“I could surely use a blowjob,” Jase stated in the same tone he might say he could use some food or sleep.

Anger rose inside Brook, overriding her fear. “I’ll bite it off and spit it in your face,” she said, her voice bitter.

“Is that right? You’re still pretty mouthy for someone in your predicament. We’ll have to work on that.” Jase backhanded Brook and sent her reeling onto the mattress. He considered her threat and came to a decision. “Okay, no blowjob. I think I’ll have some more of that tight ass instead. But first a little more pussy.” He dropped to where Brook cowered, slipped between her legs, and took her with unnecessary force. Her scream echoed off the walls and down the hallway.

Jase spent what seemed to be an eternity, pounding away, oblivious to Brook’s misery. Brook soon fell quiet. Jase didn’t even seem to notice when she tuned him out; when, in fact, she tuned out everything.

Brook focused her attention on the tattered valance hanging over the window. Little brown cartoon monkeys danced across a faded green background, and Brook guessed this room, at some distant time, must have belonged to a little boy. She wondered where that child was today. Was he out there in the world somewhere right now, all grown up and happy in his life, going about his daily routine? Or did he die young, leaving his parents with an aching grief that would never end? The thought added an inexpressible sadness to the horror she was enduring. Then she thought, maybe the child grew up to be one of the animals who now tormented her. Maybe this room had actually belonged to Jase when he was a child.

The thought slammed her back to current time just as Jase withdrew and flipped her to her belly, taking her from behind once more. Brook squirmed, unable to move out from under Jase’s weight. Fortunately, in this position he didn’t last long, and with a hoarse cry, he released inside her. He stood, pulled his pants up, and without a word, left the room.

Afterward, Brook curled into a fetal position, holding her hands tight over her lower abdomen. At least she didn’t have to worry about getting pregnant. That dream was long past. But, some wounds never heal completely. She drifted back in time and cried fresh tears of sorrow for a past loss. Sorrow for herself. Sorrow for the brutality and bitterness of life.

 As she wept into the folds of the filthy sheet, she tried not to focus on the liquid running from her anus. She didn’t know if it was semen, feces, or worse, but was afraid to ask to use the restroom because each time she did, Gina was more hostile toward her. Brook would rather lay and suffer than face Gina's hateful attitude.

All too soon, Benny sauntered into the room. “My turn,” he whispered into her ear as he flipped Brook to her belly and crawled on top of her. “Are you glad to see me?”

“Why are you doing this to me?” Brook anguished, voice low, barely a whisper.

“Aw, baby doll,” Benny cooed. “I’m not doing it to you. I’m doing it with you.”

He laughed softly, and then grunted as he entered her. Brook lay perfectly still, trying to mitigate the pain, hoping Benny would find her less appealing and lose interest. She soon realized Benny didn’t care one way or the other. He was focused on his own interpretation of the episode.

“I like women,” he panted softly, as if confiding in her. “And they like me. But I’m picky. I don’t fuck just anybody. I’m what you might call selective.

Brook felt each stroke of his organ like a knife stab.

“You’re lucky,” he continued. “A lot of women wish they could be doing what you’re doing right now. That’s because I’m different. I’m not like those other guys. I mean, to Jase you’re just something to be used. Kind of like a toilet, you know? When he wants to fire off a load and needs a place to put it, any woman will do. You’re just handy, that’s all. And Pete, well, he just pretty much goes along with Jase. He don’t do a lot of thinking for himself. But me, I’m deep. I analyze things, really study on them. I know how to appreciate a woman. I know what I’m doing between the sheets. You can tell that, right?”

Brook said nothing as he pumped away. He seemed to enjoy his own words as much as he enjoyed the act itself and didn’t seem to need a response from her. His breathing accelerated.

“I mean, come on. I hate to say it, but you’re starting to stink. But, I don’t let that bother me. Still, I come in here and make sweet love to you anyway. Sweet, sweet love.” He rotated his hips, grinding into her. His hands moved up and down her sides, squeezing here and clutching there. Brook felt his weight on her body, his perspiration sticky on her back.

“Tell me you like it,” he urged. Tormented not only by the rape, but also by this bizarre conversation, Brook moaned.

“That’s right, baby. That feels good, doesn’t it?” he encouraged, misinterpreting the sound. “Tell me you love me.”

“No,” Brook cried.

“Say it,” he pleaded, a little boy whine to his voice. “I want to hear it. Say you love me.”

Brook refused.

“Okay, fine. I was trying to make it nice for you.” His voice hardened. “If you want to be that way about it, then tell me to fuck you.”

“I can’t,” she wept.

He punctuated each word with a thrust. “Ask. Me. To. Fuck. You.” His hands circled her neck and began to tighten.

Brook shook her head, trying to suck in a breath.

“Say it or I’ll cut your fucking nipples off. I swear I will.”

Brook knew he meant it, but she couldn’t force the words from her mouth. He slid his hand beneath her and took a nipple between his thumb and fingers, twisted hard. Brook bit her tongue, refusing to cry out.

“Better say it,” Benny warned.

“Fuck me,” Brook whispered, pushing the vile words past her pain.

“Again.” He pinched harder.

“Fuck me.” Tears flowed from her eyes.

“That’s better.” Benny released his grip on her breast and wrapped his arm around her with exaggerated tenderness. “That’s my girl. Say it again. That’s good. Again, again! Holy shit, that’s good!” He finally satisfied himself, and withdrew.

Expecting him to leave, Brook was dismayed when he pulled her to his sweaty chest and flopped a skinny leg over her thighs. She tried to ease away from him.

“Hey, hey, hey,” he admonished in a sleepy voice. “Get back here. Let’s just snuggle up and take a little nap together. I might want more of that hot box of yours in a while.” And then, when Brook continued to avoid his touch, “You can pretend you didn't enjoy that, but I know better. You got off just like I did, so cool it. You don't want to go and ruin the moment or you’ll piss me off, and stop shaking the mattress. Just lay the fuck still now.”

Brook went limp in his arms. She tried to scoot away from him again when his breathing slowed and became even, but his arms tightened around her. She resigned herself to the revolting feel of his body next to hers, his moist skin against her skin, his rancid breath in her ear. Nausea rose in her throat and she thought she might vomit. Realizing how much that would anger him, she fought to control the urge and sent her mind away to a better place. She pulled up old childhood memories, memories of playing with friends, of swinging, of laughing. Swimming at the municipal pool, water sparkling aqua in the sunlight. So clear were these images, she could smell the chlorine and the coconut scent of suntan oil. She could hear the shouts of children and the Top 40 songs blasting over the loudspeaker. She could feel herself floating in the water, staring up at the blue, blue sky. Brook drifted in this state, until reality drug her back as Benny shifted in his sleep and began snoring into her shoulder.

 Completely subjugated now, Brook could only try not to antagonize the men. One thing she knew for sure, she wouldn’t try putting on clothes again. It had only resulted in more pain, more humiliation. They were right, she thought. What difference did it make if they saw her naked? That was the least of her worries at this point. She was weary, defeated.

By this time, Brook’s body was oozing blood and semen constantly, but it didn’t seem to dampen the lust of her captors. A few times, Brook heard the sound of water running in the bathroom, and she longed for a shower.

Benny and Jase ‘came to play’ countless times throughout the morning and afternoon, sometimes together,

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