As I pulled on my ancient gray sweatpants and a dark blue T-shirt, I pondered the fact that he was quite willing to have sex with me even though he hadn’t exactly given me a rousing vote of confidence. Did that mean he was so delighted with his returned virility that he just didn’t care whether I was tormenting his wife?

Dealings between men and women are all too often like picking through a minefield, I thought with some disgust. Marshall was out in the living room waiting for me. He’d walked over in workout clothes, blue sweatpants and a maroon Body Time T-shirt.

It was strange that I could stand in the hall and watch Marshall stretch that wonderful body and feel a wave of lust, that I could love the way he didn’t flinch at the horrible story I’d told him. But still, I drew back from him from time to time.

This was one of the times.

We didn’t talk much on the way to Body Time in my car, but the prospect of doing something I enjoyed with Marshall, who also enjoyed it, made me feel more relaxed.

Janet Shook was on the treadmill when we entered. Her eyes widened. She clearly was adding two and two in her head. I waved casually. Marshall exchanged a few words with Derrick, who’d opened for him, and then we mapped out our workout. It was legs days- not my favorite-but doing legs was not so bad with company.

It was very convenient and pleasant having Marshall there to take the weights on and off and spot for me; it was equally pleasant being able to return the favor.

People who before had only nodded to me came up to speak, since I was with Marshall. Of course, everyone knew him. And I found that they knew who I was, too: They all called me Lily. Though my scratched face got some sideways glances, no one mentioned Norvel Whitbread.

This, too, was pleasant, but I found that after greetings had been exchanged, I had nothing to say. I just listened as they chatted with Marshall. Marshall is a kind of community clearing house. Everyone who approached him had some piece of gossip or news to relate and seemed to feel free to speak in front of me. I wondered why.

I found, as the second gossiper in a row referred to it, that I had a reputation for being closemouthed. It surprised me to think that people thought of me at all, but I should have remembered: In small towns, there is no such thing as an invisible life.

Despite twinges in my side, I had finished leg-pressing three hundred pounds when Brian Gruber, an executive at the mattress-manufacturing plant that was one of Shakespeare’s larger employers, drifted by in the course of his workout to murmur quietly in Marshall’s ear. Marshall listened grimly, doing a lot of curt nodding. This was so definitely a man-to-man talk that I did an extra set so they could finish. After all, Marshall had said my quads needed work.

When I was through, I just lay there and panted. Brian wandered away to do bicep curls while Marshall added a twenty-five to each side of the leg press for his set, looking thoughtful and grim. He didn’t meet my eyes as I made way for him. I reached for my sweat towel and began dabbing at my forehead.

Damned if I was going to ask.

Marshall slid into position. He put his feet up on the push board, aligned them carefully. He pushed a little, taking the pressure off the relief bars, which he flipped to the side simultaneously. Then he bared his teeth in a snarl of effort and began his set. Maybe he was trying to make me feel equal; three hundred was my top weight, and I knew Marshall could do double that. I waited stonily till his set was over and he’d flipped the bars back into place. He beckoned to me to crouch down where he lay.

So, here came the bad news.

“Brian just heard that Thea’s been telling everyone at her church that she’s going to put me through the wringer as far as property goes. But he also told me the same thing you did-that she’d been having overnight company, which’ll count against her in court.”

“You’ve been having company, too.” I watched his face go blank.

I stood up and covered my face with the towel as though I was bathed in sweat, when in fact I’d cooled down. I had to get my indifferent face back on. I felt a strong inclination to pick up my workout bag and leave without a word, but that would be cowardly.

I shifted so my back was to the leg press, and I stared at a pretty teenager who was having the time of her life showing Bobo Winthrop how hard it was for her to bench-press two ten-pound dumbbells.

Bobo looked over at me, his eyes widening as he took in my marred face. His mouth formed the words You okay? I nodded. Then the girl on the bench said something to claim his attention. I looked in another direction so Bobo wouldn’t meet my eyes again and feel obliged to come over to talk to me.

I felt hands on my shoulders, and I twitched like a horse trying to dislodge a fly.

“So, I’ll just have to find some other toehold,” Marshall said calmly. He began to take off the twenty-fives he’d added.

“Leave them on,” I said. I slid into position, braced my feet, flipped the braces to the side, and began to push.

I managed five reps before I could tell that serious pain was just around the corner.

To finish up, we did three sets, thirty each, of lunges and leg lifts in the aerobics room. When we sat up after a short rest, I said what I thought he was waiting for me to say. “I don’t think we should see each other until you’re really divorced. Thea is unstable; she’s in trouble at work and at home. There’s no point making things worse for her, which will only make it worse for you in the long run- your property settlement and all.”

“I don’t want a sick woman like that dictating what my life will be like,” Marshall said. He meant it, but he was also relieved. I could hardly blame him; I’d worked hard for what I had, too.

“Then there’s the trick-playing thing,” I went on after a calculated pause. “I can’t go on being scared every time I step out of my house that someone’s going to put something on my doorstep or leave something on my car. Maybe if we don’t see each other for a while, that’ll let up. If it’s the same person who’s playing tricks on Thea, it’s someone who has serious feelings about you; maybe he, or she, will let you know about those feelings if I’m not around. You can deal with it, and I’ll be clear of it.”

“I don’t know what to say, Lily,” Marshall said. “I don’t want to lose you now that we finally…”

“I’m not going anywhere,” I said, and got to my feet, ignoring the reawakened pain in my side. “We’ll see each other in karate class, and here sometimes.” I left before Marshall had to think of something else to say.

As I drove home, I became aware that I was feeling something I hadn’t felt in years: disappointment.

No sooner had I turned the corner to Track Street than I saw the police car at the curb outside my house. Leaning against it was Claude Friedrich, as solid and immovable as if he had all the time in the world.

I made a sudden decision to go grocery shopping, and after checking the traffic behind me, I backed up before Friedrich could see me and reversed my direction in a convenient driveway. I didn’t want to talk to anyone right now, least of all the all-too-perceptive Friedrich.

I hadn’t been to the store without a list in years. Sunday is the day I usually cook ahead, and my little freezer was almost empty.

The last time I’d been in Kroger’s, I’d been shopping for myself and for the return of the Yorks… Hey, they’d never reimbursed me for the groceries, or for the work I’d done last Wednesday. I hated the thought of bothering them, knowing how devastated they were by the trial of their granddaughter’s assailant, but if they felt better to the extent of being able to take a walk, they could pay me.

I was trying to remember all the ingredients of my favorite tortilla casserole when a cart slammed into mine. I looked up sharply and realized the anger rolling around inside me had found an excellent focus, here to my left, wearing a modest shirtwaist dress and loafers.

The woman pushing the other cart was Thea Sedaka. Thea had bumped my cart on purpose; the stare she fixed on me aimed at contrite but never made it past loathing.

It had been a long time since I’d seen Thea this close. She was as pretty as ever. Tiny and small-boned, the future ex-Mrs. Sedaka has a sweet oval face outlined with shoulder-length dark hair cut to frame it perfectly. Thea had always made me feel like a hulking milkmaid to her dainty princess. I’d never known if the effect was intentional or a result of my own touchiness.

Now that I had the inside scoop on Thea’s character, I could see how she achieved my displacement. She looked up, far more than she actually needed to, to make me feel even taller, and she pushed her cart with a little frown, as if it was almost too heavy to manage.

Thea’s dark green dress was covered with teeny-weeny flowers in a sweet pink; nothing splashy or florid for

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