Tedder, Air-Marshal Arthur W. 836 television see broadcasting Tetuan 14

Thiele, Major-General Fritz 675

Thierack, Otto Georg 507, 508, 692, 800, 823

Third Reich: administration chaos 569; the Anschlue a defining moment 64, 83; the Berlin Olympics 9; and the Blomberg scandal 52; Concordat with the Vatican (1933) 40; cut in two 809; destruction of xl; economic and political power of xvii; expansion 311; the governance of 504; growing British alienation 24; H authorizes mass- murder 252; H incapable of reforming 573; Hoepner wins law suit 507; and H’s fiftieth birthday 184; legislation (1941) 420–21; loss of eastern provinces xvii; mode of execution for civilian capital offences 693; readiness to strike down opposition 556; sectional interests 93; war fever 300

Thirty Years War 41

Thomas, General Georg 225, 344, 345–6, 353

Thorn 242

‘Three-Man Collective’ 312–13

Thuringia 15, 402, 765, 778

Thuringian Forest 539

Thyssen 132

Tilsit 176

The Times 840

Timoshenko, Marshal Semyon 394, 433, 528

Tirpitz (battleship) 178

Tiso, Father Jozef 169, 581

Titian 183

Tobruk 347, 523

Todt, Dr Fritz 98, 106, 334, 434, 441, 502–4, 526

Tojo, General 443

Tokyo 58

Topf, J.A. and Sons 483

‘Torch’ landings 542

Torgau 809

Torgler, Ernst 349

Tornow, Sergeant Fritz 825

‘total war’ 566, 643, 644, 699, 713, 729; and deployment of female labour 563; Goebbels and 561, 562, 563

Toulon 722

tourism xl

trade unions, suppression of xxxviii, xlii

Transylvania 723

Treblinka extermination camp 484, 493, 520, 603

Tresckow, Major-General Henning von 358, 359, 653, 658, 659, 660, 661, 662, 663, 666–70,721

Tripartite Pact (1940) 326, 328, 332, 360, 444

Tripolitania 348

Trondheim 288

Troost, Paul Ludwig 37

Trott zu Solz, Adam von 225, 663, 665

‘Trustees of Labour’ (Treuhander der Arbeit) 186–7

Tscherniakowski, General Ivan 738

Tubingen 139

Tunis 328, 539, 546, 554, 581, 584–5, 586

Tunisia 542

Turkey 194, 365, 603, 617, 645, 719, 723, 732

Tyrol 292, 836


U-boats: building of 284, 719; hopes for continuation of the U-boat war 800; H’s high expectations 448, 585, 618; losses 585, 717; ordered to sink American ships 445; successes in the Atlantic 416, 523, 554

Udet, General Ernst 372, 420

Uebelhoer, Friedrich 484

Uiberreither, Siegfried 698

Ukraine 172, 177, 238, 384, 401, 406, 408, 411, 413, 414, 415, 468, 491, 507, 521, 562, 565, 590, 603, 630; Jews 668; nationalists 158, 165

Ulex, General Wilhelm 247, 248

Ulm 733

‘Ultra’ code-breaker 379, 585

unemployment: in Britain and America 402–3; reduction in xl, 185, 434

United States: air-raids on German fuel plants 635; American Jewry 321, 477; and the Ardennes offensive 743, 744; armaments 502, 516–17; the atomic bomb 731; Congress 442; economic power 285; economy 402–3; enters the war after the Pearl Harbor attack (1941) 364, 442; first commitment of ground-troops to the war in Europe 539; Germany declares war (11 December 1941) 444–6, 486–7, 490; grant of fifty destroyers to Britain 310; isolationism 285; Jewish refugees in 146; a menacing presence in the wings 752; mighty resources 457; Normandy landings 640–41; and the race for Norway 288; relations with Japan 442–3; US soldiers greeted in Germany 788

University of Leipzig Children’s Clinic 259

Unruh, General Walter von 567

Upper Bavaria 701

Upper Franconia 181, 200

Upper Silesia 235, 238, 772, 784, 785

Urals 400, 403, 405, 448, 462, 591

Urbsys, Joseph 176

Ustasha Movement 366

Utah Beach 640


VI (Vergeltungswaffe-1 (Retaliation Weapon 1), flying-bombs 622, 641–3, 645

V2 rocket 622, 645, 731, 736, 746

Valencia 43

Vatican 604; and the Badoglio plot 596;

Concordat with the Reich (1933) 40

Veesenmaeyer, Edmund 628, 734, 735

Veldenstein, near Nuremberg 371

Venezuela 134

Verdun 540

Vereinigte Stahlwerke 19

Versailles Treaty (1919) xxxv–ix, 29, 38, 158, 163, 188, 224, 238, 265, 275, 668, 754

Viaz’ma 433

Vichy government 299, 328, 541

Victor Emmanuel III, King of Italy 98, 216, 586, 595–6

Victoria, Queen 123

Viebahn, General Max von 78

Vienna 45, 58, 75, 80, 160, 198, 590; H’s sense of personal degradation xvi; H’s threat 61, 70; H’s triumph in 80–2; Jewish community 84–6, 131, 133, 318, 485; Jodl transferred to 159; lingering remnants of the German coup (1944) 683; and Linz 365; Nazi Party 81; population 65; Red Army advances on (April 1945) 791; ‘Reich Theatre

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