
‘I didn’t make an issue of this when Lee was still in the picture, but now it’s different. You can rescue me or make a fool of me, and you didn’t give me a thought.’

‘Travis, please, I didn’t realise-’

‘No, you didn’t. I still have problems about that lap dancer. Brenton isn’t giving up, and you’re the only person who can help. So what do you do? Abandon me.’

‘I’m sorry. You’re right; I do owe you some help.’

‘Yes, I think you do, but of course if you don’t want to bother-’ he retorted.

‘I do, I do! I just didn’t think-I’m really sorry-tell me what to do.’

‘I want you to stay here, in this apartment. Let the world think we’re a couple.’

‘But will that help your image? If people believe we’re living together-is that respectable?’

‘It is these days. At one time it would have been a scandal, but now a lot of unmarried couples share a home, and as long as they’re faithful to each other nobody thinks anything of it. It’s lap dancers that get you into trouble. While you’re here, you’re my protection against Brenton and his nasty tricks.’

‘All right; you give the orders.’

‘That’s what I like to hear.’

She was baffling, he thought. Nobody, seeing her now, could have suspected the agonised despair that had consumed her only a few minutes ago. She must be a better actress than he’d realised.

But then, his own performance had been admirable. Outraged pride, indignation at her ‘ingratitude’; these had been master strokes born of desperation. When he’d thought of her returning to England to sit alone in an empty house, he’d known that he had to stop her at all costs. So he’d assumed a new character, aggressive, self-centred, as different from the real Travis as it was possible to get.

If he said it himself, it had been an award-winner of a performance.

At her bedroom door he said, ‘You’ll still be here tomorrow?’

‘Word of honour.’

‘Goodnight. Sleep tight.’

He walked away without even the briefest backward glance. It took a lot of self-control, but he was getting good at that.


AT BREAKFAST next day Travis said, ‘Has Lee called you?’


Nor would he, Travis thought. He’d dive for cover and hope the storm would pass.

‘Have you called him?’ he asked.


‘You can’t put it off for ever.’ He added reluctantly, ‘Would you like me to-?’

‘Thanks, but no. There are some things I must do for myself.’ Charlene gave a little laugh. ‘Oh, Travis, if you could see your face. I’ve never seen a man so relieved.’

‘Yes,’ he admitted. ‘But I’d have done it if you’d really wanted me to.’

How kind he was! she thought. How different from anyone else! Impulsively, she laid a fond hand on his cheek, and he put his own hand over it.

‘Time to make our plans,’ he said. ‘I need to flaunt you a bit. I hope you don’t mind.’

‘Not at all.’

‘We must announce ourselves to the world as a couple. An evening out together, in the spotlight, should do it. The Stollway Hotel is best because they already know you there.’

‘Fine. What about the “stage directions”? You’ll have to give me detailed instructions.’

‘Good idea. Do you remember, when you go into the hotel there’s a broad staircase leading up from Reception to a landing with a huge picture? Go up there to admire the picture. Stay there until I arrive.’

‘And while you’re looking for me you must turn around slowly a few times,’ she said, ‘so everyone can get a good view of you.’

‘Right. Walk down the stairs very slowly. I’ll be waiting at the bottom, looking up at you, riveted with admiration. Or should it be adoration?’

‘Hmm, I don’t think so,’ she said, considering this seriously. ‘Admiration will be enough for now. Adoration can come later.’

‘Aren’t I allowed to fall ecstatically at your feet, overcome with worship?’

‘Not just yet, I think.’

‘Very well, I’ll control my ardour-for the moment. Later I’ll turn up the heat and sigh yearningly at my goddess. Hey, do you mind? Women don’t usually burst out laughing when I say things like that.’

‘They would if they could listen to you now,’ she choked, struggling to get her mirth under control. ‘And just how often do you say “things like that”?’

‘Let’s leave it,’ he said hastily. ‘I’m glad you find it so funny.’

‘You’re not glad at all,’ she teased.

He ground his teeth. ‘Have you finished?’


‘Then I’ll continue. You come down the stairs and when you reach me I’ll take your hand and draw you close. With any luck, somebody will have a cellphone with a camera, so we’ll give them a sight to enjoy.’

‘What will you be wearing?’

‘Dinner jacket and bow tie. What about you? I think you’ll need a new wardrobe while you’re here, which gives us a bit of a problem.’

‘What kind of a problem?’

‘Since you’re doing this for me, it’s my responsibility to pay for the new clothes. But if I offer I suppose you’ll come over all offended, and if our last meetings are anything to go by you’ll thump the living daylights out of me. Ah, well, I guess I’ll just have to get used to it. Here.’ He pushed a credit card across the table.

‘Go to-’ He named a famous purveyor of fashionable clothes for both men and women. ‘I’ll call them and say you have my permission to use that. Get a whole wardrobe.’

‘Just the dress for tonight. Restrained and respectable! They’ll take one look and know that you’ve opted for a life of virtue.’ She eyed him satirically. ‘However unlikely that might seem!’

He grinned. ‘I refuse to answer on the grounds that it may incriminate me.’ He checked his watch. ‘Hey, I’ve got to be going. I’m being interviewed by a journalist.’

‘What will you tell them?’

‘Nothing much. Just drop a few mysterious hints. Get them wondering. That’s far more effective.’

‘You really know how to make people dance to your tune, don’t you? I suppose that’s as big a talent as acting.’

‘Yes, and I’m not the only one who has it,’ he said, regarding her significantly.

* * *

Wanting to do him proud, Charlene concentrated fiercely on getting her appearance right for that evening. The gown she chose was dark red velvet with a neckline that came modestly up to the base of her throat, but which hugged her slender figure temptingly. She reckoned that was a good compromise.

She was pleased, too, with the way the hairdresser swept up her hair in an exquisite display of elegance, leaving just a few long curls drifting down over her neck.

It was important to be always ready to embrace new experiences. Tonight she was going to dine with the handsomest, most charming man she’d ever met, revelling in the attention he would pay her and the envy of other women. And that was quite definitely a new experience.

‘Time for curtain up!’ she murmured. ‘Let the performance begin.’

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