
Dani studied her. The dress was perfect- youthful without being childlike. The neckline was conservative, the bodice fitted, the skirt all floaty, and it twirled when Bailey spun.

'It's a perfect party dress,' Dani said. 'Are you wearing your hair up?'

'I think so. Mom said she knew how to pin it up and everything.'

They paid for the dress, bought a pair of matching shoes and made their way back to the car. It was later than Dani expected, and already dark. She held the packages in one hand and Bailey with the other as she led the way to her car.

Suddenly three teenage boys stepped right in front of her.

'Well, what have we got here?' one of the boys asked. He was the tallest of the three, dressed in jeans, an oversize T-shirt with an open flannel shirt on top. He stared at Dani. 'I know you.'

'You don't,' she said and started to move around them.

Only they stepped in front of her, blocking her way.

She stiffened, not sure what to do next. What did they want? They looked like regular suburban kids. Were they going to steal her purse? Hijack the car?

The kid on the left frowned. 'You're right. I've seen her picture.'

'She's the chick in the paper. The one sleeping with her brother.' The guy on the left snickered. 'You know. The daughter of that guy running for president.'

'Senator Canfield' Bailey said. 'He's my dad. Now leave us alone.'

The boys hooted. 'Look, J.P., the retard has balls. You got balls, honey? Can you understand me?'

Concern for Bailey overwhelmed Dani's fear. She started moving toward the car.

'I’m not retarded,' Bailey said clearly, her head held high. 'There's nothing wrong with me.'

'You look like there's something wrong with you.' The guy on the left grabbed Dani's arm. 'Hey! Where do you think you're going?'

She jerked free. 'To my car.'

'I don't think so. We're not done here.'

'Leave her alone,' Bailey said fiercely. 'We're not afraid of you.'

Dani wanted to disagree. She was plenty afraid. Now that the boys were closer, she saw their eyes were dilated. Great-they were high on something. So she wasn't dealing with rational attackers. Not that any attacker was good.

She pushed the panic button on her key fob. Nothing happened. She must be too far from her car. If she could just get them closer, the loud noise might scare the kids away.

She pushed forward a few steps. The boys continued to crowd around. J.P. pushed between her and Bailey.

'People like you shouldn't be allowed to live,' he said, his face inches from Bailey's. 'They should drown you at birth, like deformed kittens.'

'You're nothing but a butthead,' Bailey yelled and pushed him.

Dani turned to get between them, but the other two teens grabbed her arms. She twisted and squirmed but couldn't break free.

J.P. pushed back, his hands coming down on Bailey's chest.

'Whoa, lookee here. The retard's got some curves on her.' He reached for his belt. 'Let's have a little fun with her. I'll go first.' He smiled at Bailey. 'I'll bet you're still a virgin, aren't you? You're going to like what I do to you.'

Dani lost it. In that moment, it was as if she were possessed by a rage and need to protect she'd never experienced before.

'Get the fuck away from her,' she screamed.

She pulled free of her captors and started swinging her packages as if they were weapons. She shrieked as she cracked one of the kids in the head with the shoe box and kicked out at the second. J.P. swung toward her. His arm came up and before she could get out of the way, his right fist crashed into her face.

Pain exploded. The impact of the blow sent her spinning into a support pole where she hit her head hard. There was a bright light, a blurring of sound, then what looked like a car racing toward them.

'Help,' Dani said weakly as she collapsed to the cement floor. 'We need…'

The world went black.


Dani woke up to find herself propped up against a pole in the parking garage. She knew exactly where she was and what had happened.

'Bailey,' she yelled.

The strange man holding a flashlight in front of her eyes smiled at her. 'It's okay,' he said. 'Bailey's good. Nothing happened to her. You're the one who got hit. You're gonna have a black eye.'

'Great,' Dani said, still looking for the teenager. Her face hurt, as did her head, but none of that mattered.

There were a dozen or so people milling around. Several EMT workers, police officers and a few shoppers being kept at a distance. Dani continued to search the crowd until she saw Katherine and a young woman she didn't recognize holding Bailey.

'She looks okay,' Dani breathed in relief.

'She's fine. Tough. Her mom said she was standing over you like a lioness, prepared to take on all those kids.'

'The boys got away, didn't they?' Dani asked, wanting them punished for what they'd tried to do to Bailey.

'They'll be caught. We have good descriptions. Bailey was paying attention.'

Katherine looked up and caught Dani's gaze. She said something to Bailey and the other woman, then hurried over.

'How is she?' she asked. 'She hit her head.'

'Yes, ma'am. She looks good. We're going to transport her to the hospital to run a few tests, probably keep her overnight. But she's doing well right now. You want to sit with her a minute?'

'Yes. Of course.'

Despite her pale wool slacks, Katherine sank onto the cement and took one of Dani's hands in hers.

'My God,' she breathed, as tears filled her eyes. 'How can I ever thank you?'

Dani sniffed. 'Don't thank me. It's all my fault. Those damn boys recognized me from the paper. They started taunting me, then they noticed Bailey. They went after her. If they'd hurt her…'

Katherine reached out and wiped away tears Dani hadn't even felt fall. 'If they'd hurt her, there would be no place on this earth for them to hide. Alex would hunt them down and kill them, then I'd dig up their bodies and do it all over again.'

She spoke so fiercely that Dani believed every word.

'It's not your fault,' Katherine continued. “Please don't think that.'

'But they-'

'Were assholes' She smiled slightly. 'Don't let the press know I can talk like that, but I can, if necessary. Little bastards.'

'She was so calm,' Dani said. 'I was terrified, but Bailey stood up to them. You would have been so proud of her.'

'I am, and of you. You defended her.'

Dani touched her swollen cheek. 'I didn't do a very good job.'

'You were amazing.' Katherine squeezed her hand. 'I can never thank you enough.'

'Don't thank me. I swear, I feel so horrible about what happened. I was so scared for her.'

'You care about her.'

Dani nodded, then wished she hadn't as her head began to ache. 'She's my sister.'

More tears filled Katherine's eyes. 'I have been so horrible. I didn't…' She swallowed. 'There's no excuse for

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