided to take his courage in his hands.

When the soft knock came on her door she knew she’d been listening for it for a long time.

Andrew stood there looking hesitant until she stood back for him to pass. He was still dressed in the trousers and shirt he’d worn all evening, the shirt open at the throat. He had something in his hand.

‘There’s something you ought to see,’ he said, offering it to her.

It was an envelope, containing the very photographs Myra had described to her over the phone. Elinor went through them slowly. There were the two of them in each other’s arms, oblivious to whoever had been holding the camera, oblivious to all the world but each other.

‘We were so young,’ she murmured. ‘I always knew that I was, but you too-I never realised. Why do you bring me these now?’

‘Because I understand you already know about them.’

She stared at him. ‘Myra?’

‘She called me and said she’d spoken to you earlier.’

‘Did she tell you what she’d said to me?’

‘The gist of it. Enough to make it clear that I couldn’t put this off any longer. There’s so much I want to say to you, and I’ve delayed saying it in case it drove you away.’

‘Is it about the past?’


‘Do you think we should risk it? Is there any more to say?’

‘There’s this to say. Ellie-do you think you can ever forgive me?’

‘Shouldn’t it be me asking you for forgiveness?’

‘No. Everything that happened was my fault. You were so young. You wanted to enjoy yourself and explore life, as you had every right to. And I tried to tie you down long before you were ready.

‘Everything you said about me that day was right. I tried to order your life to suit myself. My only excuse is that I knew how badly I needed you. You were my lifeline to the rest of the world. I’d put work and study before everything, and I’d ignored a whole side of myself to do it. Then you brought that part of me back to life, and I knew I had to keep you with me, at all costs. But what I never saw, or wouldn’t let myself see, was that the cost was paid by you.

‘I drove you into Jack Smith’s arms. But for me you’d never have looked at him. Which means that all the bad things that have happened to you since then have been my fault.’

‘No, that’s too hard. What about what I did to you?’

‘Nothing I didn’t deserve. If I’d been more patient, instead of grabbing at you, we might have stayed together, and been together now.’

‘Andrew, that time I went to the island with Jack, nothing happened. He tried, but he got his face slapped. I wouldn’t have done that to you.’

‘Thank you. It’s odd, after all these years, how much it still means to hear you say that.’

‘I wanted you to be the first, and you should have been.’

‘Yes, if I hadn’t been so smugly determined that my way was right, we could just have found a flat together until you were ready to commit yourself.’

‘Lived as brother and sister, you mean?’ she asked, gently teasing.

‘Blow that! I could barely keep my hands off you, and you made it as hard as you could.’

She stood still a moment, thinking of that time and the life they might have had. ‘If only…’ she said longingly.

‘There are a million if onlys,’ he said, stroking her hair.

‘If only we’d met a few years later. Just think-’

‘I do think,’ he said harshly. ‘And then I try not to think of it, because it’s the way to go mad. For a while after it happened I believe I actually did go crazy. I turned myself into an automaton. I shut off every softer feeling because I had no use for them any more. When I allowed myself to feel emotions again I made sure they were kept in neat order.

‘But then I saw you that day in the hospital corridor, and my whole orderly world went haywire. When we talked and I heard how you’d been forced to live I knew what I’d done to you. I was beside myself, but at least I had the chance to help you. I thought I’d do the operation, Hetta would recover, we’d go our separate ways and I’d feel better about you.

‘But then you were homeless, and the temptation was too much for me. I told you a fairy tale to get you here, and I trapped myself because I didn’t dare visit you. I was afraid if you knew the truth you’d run away. But I longed to come here. I wanted to see you in my home, as you always should have been. I used to think of you, living here, and pretend that you were my wife. Foolish, eh?’

‘Not so foolish as you think,’ she murmured, remembering her own pretence.

‘What was that?’

‘Nothing,’ she said hurriedly. ‘Go on.’ She was holding her breath for whatever came next.

‘Then you called me, and I came over that night, and it all went wrong. You were so upset about the money, and when you came to my bed-you don’t know how much I wanted you. But not like that. Not because you felt you owed me.’

She stared. ‘Is that what you thought? That it was a kind of payment?’

‘What else could I think? You so hated taking anything from me, especially money. And then there you were in bed with me, and I thought I heard you saying all the sweet things I wanted to hear from you. I didn’t know whether you were really saying them, or whether it was just a dream. I’d had that kind of dream so often. Then I awoke and you were making love to me, and I thought you were doing it as some kind of duty. It was a nightmare.’

‘But it wasn’t that at all,’ she breathed. ‘You were wretched and I wanted to be close to you, and love you. When you pushed me away I thought I’d embarrassed you because you didn’t want me.’

‘Didn’t want you?’ he echoed. ‘There hasn’t been a moment in the last twelve years when I haven’t loved you and wanted you, even when I wouldn’t admit it to myself. But after that night I felt I’d driven you off. You started planning to leave, but then Myra turned up with Simon, and suddenly I had a second chance. If you knew how my heart sank when you started talking about being my housekeeper and child-minder, and contracts of employment.’

‘I was trying to tell you I wouldn’t throw myself at you. I thought it would relieve your mind.’

‘But I asked you to marry me.’

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