193. TBJG, II/15, 672 (4 April 1945).

194. Trevor-Roper, 140–43.

195. TBJG, II/15, 638–9 (30 March 1945).

196. Speer, 467.

197. Trevor-Roper, 140–42; Speer, 467.

198. Below, 408.

199. Kesselring, 265.

200. Gruchmann, Der Zweite Weltkrieq, 429; Ludewig, 383–4.

201. See Gruchmann, Der Zweite Weltkrieg, 433; Parker, Struggle for Survival, 221; Weinberg III, 820–21; Irving, HW, 790; Boldt, 113. As a consequence, Hitler had removed a number of divisions from Army Group Vistula and transferred them to Army Group Centre and Army Group South.

202. Weisungen, 355–6.

203. Weisungen, 357–8.

204. Gruchmann, Der Zweite Weltkrieg, 436; DZW, vi.696–7; Irving, HW, 801–2.

205. KTB OKW, iv/2, 1438–9.

206. DZW, vi.686–703; Gruchmann, Der Zweite Weltkrieg, 435–7; see Below, 409–10.

207. Schroeder, 200; IfZ, ED 100, Irving-Sammlung, Traudl Junge Memoirs, Fol.126; Galante, 14 (Junge).


1. Below, 407–8, refers to Eva Braun’s return in late March. Schroeder, 168, has February, as does (without any precise indication of the date) Gun, Eva Braun-Hitler, 181. Speer noted (Speer, 468) that she came to Berlin ‘surprisingly and without being summoned’ in the first half of April. Irving, HW, 793 (without source reference) gives a specific date, 15 April. Joachimsthaler, 472 n.23 (also without source reference), provides an equally specific — but different — date: 7 March.

2. Based on Linge, Bis zum Untergang, 270–72; and also IfZ, ZS 194, the post-war recollections of Hitler’s Munich housekeeper, Anni Winter, Fol.4, noting what she had been told by the wife of Hitler’s major-domo, Arthur Kannenberg. According to this account, Hitler had needed assistance in walking when leaving his room to meet his staff.

3. Linge, Bis zum Untergang, 272.

4. IfZ, ED 100, Irving-Sammlung, Traudl Junge Memoirs, Fol.126: ‘20.April 1945 — Hitlers Geburtstag!… Die ersten russischen Panzer standen vor Berlin. Der Donner der Infanteriegeschutze drang bis in das Gebiet der Reicbskanzlei. Der Fubrer empfing die Gluckwunscbe seiner Getreuen. Alle kamen, druckten ihm die Hand, gelobten Treue, und versuchten, ihn zum Verlassen der Stadt zu bewegen…. Draussen im Park dekorierte er Hitlerjungen. Kinder waren es, die sich ausgezeichnet batten im Kampf gegen russische Panzer. Wollte er sich auf diese Verteidigung verlassen?…’ (‘20 April 1945 — Hitler’s birthday. The first Russian tanks were on the approaches to Berlin. The thunder of infantry guns could even be heard in the Reich Chancellery. The Fuhrer received the congratulations of his loyal supporters. All came, shook his hand, vowed loyalty, and tried to persuade him to leave the city… Outside in the park, he decorated boys from the Hitler Youth. They were children who had distinguished themselves in the fight against Russian tanks. Did he want to depend upon this defence?…)’ See also Galante, 141 (Junge), with some inaccuracy in translation; and Joachimsthaler, 141.

5. Linge, Bis zum Untergang, 273–4; Speer, 477; Keitel, 342; Joachimsthaler, 139–41.

6. Schroeder, 200.

7. Speer, 477; Linge, Bis zum Untergang, 274.

8. Karl Koller, Der letzte Monat. Die Tagebucbaufzeichnungen des ehemaligen Chefs des Genetalstabes der deutschen Luftwaffe vom 14. April bis 27. Mai 1945, Mannheim, 1949, 16–17.

9. Keitel, 343.

10. Speer, 477; Below, 410–11; Boldt, 116.

11. Irving, Goring, 452–9; for Carinhall’s fate after the end of the war, see Knopf and Martens, Gorings Reich, 145ff

12. Speer, 477–8; Below, 410; Linge, Bis zum Untergang, 274; Koller, 18; Irving, Goring, 459–60.

13. Joachimsthaler, 140–41. Weisungen, 357, does not make clear that this additional order followed five days after the initial directive.

14. Cit. Joachimsthaler, 140.

15. Michael A. Musmanno Collection, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, interview with Admiral Karl-Jesko von Puttkamer, 3 April 1948, FF53, Fols.8–10; Franklin D. Roosevelt Library, Hyde Park, New York, Toland Tapes, V/8/3; Below, 410–11; Speer, 478; Joachimsthaler, 139.

16. Schroeder, 200.

17. Schroeder, 203.

18. Joachimsthaler, 143. One plane, carrying Wilhelm Arndt, one of his servants, and remaining personal possessions of Hitler and Eva Braun, crashed near Bornersdorf in Saxony. See also Robert Harris, Selling Hitler, London, 1986, 29–32.

19. Below, 411.

20. IfZ, ED 100, Irving-Sammlung, Traudl Junge Memoirs, Fols. 126–8; Galante, 141–2 (Junge). Traudl Junge vigorously defended her version long after the war against those who denied that there had been any such jollifications (Library of Congress, Toland Tapes, C-86). Gerda Daranowski Christian (Tape C-64) stated that there had been no parties in the bunker itself, which was in any case too cramped for such events; but Junge had described a gathering above ground, in the partly ruined Reich Chancellery.

21. This was the news that he promptly imparted to Luftwaffe Chief of Staff Karl Koller: ‘Early in the morning Hitler rang. “Do you know that Berlin is under artillery fire? The city centre.” (‘Am fruhen Morgen ruft Hitler an. “Wissen Sie, da? Berlin unter Artilleriefeuer liegt? Das Stadtzentrum.”)’ (Koller, 20; also KTB OKW, iv.2, 1685 (entry of 21 April 1945)).

22. Koller, 20–21.

23. Koller, 21.

24. Koller, 22–3, 26.

25. Koller, 23.

26. Cit. DZW, vi.705; Joachimsthaler, 146.

27. DZW, vi.705; Joachimsthaler, 146; Boldt, 117–18.

28. Keitel, 344–5.

29. DZW, vi.705.

30. Speer, 471, 479.

31. ‘Die Vernehmung des Generaloberst Jodl durch die Sowjets’, Wehrwissenschaftliche Rundschau, 11 (1966), 534–42, here 535: ‘Ich werde so lange kampfen, solange ich noch einen Soldaten habe. Wenn mich der letzte Soldat verla?t, werde ich mich erschie?en.’

32. Koller, 25. See also the telegram sent to Mussolini on 21 April, speaking of ‘the spirit of dogged contempt of death’, in which the German people would halt the assault of ‘Bolshevism and the troop of Jewry’ set upon ‘plunging our continent into chaos’ (Domarus, 2226).

33. Cit. Irving, Doctor, 219. See also IfZ, ED 100, Irving-Sammlung, Traudl Junge Memoirs, Fol. 143.

34. Keitel, 346.

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