what I did.'

Dani frowned. 'I just hit my head and blacked out, which probably explains why I have no idea what you're talking about.'

'Did you see a car, just before you hit your head?'

She caught herself before she nodded again and said, 'Yes.' *

'It was me. Julie and I had plans for this afternoon. I made her come to the mall so I could spy on you.'

'What?' Dani knew she had brain damage for sure. Katherine couldn't have just said 'spy.'

'I was so hurt and bitter and stupid. I wanted to be the one to take her dress shopping.' She covered her eyes with her free hand. 'I'm so ashamed. I love her so much and I wanted that memory. In that moment, I saw you as the personification of everything wrong in my life. I lashed out.'

'You followed us?' Dani said, not sure she was keeping up. 'I would never hurt her.'

'I know. I know. I'm so sorry. I was stupid and jealous and ridiculous. I just hurt. It was never about you-not really. I should have said something. I should have asked to come along.' Katherine lowered her hand. 'I'm sorry.'

Dani stared at her. 'Katherine, I would have loved to have you along. I admire you so much. There have been times…' She drew in a breath. 'I've often wished you were my parent, not Mark.'

New tears fell down Katherine's face. 'Oh, don't. I'm not who you think at all.'

'You saved us. I saw the car speeding toward us. You made those guys run away.'

'I saw you defending my child with your life,' Katherine said. 'I can never repay you for that. Especially because of what I did before.' She paused and looked away for a few seconds. 'When you asked me about Fiona and Alex… If it was possible for them to still be together? I lied. I was hurt and I wanted to lash out, so I did. They're not together, Dani. They haven't been since he left her.'

Dani pulled her hand free and pushed herself into a more upright position. She rubbed the side of her head, then winced when she touched the swelling in her face.

Facts and information swirled inside her fuzzy brain. They danced and came together like mismatched puzzle pieces. Nothing made sense except for the fact that once again, she'd hurt Katherine. And…

Wait a minute? Alex wasn't with Fiona? That was too much for her to take in. She went for the easier topic.

'I'm sorry I made things worse for you,' Dani whispered. 'I keep doing that.'

Katherine made a sound that was part laugh, part sob. 'Is that all you got from my confession? I was horrible. A disgusting human being. I lied.'

'You reacted. I understand that.'

'Oh, God. You're going to be sweet and understanding. Can't you please be angry with me? You could slap me. We could roll in a catfight like they did in those 1980s soaps.'

'My head hurts too much.'

Katherine leaned in and hugged her. 'Dani, please forgive me.'

'I do.'

'It can't be that easy.'

'Maybe it is.'

'But I lied about Alex.'

'I don't understand what happened with him,' she admitted. 'Fiona was so convincing and then when I accused him, he barely defended himself. It was almost like it was all true.'

'Or he was shocked you'd think that and disappointed you wouldn't trust him. Alex is a proud man, Dani. Honor is everything to him. He's worth fighting for.'

'He could have told me the truth,' she said, wishing her head would stop hurting.

'Didn't he?'

'Maybe.' She couldn't seem to remember anymore.

'I want to offer to help, but I think I've gotten involved a little too much lately.' She touched Dani's arm.

Alex wasn't with Fiona. Was that possible? So why hadn't he tried to convince her? Why had he just walked away? Okay, so he hadn't cheated, but obviously he wasn't willing to fight for what they had. Better that it was over now.

Only she didn't feel better. She felt a whole lot worse.

'I've never been in an ambulance before,' Bailey said from her place next to Dani. 'I'm glad they didn't put on the siren. It would be really loud.'

Dani was glad, too. The noise would probably finish her off.

'Are you okay?' Bailey asked. 'You're real pale and your eye is all swollen. I can't believe you were in a fight.'

'Me, either. My brothers are never going to stop teasing me about it.'

'They'll be glad you're okay. I'm glad, too.'

Dani reached out and grabbed Bailey's hand. 'You were so brave. The EMT guy told me how you stood over me and kept those boys away.'

'I wasn't going to let them hurt either of us.'

Dani smiled at her. 'I'm proud to have you as my sister.'

Bailey beamed, then rested her head on Dani's chest. 'Me, too. I love you, Dani.'

Dani's throat tightened. 'I love you, too.' She stroked Bailey's hair. 'You're not going to let this ruin anything, are you? I mean about the dress and the dance.'

Bailey straightened. “I’m still going to the dance. I have a pretty dress and Mom is going to put my hair up. She said I could borrow some earrings, too. Do you think I'll be as pretty as her?'

Dani thought about Katherine's confession at feeling left out of her daughter's life. She wished the other woman were here to hear what Bailey was saying.

'I think you should ask her to make you as pretty as her. I think she'd like that.'

Bailey nodded. 'Mom's the best.'

'I agree.'


'There are too many visitors,' the nurse said sternly. 'There is a limit to the number of people in a room at any one time.'

Reid walked over to the fifty-something woman and smiled. 'But she's our family. We'll be real quiet and if the fire marshal shows up, we'll hide under the bed. How's that?'

Dani watched Reid Buchanan work his magic. The nurse glared at him for about two more seconds, then relaxed.

'All right, but you do have to be quiet. If my boss finds out…'

'Never,' Reid promised.

'Amazing,' Dani breathed.

'I agree' Lori said as she casually checked Dani's pulse. 'He's the master. I just stand back and watch.' Lori spoke with the confidence of a woman who was well loved. She released Dani's wrist. 'You'll live.'

'Was there a doubt?'

'No, but I wanted to be sure for myself.'

Lori moved next to Reid-a bit of a trick in the crowded hospital room. The whole family was there, including Gloria, along with Katherine and several of her children. Only Mark, Alex and the three youngest Canfields were missing.

'Hi, I'm Julie.'

Dani glanced at the beautiful, petite young woman who had moved next to the bed. She had long, wavy dark hair and skin the color of coffee.

Dani smiled. 'Second oldest, you're in college. Do I have that right?'

'You do. I'm sorry we haven't met before. I've been hearing good things about you. It was fun reading about my brother's sex life in the newspaper. I'm going to be able to hold that over him for the rest of his life.'

Dani winced. 'I like your attitude. I need a little of that myself. I still want to crawl under a rock when I think

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