sometimes separately. Pete was their audience at times, but had so far not participated, other than to help hold her down occasionally. Gina watched from the door once, snorting with derision, until Jase made her leave. He claimed she was breaking his concentration.
One time, when she and Jase were alone in the room, she gathered up her nerve. Hating the pitiful tone of her voice, Brook asked Jase if she could please take a shower.
'What the fuck for? Got a hot date or something?' he sneered.
'I want to clean up.' Brook wouldn't meet his eyes.
He just laughed and shook his head. 'You just don't get it, do you?' She didn't know what he meant, but he was starting to look angry again, so she decided not to push it.
Brook was allowed to use the restroom several times but not allowed to clean up again, although she wiped as much blood and fluids away with toilet paper as possible.
Just before dark Brook heard a commotion from the direction of the living room. It sounded like a party was going on and she feared it would not bode well for her. She tried to listen but the words were indistinct. As she strained to hear, a great whooping started, along with cat-whistles and clapping. Brook backed to the corner, cowering.
And then, the door opened and Pete filled the doorway, Gina clutching his arm. “Don’t, Pete. You don’t want her. Pete, stop!”
From behind them came Jase’s voice. “Leave him the fuck alone, Gina. He’s a big boy and knows what he wants, and right now he wants some of that blond pussy.”
Gina flew into a rage and fell on top of Brook, pummeling her with her fists. Brook curled up into a ball, trying to protect herself from the blows.
“You fuckin’ slut! You’ve been throwing yourself at my man ever since you got here. You’ll screw anybody! You don’t care who it is.” Gina was nearly incoherent. “I’ll kill you, you dirty bitch!”
Jase found this entertaining and allowed it to continue for a few minutes. Then he turned to Pete. “Better get your skank outta here.”
“I don’t like it when you talk about Gina that way, Jase,” Pete said, but he still pulled Gina off Brook and held her tightly against his chest. She strained to get away from him, arms reaching toward Brook, feet kicking against Pete's ankles.
“I don’t give a shit whether you like it or not.” Jase glowered at Pete. “Get her under control. I mean it, man. You gotta stop being such a whipped little pussy.”
Pete looked from Jase down into Gina’s twisted face.
“Cut it out, Gina,” he said, his voice holding a threat. “You’re gonna push me too far one of these days. A man can only take so much.”
Gina abruptly sagged in his arms.
“Don’t do it, Pete,” she whined. Pete lowered her to the floor and she turned to grab his arm. “Please don’t do it. Don’t I fucking mean anything to you?”
“This has nothing to do with you,” Pete said, his eyes already gleaming with anticipation. Gina clutched at his shirtsleeves. He shook her off and slid his zipper down. Gina stormed from the room, cursing Pete, Brook, Jase and everyone else in the world. Pete glanced over his shoulder as she left and shrugged. Then he turned to Jase. “For
Brook watched with wild eyes as Pete undressed. “Oh my god,” she moaned. “Please, no! Please, don’t touch me. Please!”
Pete was grotesquely endowed, the kind of man they talked about when they said ‘hung like a horse’. Brook had never even seen pictures of anyone this large. She crouched in the corner, crying and covering her body with the sheet as Pete dropped to his knees on the mattress in front of her. Alcohol and tobacco breath wafted from him in almost visible fumes. Obviously, the combination of booze and the other guys’ jeers had finally convinced Pete to partake of their toy.
Pete stroked himself with both hands. “Lookee here,” he smiled, baring his bad teeth. “Lookee what I got for you. A big present for a little lady.” He seized Brook’s legs and pulled her out straight on the bed, straddling her chest. “Gimme them boobies.” He grabbed her breasts, pulled them roughly around his firmness, and began to pump into them. After a few minutes he moved higher and began rubbing his erection on her face. “Lick it,” he commanded, looking over his shoulder for Jase’s approval.
Brook clamped her mouth shut, refusing.
