Lord, how could she turn down that earnest face? She'd never seen such raw need in anyone. 'I'll have to think about it. For now, could you just take us to the airport? I need to get home.'
He didn't argue with her. He drove her to the airport. He helped her with her bag. He stood in line at the ticket counter with her, all the while looking like he wanted to burst with an objection.
She was afraid to admit to him that she was a bundle of indecision. Whatever she did in the next ten minutes would radically influence the rest of her life.
'This line is taking forever,' she grumbled. 'Will you hold down the fort while I run to the washroom?'
He glanced nervously at Andrew, who still dozed in his car seat. She could have sworn he gritted his teeth in determination. 'Okay.'
In the ladies' room, Tara splashed her face with water. Her heart was so full of confusing feelings, she thought it might whirl its way right out of her chest. She loved Kevin. That much was certain. She could forgive his deception, since he'd only done it because he wanted a chance to win her over. But could they really make a life together?
As she returned to the line at the ticket counter, she saw something that made her choice incredibly easy. Andrew's car seat was empty. The baby was now in Kevin's arms, snuggled up against one shoulder. Kevin rocked back and forth with him, jiggling slightly, as if he'd been born to fatherhood. He was also talking to the baby, though she couldn't hear what he was saying.
He looked a little sheepish when he saw her approaching. 'He started to cry. I'm not sure what he wanted, but…'
'He wanted exactly what you gave him,' Tara said with a smile. They'd reached the front of the line, and she went to the next available agent. 'I have a reservation, Tara Satterfield,' she said. 'But I'd also like to make another reservation for next week, Chicago to Colorado Springs. One way.'
She sneaked a glance at Kevin, who appeared shocked. 'You're coming back?'
'I'm going to Chicago long enough to pack up my things and tie up a few loose ends. Then I'm coming back here to finish, um, planning my wedding.'
She wasn't about to drag Kevin to Chicago and make him live there, not now that she'd seen what life in Hardyville was like. It wouldn't be any big sacrifice for her to live there. Shoot, she wanted to. She'd never felt as relaxed and happy as she had over the past two weeks.
Kevin's mouth slowly spread into a grin. He rubbed Andrew's back absently as he looked at the ticket agent. 'Got any more seats on that flight to Chicago?' He turned back to Tara. 'I'm finally getting to know this little guy. I don't want to say goodbye to him now, even for a week.'
Her heart swelling, she leaned into him and they kissed. A couple of other passengers who had heard the exchange applauded.
'Look at you,' Tara said when the ticket agent cleared her throat, forcing them to end the kiss. 'You've been holding that baby for at least five minutes, and you haven't dropped him even once.'
Kevin smiled down at Andrew and switched him to the other shoulder. 'Yeah, how about that.'
'It will get easier, Kev, I promise.'
'It already is.'
With their tickets in hand, they walked toward security, a real family for the first time.
Kara Lennox