“It has gone twelve now”: Mullis’s account is quoted at length in Baker, Preece, 266–67.
Preece and Marconi were kindred: Hong, Wireless, 37– 38.
Preece recognized: Aitken, Syntony, 210–14, 288.
Later Preece would state: Aitken, Syntony, 288.
In a letter to his father: Marconi to Giuseppe Marconi, April 1, 1896. “Letters,” 96–97.
“He promised me”: Ibid., 97.
“La calma della mia”: Marconi, My Father, 46.
“an Italian had come up”: Hong, Wireless, 38.
“On the last day”: Ibid., 38.
“There is nothing new”: Lodge to Preece, October 16, 1896. IEE, SC Mss. 22/213.
“I think it desirable”: Marconi to Preece, December 5, 1896. IEE, NA 13/2/02.
The Strand Magazine: Weightman, Signor Marconi’s, 9; Isted, I, 53.
the ambassador “even apologized”: Marconi to Giuseppe Marconi, January 9, 1897. “Letters,” 100.
“the public has been educated”: Hong, Wireless, 39.
“I may say”: Trial, 36.
Just east lay Bloomsbury: For more detail about the neighborhood and the Bloomsbury and Fitzroy Street groups, see Stansky, December, and David, Fitzrovians, respectively.
“The door opened”: Stansky, December 1910, 10.
For years the basement: David, Fitzrovians, 95.
Nearby at No. 30: David, Fitzrovians, 95; Deghy and Waterhouse, Cafe Royal, 54.
Harrison recalled: Cullen, Crippen, 42.
A photograph from about this time: Goodman, Crippen File, 16.
“a few feeble lines”: Cullen, Crippen, 42.
A program from this period: Goodman, Crippen File, 25.
“the Brooklyn Matzos Ball”: Cullen, Crippen, 44.
“smoking concerts”: Trial, 36.
“She was always finding fault”: Ibid., 88.
“that this man visited her”: Ibid., 36.
He long had resented: Andre Maurois wrote of Wilhelm: “He was sensitive and ardent, and for artists might have turned out to be a desirable friend. But at the head of an Empire he was terrifying. His speeches, even his telegrams, were tirades of melodrama; his mother wished she could put a padlock on his mouth whenever he spoke in public.” (Maurois, Edwardian Era, 83)
Kapp described him: Kapp to Preece, March 19, 1897. IEE, SC Mss. 022. Folder 100-276.
“As far as the Government”: Marconi to Giuseppe Marconi, January 20, 1897. “Letters,” 101–2.
Two Americans: Ibid., 102.
In April, however: Marconi to Preece, April 10, 1897. IEE, NA 13/2/08. Also, see Aitken, Syntony, 218, 222–23.
On April 9, 1897: Graham to Preece, April 9, 1897. IEE, NA 13/2/07.
“I am in difficulty”: Marconi to Preece, April 10, 1897. IEE, NA 13/2/08.
Afterward he wrote: Marconi to Giuseppe Marconi, August 8, 1897. “Letters,” 102.
“Marconi at the end of 1897”: Preece’s Recollections, July 26, 1937, 5. IEE, NA 13/2/24.
On Friday, May 7: Kemp Diary, May 7, 1897.
“So be it”: Kemp Diary, May 13, 1897.
“I can’t love him”: Slaby to Preece, June 23, 1898. IEE, SC Mss. 22/180.
“It is cold here”: Kemp Diary, May 18, 1897.
“I had not been able”: Hancock, Wireless, 4.
“I came as a stranger”: Slaby to Preece, May 15, 1897. IEE, SC Mss. 22/180.
In Berlin, Slaby immediately: See Slaby to Preece, June 27, 1897. IEE, SC Mss. 22/179.
He had to withdraw: Hong, Wireless, 13.
“The papers seem”: Lodge to Preece, May 29, 1897. IEE, SC Mss. 22/210.
“It appears that”: Weightman, Signor Marconi’s, 31– 32.
“It would be important”: Fitzgerald to Lodge, June 21, 1897. UCL, Lodge Collection, MS Add 89/35 iii.
“I have distinctly told him”: Preece to Secretary, G.P.O., July 15, 1897. IEE, Post Office Records, English Minute No. 336170/98.
“I have now constructed”: Slaby to Preece, June 27, 1897. IEE, SC Mss. 22/179.
“We are happy men”: Slaby to Preece, June 23, 1898. IEE, SC Mss. 22/180.
“I merely shook hands”: Trial, 22.
“I cannot say”: Miller Statement, 4. NA-DPP 1/13.
“When I first met her”: Ibid., 4.
“sometimes in the afternoons”: Ibid., 5.
“brown eyes”: Trial, 20.
Only partly true: Deghy and Waterhouse, Cafe Royal, 22.
“Anything we do”: Miller Statement, 5. NA-DPP 1/13.
“often enough to be sociable”: Trial, 20.
“with his Kodak”: Miller Statement, 5. NA-DPP 1/13.
“with love and kisses”: Trial, 37.
“In fact Dr. Lodge”: The Electrician 39, no. 21 (September 17, 1897), 686–87.
“What we want to know”: The Electrician 39, no. 25 (October 15, 1897), 832.
“I hope this new attitude”: Marconi to Preece, September 9, 1897. IEE, NA 13/2/13.
“but no practical results”: Baker, Preece, 275.
“ignorant excitement”: Ibid., 279.
“I want to show you”: Preece to Lodge, November 18, 1899. UCL, Lodge Collection, 89/86.