“the necessary supply: Ibid.
“This,” he said, “necessitated: Ibid., 20.
“and for the first time: Ibid.
The owner of the house: Chicago Tribune, July 31, 1895.
“This,” he wrote, “was my first: Mudgett, 21.
“The city had laid: Dreiser, Sister Carrie, 16.
“there was such a rush: Sullivan, Gerald, 14.
In 1868 a Mrs. H. B. Lewis: Ibid.
“To the business men: Catalogue, 3.
“My trade was good: Mudgett, 23.
He put up a new sign: Franke, 210.
A friend of Burnham’s: Ellsworth to Olmsted, July 26, 1890, Burnham Archives, Box 58, File 13.
“I have all my life: Rybczynski, Clearing, 385–86.
“flecks of white or red: Olmsted, “Landscape Architecture,” 18.
“I design with a view: Rybczynski, Clearing, 396.
“Suppose,” he wrote: Olmsted to Van Brunt, January 22, 1891, Olmsted Papers, Reel 22.
“we are always personally: Roper, 421.
He was prone: Rybczynski, Clearing, 247–48, 341
“My position is this: Ellsworth to Olmsted, July 26, 1890.
Certainly that seemed: Articles of Agreement, 1890, Olmsted Papers, Reel 41; Rybczynski, Clearing, 387.
“When can you be here?: Telegram quoted in Olmsted to Butterworth, August 6, 1890, Burnham Archives, Box 58, File 13.
“Having seen it: Chicago Tribune, July 7, 1890.
a man they could work with: Codman to Olmsted, October 25, 1890, Olmsted Papers, Reel 57.
“It is to be desired: Olmsted, Report, 51.
“a man of the world: Sullivan, Louis, 287.
“she patted the mortar: Chicago Tribune, November 2, 1890.
Root, according to a witness: Miller, 316.
“While in school: Chicago Record, December 16, 1893, McGoorty Papers.
“He got smart: Chicago Record, December 15, 1893, Ibid.
“murky pall: Chicago Tribune, November 16, 1890.
“Don’t Be Afraid”
“Ambition has been the curse: Schechter, 238.
“His presence: Franke, 112.
“It is said that babies: Ibid., 112.
The building’s broad design: Philadelphia Public Ledger, July 22, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 1895; Chicago Tribune, July 17, 21, 23, 25, 27, 28, 29, August 18, 1895; New York Times, July 25, 26, 29, 31, 1895.
“There is an uneven settlement: Chicago Tribune, July 25, 1895.
The high rate of turnover: Ibid.; Schechter, 28–29.
“I don’t know: Franke, 95–96.
At first, Latimer said: Ibid., 43.
“In a general way: Geyer, 26–27.
“fine physique: Trial, 145.
“Come with me: Schechter, 25.
“Pitezel was his tool: Trial, 449.
Captain Horace Elliot: Englewood Directory, 36.
To the buyer’s chagrin: Schechter, 36.
City directories: Englewood Directory, 179, 399; Franke, 40.
“He was the smoothest man: Franke, 42– 43.
“I sometimes sold him: Ibid., 111.
“Don’t be afraid: Chicago Tribune, July 31, 1895; New York Times, July 31, 1895; Franke, 110.
Unlike most Americans: Chicago Tribune, July 26, 1895.
An advertisement: Hoyt, 177.
Immediately the directors: Burnham and Millet, 14–17; Burnham, Design, 7–9; Monroe, Root, 222–23.
“at once cheap wooden quarters: Burnham to Committee on Buildings and Grounds, December 1, 1890, Burnham Archives, Box 58, File 3.
“It may not occur to you: Burnham to Davis, December 8, 1890, Burnham Archives, Business Correspondence, vol. 1.
“cut to the quick: Monroe, Root, 235.
“feeling confident: Moore, Burnham interview, 3.
“McKim, damn your preambles: Moore, McKim, 113.
“To himself: Monroe, Poet’s Life, 115.
“They all approved: Burnham to Olmsted, December 23, 1890, Olmsted Papers, Reel 57.
“they said: Moore, Burnham interview, 3.
“Burnham had believed: Sullivan, Louis, 319.
“I think he, Adler: Moore, Burnham interview, 4.
“He said he was tired: Inland Architect and News Record, vol. 16, no. 8 (January 1891), 88.
He was depressed: Monroe, Root, 249.
“He felt that this: Ibid., 249.
A Hotel for the Fair
In a parody: Boswell and Thompson, 81.
When Myrta’s great-uncle: Ibid., 80; Schechter, 235; Chicago Tribune, July 27, 1895; New York Times, July 29, 1895; Philadelphia Public Ledger, July 29, 1895.
Holmes returned to Englewood: Boswell and Thompson, 80.
“Beside his own person: See Oxford English Dictionary, 2nd ed.
Half a century later: Cleckley, 369.
People exhibiting: Millon et al., 124.
“When I went to bed: Schechter, 235.
“Presently,” Belknap said: Ibid.
“I refused to open: Ibid.
“If I’d gone: Boswell and Thompson, 80.