He planned to install: Chicago Tribune, July 30, 1895.
The manager of the furnace company: Franke, 94–95
“the necessary amount of heat: Ibid., 94.
“In fact,” he said: Ibid.
These clerks: Philadelphia Public Ledger, July 27, 1895.
The Landscape of Regret
The eastern architects left: Hunt to Olmsted, January 6, 1891, Olmsted Papers, Reel 58.
Two hours before: Moore, McKim, 113; Chicago Tribune, January 11, 1891.
“It was one: Moore, Burnham Interview, 3.
“they gazed: Burnham, Design, 24.
“remote and repulsive: Ingalls, 142.
“sandy waste: Bancroft, 46.
“If a search had been made: “A Report Upon the Landscape,” 8, Olmsted Papers, Reel 41.
“it became almost: Burnham and Millet, 45.
The park’s gravest flaw: “A Report Upon the Landscape,” 7, Olmsted Papers, Reel 41.
“a feeling of discouragement: Burnham and Millet, 5.
“Do you mean to say: Hines, 82; Moore, Burnham interview, 4;
“He went down to the office: Monroe, Root, 259.
“looking ill: Starrett, 47.
“ill almost unto death: Monroe, Poet’s Life, 113.
“After the 15th: Ibid., 260.
“Oysters: Chicago Tribune, January 11, 1891.
“Gentlemen,” he said: Poole, 184; Moore, Burnham, Architect, 43.
“The men left: Burnham, Design, 26.
“In talking with them: Monroe, Root, 249; Monroe, Poet’s Life, 113.
Vanishing Point
After years spent: Chicago Tribune, July 21, 23, 24, 26, 28, 29, 1895; Philadelphia Public Ledger, July 22, 23, 27, 1895; Boswell and Thompson, 83–84; Franke, 98–101; Schechter, 39–44.
“I shut the door: Chicago Tribune, July 28, 1895.
“a mysterious disappearances: Chicago Tribune, November 1, 1892.
Fannie Moore: Ibid.
J. W. Highleyman left: Ibid.
Cheyenne: Ibid.
“Himself not especially: Sullivan, Louis, 288.
“It soon became noticeable: Ibid., 320.
“Hell,” he snapped: Ibid.
“Burnham came out: Ibid.
“The natural dominance: Baker, Hunt, 398.
“the function created: Sullivan, Louis, 290.
“In each firm: Ibid., 288.
“John Root was: Ibid.
“I haven’t escaped sickness: Monroe, Root, 261.
“Mr. Root is quite low: Burnham to Boyington, January 14, 1891, Burnham Archives, Business Correspondence, Vol. 1.
“am able this morning: Burnham to Boyington, January 15, 1891, ibid.
“You won’t leave me: Moore, Burnham interview, 5.
“Do you hear that?: Ibid.
“I have worked: Monroe, Poet’s Life, 114.
“most distinguished architect: Chicago Tribune, January 16, 1891.
“There is no man: Chicago Tribune, January 17, 1891.
“It’s all nonsense: Chicago Tribune, January 25, 1891.
“I was born: Philadelphia Inquirer, April 12, 1896.
His gout: Moore, Burnham interview, 6.
“almost in whispers: “The Organization, Design and Construction of the Fair,” January 7, 1895, 56, Moore Papers.
Its center was an octagon: Rand, McNally, 49–57.
“a panorama: Ibid., 126.
“I don’t think I shall advocate: Moore, Burnham, Architect, 47 (In Moore, Burnham interview, 4, the phrasing is slightly different: “I do not think I will advocate that dome, I will probably modify the building.”)
“one grand entrance: Burnham to Sullivan, February 11, 1891, Burnham Archives, Business Correspondence, Vol. 1.
“the tension of feeling: Burnham and Millet, 29.
“quiet intentness: “The Organization, Design and Construction of the Fair,” January 7, 1895, 56, Moore Papers.
“Drawing after drawing: Burnham and Millet, 29.
“The room was still as death: Moore, Burnham, Architect, 47.
“You are dreaming: “The Organization, Design and Construction of the Fair,” January 7, 1895, 58, Moore Papers.
“I never expected: Different versions of St. Gaudens’s remark appear in the literature. I’ve combined elements of two. See Burnham, Design, 39, and Hines, 90.
“We should try to make: Olmsted to Burnham, January 26, 1891, Olmsted Papers, Reel 41.
“What we shall want: Ibid.
“I mean such as Malay proas: Ibid.
“mysterious poetic effect: “Memorandum as to What is to be Aimed at in the Planting of the Lagoon District of the Chicago Exposition,” Olmsted Papers, Reel 59.
“through the mingling intricately together: Ibid.
“a display of flowers: Ibid.
“to slightly screen: Ibid.