And so Vienna 1914 ghosts through Sarajevo 2001. The future keeps mocking the past. The past, in eerie resilience, keeps shadowing the present.

— F. M.



In the United States, my thanks go for vital assistance extended to me to Dr. Wolfgang Petritsch, head of the Austrian Information Service for North America, and his deputy, Dr. Irene Freudenschuss; to Dr. Wolfgang Waldner, Director of the Austrian Institute in New York, and to Friederike Zeitlhofer, the ever-patient, ever-forthcoming librarian of the Institute; to Dr. Walter Klement of the Austrian National Tourist Bureau in New York whose office has been generous with maps and geographical advice. I have also benefited from the tremendous resources of the New York Public Library. Pucek Kleinberger proved a source of comfort. Jonathan Kranz of the Graduate Center of the City University of New York aided this project with significant research. Martin Tanz and Dale Cou- dert were also helpful, as was David Kahn with his expertise on the history of military intelligence. I am also grateful to Minister Philip Hoyos of the Austrian Embassy in Washington, D.C.; to Roberta Corcoran; Sylvia Gardner- Wittgenstein; Dr. and Mrs. Erwin Chargaff; and my excellent copy editor, Gypsy da Silva.

In Britain, Dr. Edward Timms of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, has generously shared his erudition with me.

In Austria, the staff and stacks of the Osterreichische Nationalbibliothek have been indispensable to my labors and so has Dr. Brigitta Zessner-Spitzenberg of the Bildarchiv. I am much obliged to the Literarische Verwertungsgesellschaft- and to its President, the novelist Milo Dor-for grants awarded me. I owe Prince Karl von Schwarzenberg many thanks for fine-tuned information on diplomatic and aristocratic aspects of the period covered in this book. Hetti von Bohlen and Halbach provided valuable access to the unpublished memoirs of her father, Prince Alois von Auersperg. I have been the beneficiary of Count Michael von Wolkenstein's advice and of his liberality with Mohnstriezel. The editors of the Socialist Arbeiter Zeitung furnished photocopied back volumes of their newspaper and thereby gave me the sort of education without which this book could not have been written. Inge Santner- Cyrus and Adolf Holl have been wonderful cultural hosts by the Danube. Further support and ideas have come from Hilde Spiel, Ernst Trost, Peter Marboe, Ernst Wolf Marboe, Alfred Payrleitner, Dr. Kurt Scholz of the office of Mayor Zilk of Vienna, and, at a rough estimate, at least five other people I have left out because of lamentable holes in my memory. Last, and far from least, I want to mention Wolfgang Kraus among my Viennese helpmeets. As President of the Osterreichische Gesellschaft fur Literatur and as a personal friend, he has been a treasure.

Now I come to a special category of thanks owed. There is my brother, Henry, Professor of Political Science at Queens College, CUNY. I have learned from his acumen and I have profited from the scholarship of his colleague, Professor Keith Eubank (History Dept., Queens College), who has given me crucial advice on researching facets of the genesis of the Great War. Robert Stewart, my editor at Scribners, has been the guardian angel of this book every step of the way. My wife, Marcia, was-as always-of incalculable help in shaping the manuscript.

— F.M.

Source references

Periodicals are referred to by the following abbreviations:

AZ Arbeiter Zeitung
Fackel die Fackel
Fremd. Fremdenblatt
IWE Illustrirtes Wiener Extrablatt
INSJ Intelligence and National Security Journal
NFP Neue Freie Presse
NWT Neues Wiener Tagblatt
WMW Wiener Medizinische Wochenschrift
WZ Wiener Zeitung

Books are referred to by author's last name except where more than one work by that author is cited in the Selected Bibliography, in which case an abbreviation of the title is included. Thus, Tuchman, Guns, and Tuchman, Proud Tower; Dedijer, Tito, and Dedijer, Sarajevo.

CHAPTER 1 (pages 1-14)

Bankruptcy Ball: IWE, Jan. 15, 1913; AZ, Jan. 15, 1913.

Parliament vote: AZ, Jan. 16, 1913.

Weather: AZ, Jan. 15–17, 1913.

Auersperg ball: Auersperg, p. 65.

Greengrocer ball: Schlogl, pp. 40–43.

Trotsky details: My Life, pp. 230, 207-9; interviews with Dr. and Mrs. Erwin Chargaff; Wolfe, p. 186; J. Sydney Jones, pp. 164-65.

Stalin details: Deutscher, Stalin, p. 210; J. Sydney Jones, p. 249; Delbar, p. 64; I. S. Levin, pp. 96–97.

Archduke Franz Ferdinand details: Kiszling, pp. 192-93.

Tito details: Vinterhalter, p. 44; Auty, p. 29; Dedijer, Tito, p. 30.

Auto Mechanics Ball: IWE, Jan. 25, 1913.

Freud details: Clark, pp. 352-53.

Hitler details: J. Sydney Jones, pp. 120, 145, 229, and passim; Maser, pp. 33–36.

CHAPTER 2 (pages 15–23)

Duties of Minister of Exterior Affairs: AZ, June 23, 1913.

Ethnic statistics and details: May, p. 428; A. J. P. Taylor, pp. 221, 263, 265; Kiszling, p. 215; Corti, p. 312;

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