muta marriages. They are common in Persia. .’

‘Yes, and the corrupt practices of that sacrilegious land are spreading to our own. I have heard that the owners of our caravanserais now offer muta wives to merchants for the night as an inducement to stay there. It is no more than an excuse for prostitution!’

Shaikh Ahmad continued to rage on but Akbar was no longer listening. Shaikh Mubarak’s ideas were interesting and he would like to know more. If the Koran indeed appeared to allow a man many wives, it would be useful in countering the views of the orthodox members of the ulama — not that he would have allowed them to frustrate his plans. But Mubarak’s words had struck a deeper chord within him. Shias, Sunnis, Hindus, Christians — weren’t they all seeking the same fundamental truths — certainties in an uncertain world? The rituals they enacted, the rules they followed, were all man-made. Strip all this away and what was left but man’s simple quest to communicate with his god and live the best life he could?

Suddenly aware that Shaikh Ahmad had stopped ranting and that all were waiting for him to speak, Akbar raised a hand. ‘You are dismissed. I will think over what I have heard. Shaikh Mubarak — you will come to me tomorrow and we will speak further. But let this be understood. I am the emperor and, as such, God’s shadow upon the earth. I alone will decide how to conduct my life. I will not tolerate any interference and need no sanction from anyone for what I decide.’

The members of the ulama backed away. Akbar sat for a while, caught up in his musings, but after several minutes Jauhar whispered to him, ‘Majesty, a stranger has arrived at court — by coincidence from the very country of which we have just been speaking, Persia. He begs an audience with you.’ Akbar was about to say that his patience was exhausted and he had no wish to see the man when Jauhar added, ‘He has an interesting story, Majesty, and he is no common traveller.’

Akbar thought for a moment. He felt like going riding. A gallop across the desert would ease his frustration, but it was still too hot for that. ‘Very well, admit him.’

Ten minutes later a tall, thin man was led on to one of the balconies. His dark purple robes hung from his emaciated body and his fingers were ringless.

‘You may approach. Who are you?’

‘My name is Ghiyas Beg. I am a Persian nobleman from Khurasan. My father was a courtier of the shah and my family are connected with the Persian royal family through marriage.’

‘What brings you to my court?’

‘A terrible blight fell upon my estates. The crops withered, my debts mounted and I and my family were reduced to poverty. I had heard of the many Persians who had come to Fatehpur Sikri and found great favour here. I therefore determined to bring my family into Hindustan and to offer you my services.’ Ghiyas Beg paused and for a moment rubbed his hand over eyes beneath which were shadows so dark the skin appeared bruised. His voice was deep and musical and he spoke court Persian with the grace of the courtier he claimed to be. Though clearly destitute, his bearing was that of a man more used to commanding than seeking favours. Akbar looked at him with growing interest.

‘Majesty, though I appear before you like a beggar, it was the perils of my journey that reduced me to this state. The only reason that I am not dressed in rags is that a Persian friend — one of the scholars in your library — gave me clean robes. Your inclination must be to order the poor creature that I have become from your sight, but I beg you first to hear my story.’

‘Very well.’

‘I brought my wife — who was well advanced in pregnancy — and my young son Asaf Khan safely across the Helmand river out of Persia. It was then that our troubles began. The road to Hindustan lay through wild, lonely and mountainous country.’

‘I know. My father once hazarded his life by taking that path. How did you survive?’

‘To protect my family I joined a large caravan, but because of my wife’s fragile condition and the poor quality of the mules carrying us, we fell behind. One night towards dusk as we descended a narrow pass, bandits swept down the steep scree slopes and attacked us. They took everything we had except for the old mule on which my wife was riding, which they left us, as they said, “for charity’s sake”. We struggled on, desperate to catch up with the caravan, but darkness fell and we were forced to stop for the night in the lee of a hill which gave us some protection from the weather. It was late autumn and a chill, scouring wind was already blowing down from the mountains. That night — perhaps brought on by the shock of the attack — my wife gave birth to a daughter.’

