It was the most exquisitely tender rejection that Janna could imagine; and it wounded her as no other ever could, sliding through her defenses like a silver razor, slicing her open all the way to her soul, leaving her helpless to do anything but curl up inside with pain.
Raven felt the difference in her instantly, a stillness and a withdrawal so complete that he couldn’t believe he was still holding her. „Janna?“
After a long moment she straightened and eased free of Raven’s arms until she could stand in the narrow aisle between his bunk and the galley. She looked down at his powerful body swathed in the dark sheet, at moonlight caught in the transparent black clarity of his eyes, at the big hand held out to her. Even now she could feel the imprint of his warmth on her skin, taste him on the tip of her tongue. She wanted him so much that it was like dying to know that he didn’t want her at all.
„What’s wrong?“ he asked.
„Nothing new,“ Janna said finally, unconsciously echoing Raven’s earlier words to her. She felt the heat and chills of humiliation slowly ebbing, leaving behind only pain and a determination not to make things more uncomfortable for the man who had been so terribly kind and patient with her. „I’m sorry about the kiss, Raven,“ she whispered. „Truly I am. I keep thinking that I have something to give a man in bed. I’m a slow learner. Really slow. Sorry.“
„Janna – damn it! There’s nothing wrong with you!“ Raven said harshly, feeling his control evaporating. He had wanted to spare her, not to hurt her more. Yet everything he said or did only made it worse. Somehow he had to make her understand that it wasn’t that she didn’t turn him on; it was that she wanted him for all the wrong reasons. „It’s the situation, not you. If we’d met any other way than-“
„Don’t,“ she said, cutting across his words. Then, very gently, she said again, „Don’t, Raven. You don’t have to lie to me. I’m a big girl. I can stand the truth. And the truth is that I lack whatever that indefinable something is that arouses a man. I’m sorry I embarrassed you. I promise that it won’t happen again.“ Janna forced a smile and held out her right hand. „Friends?“
„Friends?“ gritted Raven. He stared up at Janna, his eyes as black as night itself. Her smile was infuriating, as brilliant and empty as the moonlight pouring over her outstretched hand.
There was no warning. One instant Janna was standing in the aisle with a social smile plastered on her face and the next instant she was flat on her back in Raven’s bed with his powerful, naked leg across her thighs, pinning her to the mattress.
„Oh yes,“ he said thickly, „we’re friends, Janna.“ He took both her hands, and as he spoke he began dragging them down the length of his body. „I’m a great believer in friends being honest with each other.“
„Raven? What…?“
The question ended in a gasp as Janna felt Raven’s unmistakable male hardness beneath her hands.
„That’s what,“ he rasped.
Raven was so aroused that she could feel the heavy beat of his pulse as he closed her fingers around him. He felt hot and tight to the point of bursting.
„It’s been like that damn near all the time since I saw you fighting the storm,“ he said flatly. „You smile or you turn around or you lick your lips, and I get so hot all I can think about is opening your legs and burying myself in you. If you give me any more crap about not being sexy enough to turn a man on I’m going to…“
The words became a broken groan as Janna’s fingers moved over Raven slowly, savoring every bit of his erect male flesh. His hips moved reflexively, stroking his hungry length between her caressing hands. He saw her looking at his body, smiling at the very visible proof of his desire for her. He shuddered heavily, moving against her warm hands, feeling a pleasure so intense that he clenched his teeth against a guttural cry.
„No more,“ Raven said finally, his voice ragged. He caught Janna’s face between his big hands. „I won’t take you. It wouldn’t be fair to you. I just wanted you to know that I’ve never had a woman turn me on so hard, so quick. If you were any sexier to me, I’d come just looking at you. How’s that for honest?“
Janna looked up at Raven’s face. His eyes were narrowed, glittering, and his mouth was drawn back as though in pain. His skin was hot to her touch, gleaming with sweat, and every powerful muscle was rigid with passion and control. He stirred hungrily between her hands with each rapid heartbeat, a man more potent than she had ever dreamed. The knowledge that he wanted her so much was a searing wildness racing through her, melting her with a sensual heat that she had never before known. She shivered repeatedly, hotly, tiny convulsions that changed her body within the space of a few breaths. She tried to speak but could not, she could only moan his name as her own buried sensuality burst within her, drenching her with liquid fire.
The scent of her arousal made Raven’s whole body tighten. As though in a hot dream he felt her passionate shivering while her legs shifted, opening for him, pleading for him as her hands drew him closer to her.
„Janna – no.“ And then Raven groaned, feeling the softness and moisture of her. „Oh God,“ he said through clenched teeth as she melted at the first touch of him, bathing him with her heat. „I can’t do this to you. I haven’t even kissed you. You deserve better than this.“
„We’re kissing now,“ Janna whispered.
She moved her hips until Raven’s hot flesh nuzzled against her softness, letting him feel what the honesty of his desire had done to her. He wanted to tell Janna to stop before it was too late, but he couldn’t speak. What she was doing took his breath away. His hands clenched on the T-shirt she wore as he fought not to lose control.
And then it was too late. The shirt ripped from neck to hem as he took her with a single powerful thrust of his hips, burying himself in her. She was sleek and ready and wonderfully tight. He had never felt anything half so good. He withdrew and drove into her again and then again, measuring her taut, welcoming softness with his own hard flesh. He knew he should slow down but it was too late for that, it had been too late since he had first seen her fighting the storm. He had never lost control with a woman but it was happening now, everything spinning away from him as pleasure burst repeatedly, wildly, shaking him to his soul. With a hoarse sound that was Janna’s name, he poured himself into her, knowing only her and the sweet violence of the release she had given to him.
Janna felt the wild trembling of Raven’s body, heard her name a ragged cry on his lips and held him fiercely, savoring every instant of his shuddering climax. The knowledge that he had wanted her so badly and that he had found such a complete release within her moved her in ways that she couldn’t describe. Tears spilled down her cheeks as she held Raven, loving the feel of him in her arms and in her body, feeling love for him like a fierce, sweet agony in her soul, wanting nothing more from life but to hold him until she died.
Finally Raven’s breathing settled into the slow rhythms of relaxation and he stirred as though to roll aside. Janna’s arms tightened in silent protest. She didn’t want it to end. Not yet. Not ever. His thick mustache brushed over her cheek in a silky caress as he kissed her gently and then kissed her again, nibbling softly until his lips met the warm trail of her tears. He stiffened and drew back until he could see the shining evidence against her cheek.
„My God,“ he said, his voice breaking. „I’m sorry, Janna. I didn’t mean to hurt you.“
„No,“ she said quickly, holding Raven as he tried to withdraw from her. „You didn’t hurt me.“
But even as she spoke, he gently eased from her body, his strength making a mockery of her attempts to hold him. As he left her she cried out softly. He stroked her hair with a hand that trembled.
„I’m sorry,“ he whispered, „so sorry. I’ve never lost control like that. I just wanted you too much. I forgot how strong I am, how I’m no good with fragile things. I’m sorry, Janna. God, I – “ His voice broke again.