178 “get alarmed at”: Fawcett to James Rowsell, June 10, 1921, TNA.
178 “I am going to”: Fawcett to Keltie, Feb. 2, 1920, RGS.
179 “More than half ill”: Holt diary, Oct. 24-26, 1920, ADAH.
179 “giving me”: Fawcett,
179 “It was rather”: Ibid., p. 192.
179 “It is awful”: Holt diary, Nov. 18, 1920.
179 “Never mind me”: Fawcett,
179 “There was nothing”: Ibid.
180 “The exit from Hell”: Holt diary, Nov. 17, 1920.
180 “What does it mean”: Nina Fawcett to Large, Jan. 26, 1921, Fawcett Family Papers.
180 “Col. Fawcett’s expedition”: Candido Mariano da Silva Rondon,
180 “You are a strong”: Harriett S. Cohen to Holt, Jan. 28, 1921, ADAH.
181 “Unfortunately we live”: Fawcett to Holt, Aug. 18, 1921, ADAH.
181 “After close association”: Holt diary, Aug. 17, 1921.
181 “convinced I am”: Fawcett to Esther Windust, March 5, 1923, PHFP.
181 “I longed for the day”: Fawcett,
181 “the prospects of returning”: Fawcett to Keltie, Feb. 4, 1920, RGS.
182 “Loneliness is not”: Fawcett,
182 “I must return”: Brian Fawcett,
183 “It’s up to you”: Brian Fawcett,
183 “[Lawrence] may be”: Fawcett to Harold Large, March 26, 1919, Fawcett Family Papers.
184 “of faith, courage”: Fawcett to Esther Windust, March 5, 1923, PHFP.
184 “I want to go”: Fawcett,
184 “unsatisfied and unsettled”: Raleigh Rimell to Roger Rimell, March 5, 1925, Rimell Family Papers.
184 “both strong as”: Fawcett to Large, Feb. 5, 1925, Fawcett Family Papers.
184 “I can only say”: Fawcett to John Scott Keltie, April 4, 1924, RGS.
185 “All water has”: Nina Fawcett to Large, Nov. 26, 1922, Fawcett Family Papers.
185 “The situation is”: Fawcett to Large, Oct. 16, 1923, Fawcett Family Papers.
185 “My man actually”: Nina Fawcett to Large, July 18, 1919, Fawcett Family Papers.
185 “I wish you”: Fawcett to Keltie, Dec. 29, 1923, RGS.
185 “P.H.F. was in”: Nina Fawcett to Large, Aug. 14, 1922, Fawcett Family Papers.
185 “My father’s impatience”: Percy Harrison Fawcett, epilogue to
186 “Archeological and ethnological”: Fawcett to Large, Oct. 16, 1923, Fawcett Family Papers.
186 “the money wasted”: Fawcett to Keltie, Nov. 29, 1921, RGS.
186 “men of science”: Fawcett,
186 “all the skepticism”: Fawcett to Keltie, Nov. 1, 1924, RGS.
186 “going to see”: Fawcett to Keltie, Dec. 18, 1922, RGS.
186 “The valley and city”: Mrs. Letheran to Fawcett, Oct. 9, 1919, Fawcett Family Papers.
186 “the treasures of”: Percy Harrison Fawcett, “Planetary Control,” p. 347.
186 “a trifle unbalanced”: George Miller Dyott to Arthur R. Hinks, June 24, 1927, RGS.
186 “scientific maniac”: Stanley Allen,
186 “mental storms”: Percy Harrison Fawcett, “Obsession.”
186 “The Mining Syndicate”: Fawcett to Large, Oct. 19, 1923, Fawcett Family Papers.
186 “It seemed as”: Jack Fawcett to Windust, Dec. 2, 1924, PHFP.
187 “A short time”: Jack Fawcett to Windust, Oct. 28, 1924, PHFP.
187 “The capacity for love”: Fay Brodie-Junes to Nina Fawcett, n.d., Fawcett Family Papers.
187 “the Gods will”: Fawcett to Large, Oct. 19, 1923, Fawcett Family Papers.
188 “a supply of bombs”:
188 “the whole method”:
188 “highly respectable man”: Fawcett to Hinks, Dec. 23, 1924, RGS.
188 “to get into touch”: Jack Fawcett to Windust, Oct. 28, 1924, PHFP.
189 “the finest exploration”: Fawcett to Keltie, Feb. 4, 1925, RGS.
189 “We have known”:
190 “I judge from Lynch’s”: Fawcett to Keltie, Nov. 4, 1924, RGS.
190 “a modern Columbus”: Fawcett to Keltie, Oct. 10, 1924, RGS.
190 “The R.G.S. bred me”: Fawcett to Keltie, Nov. 2, 1924, RGS.
190 “If they don’t”: Nina Fawcett to Large, March 31, 1927, Fawcett Family Papers.
190 “Not a sum”: Fawcett to Keltie, March 17, 1925, RGS.
190 “In some ways”: Fawcett to Keltie, Feb. 4, 1925, RGS.
190 “a fine young fellow”: Reeves,
190 “I shall rejoice”: Fawcett to Keltie, Nov. 10, 1924, RGS.
191 “In two years’ time”: Fawcett,
191 “[He] succumbed”: Fawcett to Hinks, Dec. 23, 1924, RGS.
191 “must have suffered”: Fawcett to Keltie, March 17, 1925, RGS.
191 “the plan can”: Isaiah Bowman to Rockefeller, Jan. 3, 1925, AGS.
192 “He did precipitate”: Fawcett to Keltie, March 17, 1925, RGS.
192 “I am a great believer”: Fawcett to Keltie, Dec. 25, 1924, RGS.
192 “the honour of immortality”: Fawcett to Bowman, Dec. 15, 1924, AGS.
194 In 2004:
196 Although he made: Nina Fawcett to Arthur R. Hinks, Nov. 17, 1927, RGS.
196 “would preserve a higher”: Percy Harrison Fawcett, “Proposal for a S. American Expedition,” April 4, 1924, RGS.
197 “At least forty million”: Percy Harrison Fawcett, epilogue to