with electricity.
Peto closed to the quartermaster’s side. It was time to take the con directly. ‘One point a-larboard, Mr Veitch!’
‘One point a-larboard, ay-ay, sir!’
He put his glass to his eye again: the Turk forts would see the guns run out; might he see some activity by reply?
‘Captain Antrobus!’
The captain of marines crossed the quarterdeck briskly, and saluted.
‘Yonder fort,’ said Peto, pointing to Sphacteria. ‘Should we need to carry it, it may fall to you and a landing party.’
‘There is nothing I should like better, sir.’
‘We might spare, say, fifty men, perhaps sixty.’ The complement of marines was 138, of whom half had fixed fighting stations; the rest deployed as sharpshooters in the tops and upperworks.
‘Thirty of my men, I suggest, sir, and the same from the afterguard.’
Peto nodded. ‘Very well. Make ready.’ He turned to hail Lambe. ‘Lower two boats, in anticipation, and detail thirty of the afterguard to Captain Antrobus.’
Lambe rattled off the executives to the boatswain and the captain of the afterguard.
The guns running out sounded like distant thunder, noise enough to alert the dullest lookout. Which of the forts would be first to fire? Or would it be the Turk flagship?
Fifteen long minutes passed in silence but for the voice of timber and rigging, and the occasional yap of a petty officer.
‘I can scarcely credit it,’ declared Peto, spying out every detail of Sphacteria with his ’scope. ‘They’re lounging on the walls, smoking!’ He swung round towards New Navarin. It was the same. ‘Nothing, nothing at all! Not a flag flying or the like. Extraordinary!’ He recalled Ava, when they had sailed up the Rangoon River, the wooden fort sullenly silent, until too late, when the Burmans had fired a futile, suicidal shot at his flotilla. Was the Turk just going to allow them to sail into the bay and take possession of the fleet?
A cannon boomed on Sphacteria. Peto swung round.
‘Unshotted, sir,’ said Lambe. ‘I wonder they’re signalling: the whole Turk fleet must be able to see
Peto nodded. ‘How do you judge the current, Mr Veitch?’
‘Little or none, sir.’
He had thought as much. He would have to bring
Lambe hailed the sailing-master: ‘Prepare to back main-topsail, Mr Shand.’
Veitch brought
Peto judged it the moment. ‘Heave to!’
The topmen did their work fast and sure. Shand barely needed his trumpet.
‘Boat ahoy!’
Peto looked up, cupping a hand to his mouth. ‘More advice if you please, Mr Simpson!’
‘Pinnace, sir, I believe from the Turkish flagship, heading straight for
‘Indeed,’ said Peto to himself, though clearly audible to Lambe.
‘The Turks submitting, sir? The only reasonable course.’
‘The only reasonable course, Mr Lambe, as you say. But what Turkish admiral could present himself in Constantinople in consequence? No, I think there’s a deal of joukery yet ahead.’
‘And a deal of powder for the Turk to hoist himself with.’
Peto looked at the horseshoe of men-of-war. There were no three-deckers, but if it came to a fight they would be closer engaged than ever Nelson managed at Trafalgar. ‘Have the fo’c’s’le lookouts keep a sharp eye on those
Lambe sent a midshipman forward with the word.
Peto was now intent on the pinnace. What terms did the Turkish admiral propose?
A quarter of an hour went by in the same silence.
Lambe, intent for the moment only on the trim of
‘And the pinnace makes for the shore,’ added Peto. He checked his watch. ‘Ten minutes past two o’clock. Make note of that, Treves,’ he said to his clerk, touching his hat now to
He turned back to the pinnace. What did she do thence to New Navarin? But
‘Boat ahoy!’
This time Peto would wait for Midshipman Simpson to gather his advice, since evidently his eye was to be trusted.
In a couple of minutes he had it: ‘Barge from the Turkish flag to the Egyptian flag, sir!’
Ten minutes passed as silently as before.
‘Boat ahoy!’
Peto imagined it too would now be making for New Navarin. ‘Deuced queer business, this, Mr Lambe. You might suppose we’d taken them by surprise.’
‘Indeed, sir.’
He contemplated going forward for a better look, but checked the instinct. His place was on the quarterdeck. And besides, it mattered little what he saw: he could take no action until they were fired on.
‘Barge making for fireships, sir!’
This was it! He put his telescope under his arm, clasped his hands behind his back and concentrated hard on giving no appearance of agitation.
The captain of marines came up. ‘Sir, might I get the landing party into the boats, ready? It will be tricky otherwise once firing begins.’
Peto shook his head. ‘I can’t help it, Captain Antrobus. This is politics. The Turks will deem it a hostile act. I fear it must be “