‘So after all your sufferings, God was kind. .’

Ghiyas Beg’s bony face remained grave. ‘In our joy, we called her Mehrunissa, “Sun Among Women”, because the moment of her birth had brought light into the darkness of our lives. But our happiness was short-lived. Next morning, in the cold dawn light I was forced to confront our situation. We were starving, destitute and alone — we could not keep the child. I took Mehrunissa from the arms of my exhausted wife, who was barely conscious, and laid her in a crevice among the roots of a tall fir tree. I prayed she would die of exposure before jackals or some other wild creatures found her. I was even tempted — I confess it — to smother her myself, but that would have been too great a sin. I walked slowly away, my daughter’s thin wails echoing in my ears, indeed in my very soul.’

Ghiyas Beg fell silent for a moment, as if reliving that most terrible of dilemmas. Akbar could picture the distraught father buffeted by freezing winds, seeing nothing but death and hopelessness ahead. Could he himself have abandoned one of his sons in such circumstances? As if the thought of his boys had somehow conjured one to appear, Akbar suddenly noticed Salim standing half concealed behind a sandstone pillar in the chamber below, listening intently.

‘Continue, Ghiyas Beg,’ he said.

An unexpected smile softened the Persian’s face. ‘It is not for us mortals to know the ways of God, but for some reason he took pity on me. A Persian merchant to whom I had been talking — he was also from Khurasan — had noticed our absence when the caravan halted for the night. He knew my wife’s condition and guessed her time might have come. At first light, he and two of his servants came back to look for us. By a miracle he came across us as we were attempting to ford a stream.

‘When I told him about my daughter, he at once offered me one of his attendants’ horses. I galloped back — in truth we had not managed to get far — praying that Mehrunissa would still be alive. When I heard her cries above the wind I knew my plea had been answered. She was unharmed but very cold, her lips almost blue. I took the sheepskin saddlecloth of the horse and wrapped her in it. After a while, I saw the colour returning to her tiny face and from that moment hope was restored to me.

‘The merchant who had helped us remained our friend, indeed our benefactor, giving us food and allowing us to ride in one of his bullock carts until four days ago we saw your great city of Fatehpur Sikri rising up before us and our hearts filled with joy. But I have taken enough of your time, Majesty. If it pleases you to find some humble task about your court, you will find me a devoted and grateful servant.’

Akbar scrutinised the tall, shabby figure before him. He didn’t doubt the Persian’s story of the hardships and dangers he had encountered. The man had looked truly harrowed as he had spoken of them. On the other hand, was this courtly, silver-tongued man all he claimed to be? Why had Ghiyas Beg set out with a young child and a pregnant wife on what he must have known would be a highly dangerous journey? The desire to escape poverty, the hopes of a new life that he had spoken of so eloquently might not be true. Maybe something else — corruption or rebellion — had forced him to flee. .

As if sensing his doubts, Ghiyas Beg seemed to sag a little. That tiny, despairing gesture decided Akbar. He would give the Persian the benefit of the doubt. After all, an emperor should be generous, and he had thought of somewhere he could send him — a place where, if he was as industrious as he claimed, he could be useful, and if he was dishonest or treacherous his crime would soon be discovered.

‘Ghiyas Beg, the story you have related with such candour has touched me. I believe you are a man of courage and honesty deserving of my favour. Jauhar. .’ Akbar gestured to his elderly vizier. ‘A few days ago you told me that one of my assistant treasurers in Kabul had recently died, didn’t you?’

‘Yes, Majesty, of the spotted fever.’

‘Will you take the post, Ghiyas Beg? Prove your skill and industry and it may lead to more senior appointments.’

Ghiyas Beg looked transfigured with relief. ‘I will serve you in Kabul to the utmost of my ability, Majesty.’

‘See that you do.’

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