'Yeah,' said Fisher. 'We're thinking of putting in for a raise.'

'Thank you, sir warrior,' said Hawk quickly. 'We do our best, but I'm sure we've a long way to go before we become as renowned as Adam Stalker.'

Stalker smiled and waved a hand dismissively. 'Minstrels exaggerate. I take it you're here as William's bodyguards. You shouldn't have any trouble, not with me and Gaunt to look after him. Still, I can always use a backup. I'll talk to you again later; I want to hear all about this vampire killing. I once stumbled across a whole nest of the things, up in the Broken Crag range. Nasty business.'

He nodded briskly, and strode off to speak to Blackstone. Hawk and Fisher watched him go.

'Big, isn't he?' said Hawk.

'I'll say,' said Fisher. 'He must be close on seven feet tall. And did you see the size of those muscles?'

'Yeah.' Hawk looked at her narrowly. 'You were a bit short with him, weren't you?'

'He was a bit short with me. He's obviously one of those men who think women should stay at home while the men go out to be heroes. You ever met him before. Hawk?'

'No. Heard most of the songs, though. If only half of them are true, he's a remarkable man. I wasn't sure I believed some of the stories, but now I've met him; I don't know. He's certainly impressive.'

'Right.' Fisher sipped thoughtfully at her drink. 'A very dangerous man, if crossed.'

Hawk looked at her sharply. 'Oh, come on. Stalker as an assassin? That's ridiculous. What reason could a great hero like Stalker possibly have for taking on a small-time politician like Blackstone? We're talking about a man who's supposed to have toppled kings in his time.'

Fisher shrugged. 'I don't know. He just strikes me as a little too good to be true, that's all.'

'You're just jealous because he congratulated me, and not you.'

Fisher laughed, and emptied her glass. 'Maybe.'

'How many of those have you had?' asked Hawk suddenly.

'Two or three. I'm thirsty.'

'Then ask for a glass of water. This is no time to be getting legless. Hightower would just love to find some reason to drop us in it.'

'Spoilsport.' Fisher put down her empty glass and looked about her. The party seemed to be livening up. The chatter of raised voices filled the parlor, along with a certain amount of self-satisfied laughter. Every hand held a wineglass, and the first few bottles were already empty.

Hawk moved away to talk to Blackstone about the security arrangements, and Fisher was left on her own. She looked disinterestedly around her. Society gatherings didn't appeal to her much. Private jokes, malicious gossip, and sugary wines were no substitute for good food and ale in the company of friends. Not that she was particularly fond of that kind of gathering, either. <em>I guess I'm just basically antisocial</em>, thought Fisher sardonically. She shrugged and smiled, and then stood up a little straighter as Edward Bowman came over to stand before her. She bowed politely, and he nodded briefly in return.

'Captain Fisher. All alone?'

'For the moment.'

'Now that is unacceptable; a good-looking woman like yourself should never want for company.'

Fisher raised a mental eyebrow. Her face was striking rather than pretty, and she knew it. <em>He's after something</em>;

'I'm not very fond of company,' she said carefully.

'Don't much care for crowds myself,' said Bowman, smiling engagingly. 'Why don't we go somewhere more private, just the two of us?'

'I don't think Gaunt would like that. We are his guests. And after all, I'm here to do a job.'

'Gaunt won't say anything.' Bowman leaned closer, his voice dropping to a murmur. 'No one will say anything. I'm an important man, my dear.'

Fisher looked him straight in the eye. 'You don't believe in wasting time, do you?'

Bowman shrugged. 'Life is short. Why are we still talking? There are so many other, more pleasurable things we could be doing.'

'I don't think so,' said Fisher calmly.

'What?' Bowman looked at her sharply. 'I don't think you understand, my dear. No one turns me down. No one.'

Fisher smiled coldly. 'Want to bet?'

Bowman scowled, all the amiability gone from his face as though it had never been there. 'You forget your place, Captain. I have friends among your superior officers. All I have to do is drop a word in the right quarter;'

'You'd really do that?'

'Believe it, Captain. I can ruin your career, have you thrown in jail; You'd be surprised what can happen to you. Unless, of course;'

He reached out a hand towards her, and then stopped suddenly and looked down. Fisher had a dagger in her left hand, the point pressed against his stomach. Bowman stood very still.

'You threaten me again,' said Fisher quietly, 'and I'll cut you one you'll carry for the rest of your days. And be grateful my husband hasn't noticed anything. He'd kill you on the spot, and damn the consequences. Now go away, and stay away. Understand?'

Bowman nodded jerkily, and Fisher made the dagger disappear. Bowman turned and walked away. Fisher leaned back against the buffet table and shook her head resignedly.

<em>I think I preferred the party when it was boring</em>;

Gaunt stood alone by the doorway, keeping a careful eye on the time. The first course would be ready soon, and he didn't want it to be overdone. The first course set the mood for the meal to come. He looked around at his guests, and then winced slightly as he saw Stalker making his way determinedly towards him. Gaunt sighed, and bowed politely to Stalker. The giant warrior inclined his head briefly in response.

'I'd like a word with you, sir sorcerer.'

'Of course, Adam. What can I do for you?'

'Sell me this house.'

Gaunt shook his head firmly. 'Adam, I've told you before; I'm not interested in selling. This house suits me very well, and I've spent a great deal of time investing both it and the grounds with my own magical protections. Moving now would be not only expensive and highly inconvenient, it would also mean at least six months' hard work removing those spells before anyone else could live here.'

'The money needn't be a problem,' said Stalker. 'I'm a rich man these days. You can name your price, sorcerer.'

'It's not a question of money, Adam. This house suits me. I'm quite happy here and I don't want to move. Now I hate to be ungracious about this, but there's really no point in your continuing to pester me about selling. Your gold doesn't tempt me in the least; I already have all I need. I don't see why this house is so important to you, Adam. There are others just like it scattered all over the city. Why are you so obsessed with mine?'

'Personal reasons,' said Stalker shortly. 'If you should happen to change your mind, perhaps you would give me first refusal.'

'Of course, Adam. Now, while you're here, I'd like a word with you.'


'What's happened between you and William? Have you quarreled?'

'No.' Stalker looked steadily at Gaunt. 'Why do you ask?'

'Oh, come on, Adam; I'm not blind. I don't think the pair of you have exchanged two words you didn't have to in the last few weeks. I thought perhaps you'd had a falling-out, or something.'

Stalker shook his head. 'Not really. I'm here, aren't I? It was just a difference of opinion over what our next project should be. It'll work itself out. And now, if you'll excuse me;'

He nodded stiffly to Gaunt, and walked away. The sorcerer watched him go, his face carefully impassive. Something was wrong; he could feel it. Stalker might talk calmly enough, but the man was definitely on edge. Still, it wasn't likely he'd make any trouble. Not here, not at William's party. Gaunt frowned. Just the same, perhaps he'd better have a word with Bowman; see if he knew anything. If something had happened to upset Stalker, he'd make a dangerous enemy.

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