“Lick it or I’m gonna shove it in your mouth, and you won’t like that, I can guaran-fucking-tee that.” Pete shook with anticipation, a fleck of drool pooled in one corner of his mouth. He shook his head to flip the hair from his eyes so he could better see what was getting ready to happen.
Jase chuckled. “Hope she doesn’t bite it off,” he said with a grin. “We might have to pull those teeth. I’ve got some pliers in the kitchen.”
Jase’s words sent an icy chill through Brook.
She knew both he and Pete meant what they said. She opened her mouth slightly, tasting Pete and gagging on the gamey scent and the sweatiness. Repulsed, she forced herself to stick out her tongue, and he rubbed the head of his penis on it. Pete shoved forward a little and groaned, smearing her spit all over her face. Finally, he pulled back, breathing hard. “Shit, I almost lost it there for a minute. Don’t want to squirt all over your fucking face. No sirree, I wanta stick it deep inside you. Hold on, let me get it under control.”
He rested with his organ on Brook’s face for a few moments. She strained forward and tried to lick him again, preferring to have him finish this way than to face the prospect of him raping her.
“Just look at that. The little lady likes Petie’s big dick and she wants more.” He laughed but backed up on the mattress, positioning himself between Brook’s legs. Brook lunged and jerked, attempting to get from beneath the man, and he grew annoyed.
“Hold the fuck still. Help a guy out,” Pete said. Jase and Benny grabbed Brook by the arms and held her down. Pete rubbed the head of his erection up and down her swollen labia, as if savoring the feel of her, growing larger if that were possible. In her tender condition, it felt like she was being swabbed with sandpaper. She whimpered, but he ignored her. Then he paused at her opening, pushing gently at first but with ever increasing pressure.
Brook clenched her muscles, but Pete forced himself past her resistance and began moving in and out like a piston rod. Her screams faded to whimpers. She could feel warm blood flowing, soaking the mattress under her hips. Benny and Jase let go of Brook and stood, cheering Pete on, encouraging him to drive it in harder.
“Pretty fucking good, ain’t it, Pete?” Jase said and Benny slapped him on the back.
“Now we’ll never get him off her,” Benny joked. “See what we started?”
“It’s about time,” Jase answered. “He’s been led around by the nose too long. Do him some good to get a little ‘strange’.”
Benny snickered, his eyes on the flexing muscles of Pete’s backside. He shook his head. “Damn, he’s really getting into it.”
While Pete pounded into her, a strange thing happened. Brook felt a rip in her awareness, and she floated upwards. Separated from her body on a peaceful cloud, she drifted. She found herself in a memory of Clark. They were on his boat in the middle of a sparkling lake. She stared drowsily at the clear blue sky overhead, rocked by gentle waves. The sun was warm on her skin, the towel soft against her back. She saw Clark smile at her, his eyes crinkling at the corners. Brook’s swollen mouth lifted in a weary smile. It wasn’t really a memory. It had never happened. Clark wouldn’t have a boat; he feared lake and ocean water, any water where he couldn’t see the bottom. It was more like a dream she could pretend was a memory. Whatever it was, it helped to escape the situation; to distance her from the humiliation. The pain.
With a last, mighty heave, Pete grunted his release, jerking her rudely back to reality, at the very moment the dream Clark said, “I gave them the key. You don’t mind, do you?” As Pete finished, the words Clark had spoken were lost to her, drowned in the horror and degradation.
Sometime during Pete’s performance, Jase and Benny had left the room. Now, Pete collapsed onto her, passing out. Even though Pete wasn’t that big of a man, he was much larger than Brook and she couldn’t breathe. He was crushing her. “Help,” she gasped. “Help!”
Just as she thought she might pass out from lack of oxygen, Jase returned and saw her dilemma. “Shit.” He shoved and Pete’s body rolled off the mattress and onto the floor. Pete mumbled a little, but didn’t wake up.