into something primal, hot, like their kiss. She wasn’t used to wanting a man like this, mind and body savagely insisting, explosive heat and chills and a moan that she couldn’t believe was hers.

“Be sure, sweetheart,” he said hoarsely after he broke the kiss. His mouth nibbled and nipped over her beautiful cheekbones, her lips. “You’re so vulnerable right now.”

“And you aren’t?” she challenged.

Her hips moved over his erection, setting fire to everything.

“I’ve been hard since the first time I saw you.” His voice was more a growl than words. “You get to me like no one since…”


Deliberately his teeth closed over Lina’s full bottom lip. “We were teenagers. More hormones than brains. The way you reach into me as an adult scares me almost as much as it turns me on.”

She pulled back a little, just enough to see his eyes clearly. Black rims around the iris, shards of silver and blue of every shade radiating out from the pupil, an intensity that staggered her.

“It’s the same for me,” she said. “I need you in too many ways. I don’t know how to handle the other needs, but this one…” She arched into him again. “This one can be satisfied.”

Hunter’s smile was slow and hot. “We sure can try.”

He looked at her for a long moment while the air crackled between them, lamplight poured over them, and bright dust motes pulsed around them with each breath. The electric dance of the pulse in her neck and the smell of her skin filled him as surely as Suzanne’s death had emptied him. Suddenly everything inside Hunter was too strong, too much to be held by his skin. He needed something else surrounding him, holding him deep.

He needed Lina.

His mouth pressed hard against hers, as demanding as his arms pulling her so close they breathed each other. His fingers ran though the black tide of her hair and he groaned with the perfection of her—hot, woman, his.

Lina’s fingertips dug into Hunter’s back as they fought a sensual battle for control of the embrace. Neither won. Both won. His skin beneath his shirt was tight, hard, yet supple over muscles in a way that shouted he was male. She gloried in it, demanded it, let her hips move against him, and shuddered at the wonder of it. When one of his legs shifted to press between her thighs, breath hissed in. Hers. His. Both.

He turned and braced her against the wall even as her arms locked around him in demand. Their mouths ate at each other, sucked, savored, devoured, needing more and always more. She tried to say something, anything, but all she managed were throaty sounds of hunger and pleasure.

“You—I—we—” Her mind scattered when he bit her neck with exquisite care.

“Oh yeah.” His voice was deep, hoarse. “Us. Damn, sweetheart. It’s going to be so good. You want us straight up now or in the bed as fast as we can get there?”

She gave him a dazed look, eyes huge and dark with gold flashing unexpectedly when the light caught her just right.

“God, you’re beautiful,” he said roughly.

“I—it’s you.” She shook her head and fought to breathe. “Bed. I can barely stand up.”

“Your knees hurt?” Hunter asked, concern shadowing the fire in his body.

“What knees?” she asked with an odd laugh. “It’s not the bruises making me shaky. It’s you.”

He bent to kiss her hard and deep, but stopped. If he started here, they wouldn’t get to bed the first time. Hell, maybe even the second.

He breathed out a rough word. “You’re killing me here.”

She glanced down his body and smiled, feeling less shaky, less blindsided by the heat burning through her.

“Those jeans look tight enough to bruise.” Lina’s hands reached for the steel buttons on his fly. “Let me see if you’re hurt.”

With a strangled laugh, he grabbed her hands and led her down a short hallway. The bedroom was like the house, small. Or maybe it was the bed that took up more than its share of the room.

Before Lina could draw a breath, Hunter dropped her in the middle of the mattress and followed her down, landing over her in a sprawl of muscle and heat.

“Gotcha,” he said.

She smiled and slid one hand between their bodies to find him, rub against him, digging her fingernails into denim, flesh hot and hard beneath, and his breath shuddered. “Gotcha right back.”

“I’m trying to slow down.”

“I’ll tell you if you go too fast.”

“Promise?” he asked.


She barely got the word out before his long fingers had the business jacket off her shoulders and down to her elbows. He tugged her blouse out of the matching slacks. She tried to help him, but kept getting distracted by her own need to get his clothes off so that she could enjoy him. The fact that her jacket was around her elbows didn’t help. She felt her bra suddenly loosen and then his mouth was on her, licking and nibbling at her breasts. When he sucked one nipple into his mouth, her back arched and she twisted beneath him.

Reluctantly Hunter released her nipple, his tongue teasing every bit of the way. “Too hard?”

“Get me out of this damn jacket,” she said, trying to work the sleeves down her arms.

“You sure?” Hunter looked at her full breasts framed by her pushed-up blouse and her crumpled jacket. Her dark, hard nipples swayed with each breath, each movement. “You look damn good just the way you are.”

He leaned down and nipped gently, then sucked her deep.

“Jacket,” she gasped.

He lifted his mouth. “Can’t.”


“Your hands are in my jeans.”

She made a startled sound and realized he was right. Both of her hands were inside the waistband of his pants, rubbing over the thick crest that was even now damp with his hunger for her.

“Help me, Hunter.” Her voice was breathless, needy.

He reached down with one hand and tugged at metal buttons. Suddenly her fingers had freedom to move over his full, aching length.

“That wasn’t what I meant,” she said breathlessly. “But it’s good.”

Hunter groaned at her hungry caresses. Then he moved fast, stripping off her jacket and blouse, sending them flying with her bra onto the floor. He lowered his head again to the curves that had aroused him from the first time he had sensed them beneath the prim professor clothes.

“Your boots are still on,” she said.

And her hands circled his erection, squeezed, and approved from base to tip.

“Keep that up,” he said, “and they’ll still be on when I’m inside you.”

“Too fast?” she asked. Her voice was like her hands, hot and teasing.

“Just warning you.”

“Just enjoying you,” she said.

Then, slowly, she released him. He shuddered and forced himself to be reasonable.

“Boots,” he growled. “Will you strip while I undress, or are you shy?”

“I was. Before you.”

Her eyes became even more heavy-lidded. She toed off her low shoes and opened her tailored pants. Before she could lower the zipper, Hunter had kicked off his boots and was shoving his jeans over his feet. His underwear and shirt followed. By the time the narrow waist of her pants reached her curvy hips, he was naked, watching her.

And she burned, watching him in return. Slower now, she shimmied out of the bottom of her pantsuit, feeling a little embarrassed and a lot aroused by the stark male hunger in his eyes. His eyes never left her as he ripped open a foil packet from his jeans and put on a condom. Her simple underwear caught in the pants fabric. She lifted her hips and tugged harder.

“Darn my big butt,” she said between her teeth.

Вы читаете Beautiful Sacrifice: A Novel
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