about me.” She smiled at the other woman, whom she’d come to like a lot in such a short time.

Gabrielle raised her hands in the air. “Okay, I’ll back off. No more meddling. So tell me, where is she?” Gabrielle glanced around, obviously looking for someone.

“Where is who?” Mike asked.

“Clara Deveaux. The Wiccan woman who has Edward so worked up.”

“News travels fast,” Amber said, surprised.

Mike groaned. “That’s because I told Derek.”

“Which is the equivalent of telling me.” Gabrielle grinned. “So…?”

“It’s not like she lives here,” Mike muttered.

Over his shoulder, Amber met Gabrielle’s gaze, without words that Mike didn’t appreciate Clara Deveaux’s presence in Edward’s life.

“She left yesterday. But she said she’d be back,” Amber added, daring a glance at Mike.

He merely nodded. “If you’re here for the show, I’m afraid you’re too early. But based on yesterday’s performance, I’d say chances are good for a repeat.”

“Edward took one look at her and lost it. And Clara showed no signs of backing down.” She glanced toward the table. “Listen, why don’t you come and have breakfast with us,” Amber suggested, changing the subject.

Gabrielle took the hint and dropped the subject. Instead, they shared breakfast and conversation-without Edward, who had somehow managed to sneak into the kitchen, take his pancakes and leave the way he came, probably through the back-porch door.

Mike finished eating first and anxiously shifted in his seat. “Would you ladies mind if I headed outside to talk to my father?” he asked at last.

“Go ahead,” Gabrielle said.

Amber shook her head and waved him away.

He left through the back door and it banged shut behind him.

“He seems uptight,” Gabrielle said, staring after him. “Is it that Clara woman?”

“It’s probably a combination of things. Me, Clara, his father…”

“Family stress,” she said, nodding. “Speaking of family, tell me a little about yours,” Gabrielle said.

Amber filled the other woman in on her father’s situation. “If things work out with Mike, I’d like to move my dad to a nursing home near here.” She missed being able to visit her dad whenever she wanted, missed talking to him, even now when she didn’t know whether he understood.

A knock sounded at the back door. “It really is busy around here. All the commotion must be killing Edward,” Gabrielle said.

Amber turned as Clara opened the door and stepped inside. “Edward’s son told me to let myself in. He said I’d find you here.”

“Of course.” Amber gestured for Clara to join them. “Clara, this is Gabrielle…Donovan or Corwin?” Amber asked her sister-in-law.

“Corwin. I only use Donovan in business because that’s how people already know me.” She rose to her feet, her excitement to meet the infamous Wiccan woman tangible.

“Gabrielle, this is Clara Deveaux.”

Clara eased by Amber and stood in front of Gabrielle. “I’m thrilled to meet you. I carry your books in my store.”

“Even though I specialize in explaining paranormal phenomena?” Gabrielle asked, surprised. “I’d think that was something of a conflict of interest for you.”

“I’m a businesswoman and your books sell. Besides, everyone is entitled to their own beliefs and opinions, yes?” Clara asked.

Gabrielle nodded, her smile warm. “Of course.”

Clara extended her bracelette-laden hand and Gabrielle took it, returning the gesture. “Anyone who can stir up Edward’s world instead of the other way around is welcome here anytime,” Gabrielle said, laughing. “I love your dress and your jewelry.” Her eyes sparkled as she looked over Clara’s bold-colored outfit.

“Her ensemble matches your shoes,” Amber said, taking note of Gabrielle’s fashionable choice for today.

“I’d love to wear something like that, but I’m not used to having so much fabric flowing around me,” Gabrielle said. “But it looks beautiful on you.”

“Thank you,” Clara said. She stared at Gabrielle intently, her wise gaze traveling from Gabrielle’s eyes to her flat stomach. “You’re going to be wearing more material soon though, aren’t you?”

Gabrielle narrowed her gaze. “I’m not sure I know what you mean.”

“You’re with child.”

Obviously surprised, Gabrielle stepped back. “What makes you say that?” she asked warily.

Gabrielle might be surprised by Clara’s insight, but Amber wasn’t. Nor did she need to dig too deep for an explanation. Amber had sensed something unique about Clara from the beginning. Now, she was more than willing to just believe.

“The special glow in your cheeks is a giveaway to one who knows what to look for. Besides, I sense these things.” Clara paused and studied Gabrielle intently. “I’m right, aren’t I?”

Gabrielle nodded slowly.

Amber could tell Gabrielle didn’t know what to make of Clara’s pronouncement. Was it psychic intuition or a lucky guess?

But she quickly became more concerned with making sure nobody else had overheard their conversation. “I haven’t told my husband yet,” she said to Clara, glancing warily around the kitchen.

“And your secret is safe with me.” Clara touched Gabrielle lightly on the shoulder. “Do not be put off by me. I only do good by people.”

Before Gabrielle could reply, the sound of Edward’s shouting distracted them.

“What is that old coot up to now?” Clara asked and took off running outside, leaving Amber and Gabrielle to follow.

MIKE SEARCHED OUTSIDE for Edward for a full fifteen minutes before finding him. He’d checked around the perimeter and down by the lake, finally locating his father behind the boathouse he shared with his neighbor, Harry Winters. Derek located Edward almost the same time, and together Mike and his cousin tried to get Edward to talk about Clara Deveaux. But the mere mention of the woman’s name sent the older man into a frenzy of pacing and muttering to himself.

Mike decided not to tell his father that Clara was inside the house. To Mike’s way of thinking, Edward must have cared for Clara, or his reaction wouldn’t be so strong now.

Edward had only one coherent comment about Clara and he’d said it over and over. “I don’t need to be worrying about Clara Deveaux and neither do you boys. The curse will take care of that woman. You wait and see.”

Another reason Mike thought his father’s heart had been-and maybe still was-involved. Edward wouldn’t be mentioning the damn curse otherwise.

Edward had disappeared into the boathouse to do heaven knew what, and Mike knew when he’d lost a battle. “How about we see what the women are doing?”

Derek nodded. “It’s not like we’re making any progress with him.”

“He’ll keep himself busy for hours in there.” Mike gestured toward the old building where his father organized tools and things that didn’t need organization.

They walked across the back lawn until Mike broke the silence. “Do you think he’s insane?” he asked, voicing his greatest fear.

Derek paused and turned to face him. “Is that a serious question?”

Mike grinned. “Strangely enough, yeah. Like, insane as in should he see a psychiatrist?”

“Do you think he would?” Derek asked.

“No, but that’s not what I’m asking. Do you think he should?

Derek scratched his head. “Probably. Now that you mention it.”

“So you haven’t thought about it, either.”

Derek shook his head, a sheepish expression crossing his face. “Maybe one of us should have, but no, it never crossed my mind.”

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