His eyes flashed and he dipped his head, his lips covered hers in a kiss so sweet she wished it could go on forever. He raised his head and smoothed away her tears. “I love you, Isobel; I hope one day you’ll be able to reciprocate. Now, I want to show you the changes I’ve made.”

He guided her around the corner of the building. A huge cheer from the assembled staff rocked her back on her heels. They were all freshly garbed and waiting to greet her. To her astonishment Mary, magnificent in bombazine, stepped forward and curtsied formally.

“Welcome, your grace, I am housekeeper here, Watkins at your service.”

Then Bill resplendent in black tailcoat was beside her bowing deeply. “Welcome, your grace, I am Brown, butler here, at your service. Allow me to present your staff.”

Isobel could scarcely believe her eyes. Alexander had appointed her staff to run his enormous establishment. “Thank you, Alexander - having my own people in charge here is the best birthday gift you could have given me.” She could hardly ask what he intended to do with Maynard and Foster, but as long as they were not here she didn’t care. They were both well past retirement age, hopefully he had pensioned them off and she would never have to endure their supercilious behaviour again.

“My love, you haven’t had your birthday gift yet; I’ve more to show you. However, I am delighted you approve of my selection. I want you to be happy here and I know you were not, under the old regime.”

Bill, keeping a commendably straight face, introduced each of the footmen from senior to junior and there were a prodigious amount of these. Mary did the same with the females. As each one heard their name they bowed or curtsied appropriately and she nodded regally, by the time she reached the front door she was biting her lips trying to hold back her giggles.

Alexander must have felt her vibrating because he raised his eyebrows in a comical manner which was almost her undoing. It would be most unkind to laugh when the staff were taking the matter so seriously; but the fact that she knew most one of them already made the whole business risible. She was relieved to be escorted inside leaving the servants to disperse behind her.

She breathed deeply trying to control her amusement. The sweet scent of hothouse flowers filled her nostrils. Everywhere she looked there were vases overflowing with beautiful blooms; this lessened the austerity of the vast, rectangular entrance hall, made it seem more welcoming.

Forgetting they had an interested audience of several dozen she flung her arms around his neck and kissed him. The old Alexander would have pushed her away a look of distaste on his face because she’d made a public display, but the new one laughed out loud and swung her around like a child. What the poor baby thought of all this she could not imagine, it must think its mother had run mad.

“Darling girl, you haven’t seen everything. I want this to be the happiest day of your life, I want you to remember the day you came of age as a turning point for both of us.” He gently set her down but kept his arm around her waist in case she was disorientated by his flamboyant gesture.

“I shall keep flowers in the hallway always, it makes such a difference. Perhaps you could commission some studies of the grounds and they could hang in place of the gloomy portraits.”

“I’ll have you know, my girl, you’re casting aspersions on my ancestors and the ancestors of our children.” He grinned and dropped a feather-light kiss on the end of her nose. “But I agree, they shall be banished to the east wing for Bentley to appreciate.”

“I am sharp set, Alexander. May I have my breakfast now?” He looked quite dejected at her suggestion; he obviously had further surprises awaiting her attention. “However, I am quite happy to wait until you have shown me everything, as long as you promise to sit down with me when we’ve finished.”

Like a boy his expression lightened and he almost whisked her off her feet as he took her down a passageway she didn’t believe she’d ever traversed before. “Where are you taking me this time?”

“To see the new kitchens and other offices which are now fully functioning on this floor. The downstairs rooms have been given over to the staff. There’s a separate hall for the senior servants, a bathing room and an apartment for the butler.” He grinned. “I’ve also refurbished a neat house in the grounds for Mr and Mrs Watkins.”

“How kind of you to think of them. They have always had to make do, apart from the year they spent in the other cottage. I don’t believe I’ve the energy to go down and inspect all that; show me the new kitchens today and I shall see the rest tomorrow.”

The rooms that had been converted were ideal for the purpose having access to the cobbled backyard in which the barnyard creatures were kept. No expense had been spared— a massive, closed range had replaced the open fireplace. This would reduce the temperature and the smoke, which had always been a nuisance in the kitchen area.

Finding Mrs Boothroyd, her own cook, in charge was no more than she expected. What was a surprise were the numerous scullery maids, kitchen maids, pot boys and other minions the cook now had under her control. She prayed Alexander’s faith in her inexperienced staff would not be misplaced.

“I am most impressed with the changes, I can’t credit how much you have done in the few weeks you’ve had at your disposal. In future I shall eagerly anticipate my meals instead of dreading them.” She gazed imploringly at him as her stomach gurgled loudly. “Can I have my breakfast now, please, Alexander? I shall faint quite away if I don’t eat soon.”

“Not quite yet, you might have noticed they were getting it ready whilst we were observing them. I believe we have a quarter of an hour at our disposal.” His arm once more encircled her and she found herself back in the entrance hall and without a by your leave he slid his second arm under her knees and carried her upstairs. Even he could not have love-making on his mind, not at eight o’clock in the morning and her the size of a heifer.

“I can walk from here thank you, my dear. Have you redecorated my apartment again, is that why we are here?”

“Yes and no, my love. Contain your impatience for a few moments longer if you please.”

His arm was once more around her and when she tried to turn into her old apartment she was whisked on her way and he did not stop until they were at the rear of the house. This was the part of Newcomb that abutted the east wing in which she had been living. Why had he brought her here? As far as she could recall there were dreary and unwanted chambers in this wing, rooms used for accommodating such people as governesses or companions.

“Here we are, sweetheart. This is your name day gift from me.” He flung open the door he stopped beside and stepped away her to see.

Her mouth opened. It was a transformation. Instead of an unloved guest chamber she saw a perfect lady’s boudoir. Two rooms had been made into one, an arch the only indication there had once been anything else but this beautiful sitting-room.

The furniture was exquisite; she recognized the pieces as that of Chippendale but until this moment she’d only seen drawings of such items in La Belle Assemblee and Ackerman’s Repository. The walls were freshly papered—she loved the pale green and gold stripes and the carpet was patterned in similar colours.

“I love it, how did you achieve this without recourse to asking me my taste? The day bed and armchairs match the curtains—green and gold are my favourite colours. I don’t remember telling you that.” She was too overwhelmed to continue. Shaking her head in disbelief she walked from item to item, running her hands along the smooth surfaces in delight.

Ellie appeared from the door that led into the bedroom. The girl was bouncing with excitement. “Oh, my lady, you’ll never guess what you have through here.”

Isobel wandered in a happy daze to see what other wonders he had provided. The bedroom was as superb as the sitting-room, the dressing room and closets everything they should be, but the room that had caused her abigail so much excitement was a genuine bathing room. She had heard about such places but never thought to own one for herself.

Alexander was glowing with happiness. “See, darling, if you stand here you may take a shower bath, the water escapes through the drain hole and goes down pipes attached to the outside wall. I think perhaps it might be wise not to use the bath until you’re delivered.”

She viewed the enormous bath - this was long enough for Alexander to stretch out in. She would be obliged to swim if the water were to be filled to the brim. “You’re quite right, Alexander, not only might I drown in there, I fear I might also be unable to get out again without assistance.”

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