Benjamin “understood that you couldn’t separate the bodyfrom the mind” Author interview with Wheeler.

Treating the gender dysphoric person Schaefer and Wheeler, “Harry Benjamin’s First Ten Cases,” 74.

a genial old paternalist Author interview with Stryker.

a number of patients went into prostitutional activities Benjamin, Transsexual Phenomenon, 131.

Leslie Feinberg describes a series of such encounters Leslie Feinberg, “I Can’t Afford to Get Sick,” in Trans Liberation: Beyond Pink or Blue (Boston: Beacon Press, 1998), 79-80.

Without her courage and determination Benjamin, Transsexual Phenomenon, viii.

As you know, I’ve been avoiding publicity Schaefer and Wheeler, “Harry Benjamin’s First Ten Cases,” 86.


When I got to the carnival in Stroud Hedy Jo Star, My Unique Change (Chicago: Specialty Books, 1965), 26.

To use the Pygmalion allegory John Money and Anke Ehrhardt, Man and Woman, Boy and Girl (Baltimore and London: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1972), 152.

Money’s research thus combined radicalism In a 1995 article in the Quarterly Review of Biology, Professor Milton Diamond described Money’s theory as “psychosexual neutrality at birth” to clarify the distinction between Money’s view and his own. Diamond believes that humans are “predisposed psychosexually at birth” and that behavior is ultimately the result of an interaction between this predisposition and environmental influences. Milton Diamond, “A Critical Evaluation of the Ontogeny of Human Sexual Behavior,” Quarterly Review of Biology o (1965): 147—75.

the presence of undescended testicles was proof that the girl was really a boy See Alice Domurat Dreger, Hermaphrodites and the Medical Invention of Sex (Cambridge Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1998). See also Susan J. Kessler, Lessons from the Intersexed (New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, i998).

In 1948, Murray Llewellyn Ban, a Canadian geneticist Murray Barr and Michael Bertram, “A Morphological Distinction between Neurones of the Male and Female and the Behavior of the Nuclear Satellite during Acceler ated Nucleoprotein Synthesis,” Nature 163 (1949): 676-77. See also M. L. Barr, “Some Notes on the Discovery of the Sex Chromatin and Its Clinical Application,” AmericanJournalof Obstetrics and Gynecology 112, no. 2 (Jan uary 15, 1972): 293- 96.

The inactivation of one X chromosome in female cells occurs early in embryonic development, between days twelve and sixteen, and the X chromosome that is inactivated is determined randomly. The inactivated chromosome coils and condenses, forming the “Barr body,” which is used to determine chromosomal sex.

It was as a graduate student in the Harvard psychological clink John Money, Gendermaps: Social Constructionism, Feminism, and Sexosophical History(New York: Continuum, 1995), 19. “This case set me on an academic course that would lead to a Ph.D. dissertation on ‘Hermaphroditism: An Inquiry into the Nature of a Human Paradox,’ which allowed me to spend several hours interviewing the youth in question. At that time he was 17 years old. Diagnostically, his case was classified, according to the terminology of the era, on the basis of the presence of two undescended testes and no ovarian tissue, as one of male pseudohermaphroditism with the testicular feminizing syndrome, nowadays known as the androgen insensitivity syndrome.”

It pointed clearly toward the principle of a discontinuity Ibid.

The term “gender role “ was conceived “after several burnings of the midnight oil” Ibid., 20—21.

In this more fully articulated definition J. Money, J. Hampson, and J. Hamp-son, “An Examination of Some Basic Sexual Concepts: The Evidence of Human Hermaphroditism,” Bulletin of the Johns Hopkins Hospital 97 (1955): 302.

instinctive masculinity and instinctive femininity are present Ibid.

there was considerable evidence that visible genital anomalies Ibid., 307.

Once imprinted, a person’s native language Ibid., 310.

By the time that Money and the Hampsons published their next paper J. Money, J. Hampson, and J. Hampson, “Imprinting and the Establishment of Gender Role,” Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry 77 (1957): 333—36.

Before contemporary medical interventions John Money, Sex Errors of the Body and Related Syndromes, 2nd. ed. (1968; repr., Baltimore, London, Toronto, Sydney: Paul Brookes Publishing Co., 1994), 6. Diamond and others have pointed out that in his Ph.D. dissertation in 1951, Money expressed a point of view wholly at odds with his later insistence on the devastating psychological effects of anomalous genitalia. In the 1951 dissertation, Money marveled at the psychological resilience and emotional stability of the intersexual patients he encountered. Yet four years later at Johns Hopkins, he described extreme emotional suffering and confusion in a similar group of individuals. Without an explanation by Money, it is hard to account for this rather extreme shift in his interpretation of various data.

I think that many other binaries were structured by that binary Author interview with Stryker, September 2001.

I remember them removing my penis when I was five Hermaphrodites Speak! videocassette produced by the Intersex Society of North America. Available by contacting ISNA at its website,

We’re now seeing plenty of people Author interview with Paul McHugh, M.D., Baltimore, Md., June 2002.

Money had an idea, a real hypothesis Author interview with Ben Barres, M.D., Ph.D., Stanford, Calif., August 2001. ii3 Inal999 paper Reiner indicates that his data show W. G. Reiner, “Assignment of Sex in Neonates with Ambiguous Genitalia,” Current Opinions in Pediatrics 4 (August 11, 1999): 363-65. See also W. G. Reiner, “Gender Identity and Sex Reassignment: A Reappraisal for the 21st Century,” Advances in Experiental Medicine and Biology 511 (2002): 175—89.

Besides the rounding out of my hips and the slenderness of my legs Hedy Jo Star, My Unique Change, 13.

my “sissiness” was really inborn femininity Ibid., 24.

The first couple of years on the road Ibid., 53.

Red was a normal man with a normal sexual desire Ibid., 78.

My face was covered dwing the examination with a sheet Ibid., 80.

I was disappointed that I couldn’t have the operation immediately Ibid., 83.

The hormone shots had done wonders Ibid., 89.

The studies that we have made would all indicate Ibid., 91.

I didn’t feel any malice towards the doctors Ibid., 93.

early in 1962, a friend referred her to a doctor in Chicago Ibid., 117. 118 the operation is extremely complex Ibid., 121.

Since the change and my adjustment to it Ibid., 127—28.

By the early sixties, Money had met Benjamin “Memorial,” 16.

Aaron Devor… has been researching Reed Enckson’s life See Aaron H. Devor and Nicholas Matte, “ONE Inc. and Reed Erickson: The Uneasy Collaboration of Gay and Trans Activism, 1964-2003,”

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