Air Combat (Alexandria, Va.: Time-Life Books, 1990), 40, 41.
Steven J. Zaloga, Soviet Air Defence Missiles (Alexandria, Va.: Jane's Information Group, 1989), 222-25.
Bill Sweetman and James Goodall, Lockheed F-117 (Osceola, Wis.: Motorbooks, 1990), 18, 19.
Robert and Melinda Macy, Destination Baghdad (Las Vegas: M&M Graphs, 1991), 41.
Jay Miller, Lockheed F-117 Stealth Fighter (Arlington, Tex.: Aerofax, 1990), 7.
'We Own the Night,' Lockheed Horizons (May 1992), 6–9.
Ben R. Rich and Leo Janos, Skunk Works (New York: Little, Brown, 1994), 26–31. Ironically, at the time the 'F-19' kit came out, the author made the comment, 'This thing better not be disk- shaped, or the air force will never be able to explain it.'
'Northrop's 1976 Stealth Fighter Proposal Featured Faceted Body with Overhead Inlet,' Aviation Week and Space Technology (February 10, 1992), 23.
'Declassified Photos Show 'Have Blue' F-117 Predecessor/Mvzafr'o/z Week and Space Technology (April 22, 1991), 30.
Jay Miller, Lockheed's Skunk Works: The First Fifty Years (Arlington, Tex.: Aerofax, 1993), 161.
Rich and Janos, Skunk Works, 34–36.
Miller, Lockheed's Skunk Works, 159, 163.
Jim Cunningham, 'Cracks in the Black Dike: Secrecy, the Media, and the F-117A,' Airpower Journal (Fall 1991), 17.
'Lockheed California Co. Is Developing a Small Fighter Intended to Demonstrate Stealth, or Low Signature Technologies,' Aviation Week and Space Technology (August 2, 1976), 11.
John W. R. Taylor, ed., Jane's All the World's Aircraft (London: Jane's Yearbooks, 1978), 326.